It's Kiddie Day Care Time

Aug 05, 2011 00:04

Who: popparazzi and YOU
When: some time after this post
Where: The safe house section of Out Post #1.
Format: Whichever you prefer~
What: Maes invades the outpost with children. He probably ends up on Byakuya's naughty list.

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spencer reid, elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, maes hughes, riza hawkeye

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firebornfidelis August 13 2011, 06:09:31 UTC
Riza lead the way into the room, a dog and a little boy in tow. She liked Miss Shirley a lot, but she felt bad that she and all the other children had been creating a ruckus in the clinic for so long that she thought it might be nice to at least remove herself and Spencer from the mess.

"He's nice," she explained to Spencer, meaning Hughes. "He helped me get out of that place full of guns where I woke up. And I think he's friends with somebody really really smart and trustworthy, so he must be good." Because in her eyes, anyone that was friends with Roy Mustang was beyond reproach.


firebornfidelis September 2 2011, 03:57:19 UTC
"I like books, too. My father has a big library downstairs that he lets me borrow from." And though he'd never expressly said she couldn't look at the books in the upstairs library in his study, she had always gotten the impression that they were sort of off limits. He didn't like her to be much in his study in the first place, much less reading the big heavy alchemy texts that filled the shelves in there.

"I take care of all the cooking and housework, too. Father's research is so important he forgets that kind of thing most of the time. But it isn't so bad. Cooking is kind of fun." Cleaning, on the other hand, is extremely boring but someone has to do it.

She hesitates as he gets up, trying to decide whether or not to follow him. She decides to stay put, ultimately, in case his getting up is partially in an effort to get away from her for a minute. She wouldn't deny him that.


threedoctorates September 3 2011, 03:29:51 UTC
"Cooking is like chemistry!" Spencer said, enthusiastically, "Putting ingredients together and seeing what type of reaction you have! Or, in this case, putting them together and hoping you get something edible out of it!"

Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all, he already felt that he had a friend in Riza, even though he never really had friends before. It wasn't often he could find someone to talk to that wasn't put off by his mind, or find someone who understood what it was like to become an adult much to early for their age.

When he gets up to go look, he takes a couple of steps before stopping and glancing over his shoulder, curious as to if she was following him or not. He wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to, he knew that he could be a bit burdensome at times, after all, his own father didn't want to deal with him, why would anyone else?

Finally, after a moment, he hesitantly asks, "... did you want to come? Maybe we could find something to eat too."


firebornfidelis September 4 2011, 04:28:41 UTC
"I guess it is. And making something new is like an experiment." She smiled, partly at his enthusiasm and partly because it was sort of like something in common between them. It was nice to have a friend - or at least that was how she was thinking of Spencer - because there hadn't ever really been anyone who'd wanted to get close to her and talk like this before ( ... )


threedoctorates September 4 2011, 05:29:25 UTC
Spencer's response was to smile at her and hold out his hand. Since he was the older one, he was making it his responsibility to watch out for her. "Well, they said they were would be food here, right? So let's go get some. I'm sure Mr. Hughes has to have some here for us."


firebornfidelis September 5 2011, 15:37:36 UTC
Friends hold hands, she'd seen them do it before, but she'd never had a friend like that. So when Spencer offered his hand, she hesitated a moment, more out of surprise than anything else. But he was smiling, so she smiled back and took his hand. That meant they were really friends.

She nodded. "Mr Hughes said there would be ice cream at least."


threedoctorates September 6 2011, 02:46:23 UTC
"You know him, right? Mr. Hughes, I mean." Spencer asked over his shoulder as his hand closed gently over her's and tugged her towards the food.


firebornfidelis September 7 2011, 00:29:52 UTC
She trailed a half step behind him, her shorter legs automatically trying to match step with Spencer. Hayate, as ever, stuck by her side.

"I know him a little. He seems really nice. He's a friend of Mr Mustang, so I'm sure he's all right."


threedoctorates September 8 2011, 05:56:48 UTC
Spencer nodded, remembering that Riza had said that Mr. Mustang was a student of her father's. While he hadn't met either man and was inherently distrustful of those he didn't know, he wasn't going to question Riza's judgment. If she trusted them, then he saw no reason not to, as he trusted her.

"If you think so," he said, trying to let her know that he trusted her opinion. He stopped by the table where some of the food was spread out, looking over the selections, before turning back to Riza, before pulling her forward so that she could get a better look.


firebornfidelis September 9 2011, 07:45:40 UTC
She wasn't the most outgoing of children, herself, and rarely got to the point of actually trusting anyone from outside her own home, much less any adults, but these were special circumstances. And Mr Hughes had been kind to her.

She took the last step up to the table when he gave her a tug and looked over the food. She hadn't ever really seen this much food in once place before, never really having gone to a party or anything of that sort before. She looked at Spencer first, as if waiting for some cue, before reaching out with the hand not holding his to take a little peach out of a fruit bowl.


threedoctorates September 9 2011, 23:54:48 UTC
"What do you like?" Spencer asked, as he made a grab for two plates. Being taller then Riza, he had taken it upon himself to make sure she got what she wanted and how much she wanted before he did.

In a way, he reflected in the back part of his mind, it almost felt like she was his little sister, but he didn't understand why he would be thinking that when he had only known her for a few days by this point. Maybe it was because they were both all alone and had banded together? He couldn't be sure, but it was certainly worth looking into later on.


firebornfidelis September 11 2011, 00:31:35 UTC
"Umm..." She scanned the table again, still flicking her eyes back to Spencer periodically. He reminded her a little bit of Mr Mustang - the younger version, the one that lived with her and her father - though she wasn't really sure why.

"The quiche looks good."


threedoctorates September 11 2011, 07:53:31 UTC
Spencer nods and reaches out for it, putting some on one of the plates. He ignores his own for the moment, fully planning on getting her settled with food of her own before getting his own.

"Anything else?"


firebornfidelis September 11 2011, 18:56:50 UTC
She watches him for a moment, curiously. Eyeing his empty plate and glancing back up at his face with some confusion.

"Isn't there stuff you want, too?"


threedoctorates September 12 2011, 00:39:20 UTC
"Of course." Spencer turns his head and gives Riza a smile, "But I'm making sure you have everything you want first." Because that's the most important thing right now.


firebornfidelis September 12 2011, 09:07:18 UTC
At that, she blinks confusedly for a moment. Why should that matter to him? But his smile draws one out of her, too, though it is more hesitant than his.

"You don't have to do that."


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