[OPEN] Priscilla's birthday bash!

Jul 10, 2011 21:24

When: 07/10/11, Late afternoon and ongoing
Where: Patrol HQ, Ballroom 2nd Floor
Format: Action, Prose-whatever works for you!
What: It’s a surprise party! Kind of.
Warnings: TBA

♫ ♪...It's Priscilla's party and she'll cry if she wants to~!♪ ♫ )

lust, senji "crow" kiyomasa, sebastian michaelis, teresa, asellus, verity kindle, arthur pendragon, priscilla, sousuke aizen, irene, angel, rigaldo, isley, buffy summers, riza hawkeye

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Comments 309

infidus July 11 2011, 06:17:37 UTC
[Normally, Aizen is not one to socialize, particularly with those he considers beneath him. And indeed, in this case, he wouldn't have attended at all...]

[Except for the identity of the party's recipient - or more, those arranging it for her. Of the two Kaien is the less interesting, though notable enough for his status as a walking corpse.]

[Isley, on the other hand, well.]

[Let's just say Aizen was stirred from his work if only from sheer curiosity. What sort of party does such a person put together? Would there be men roasting over an open flame? Well, probably not, but the idea was amusing enough.]

[As it happens, it's a pleasant enough affair - subdued, despite that music, and featuring a rather fascinating guest list.]

[All in all, not a terrible way to waste an evening, if one needed to be wasted.]


atonementsucks July 13 2011, 02:09:28 UTC
[Okay. Buffy said to mingle. He can completely do that. And there's something about the way this guy carries himself that piques Angel's interest, so here he is. Mingling.]

So... you come to parties like this often?

[....wait, is that mingling, or hitting on? Dammit.]


infidus July 14 2011, 02:48:57 UTC
[...Aizen gives Angel a long, mildly curious look.]

I wouldn't say so, no.


You feel of death.


atonementsucks July 14 2011, 04:02:03 UTC
[...okay then. Time to switch to slightly-more-serious mode.]

Funny. You're not the first person to tell me that.


charmprince July 11 2011, 06:19:43 UTC
[Asellus isn't one to wander the center of everything, especially after the week's events, which have left her even more inclined to hermitage, but this was a special case-- for Priscilla, someone she respected and honestly liked, Asellus has even dressed in something at least vaguely appropriate, and she's making an effort to be good company.

If it were for anyone else, though, she probably wouldn't have even gone to the trouble. But Pris deserves a good birthday, especially with how bad things had been lately. Something happy and memorable. So Asellus stays near the edges and smiles and smiles, intent on having a good time.]


supercilious July 11 2011, 11:28:24 UTC
[ Arthur is actively keeping an eye out for Asellus, and when he spots her familiar green tresses he nabs two glasses of red wine from the refreshment table and comes over to crash her wallflower act. ]


[ There's not a shred of armour in sight. He's all in black tonight, though still tunic and breeches rather than anything modern. He cups the base of a glass and wafts it temptingly in front of her. ]

Fancy a drink?


charmprince July 11 2011, 20:16:19 UTC
Eh? [She's a little surprised, but she grins and takes the proffered glass.] Oh, evening, Arthur. A drink sounds pretty wonderful right now, thank you.

[She's been munching berries and hanging back for a while, but she hadn't really been paying much attention to the other partygoers. It's a nice, relatively quiet thing, and she's surprised to find she's actually relaxing.]

Enjoying the party?


supercilious July 11 2011, 22:28:03 UTC
[ Arthur shrugs a shoulder, takes a sip of his drink. ]

It's all right. I always seem to forget that parties here aren't like the ones back home.

[ He scans the crowd thoughtfully, and then glances back to her, eyebrow raised. ]

And yourself?


calamitousnaiad July 11 2011, 07:20:44 UTC
[Verity mingles in the crowd at the party only slightly hesitantly. She's still a little unsure on what the overall manners and societal expectations are in this place, but she has relaxed some since first arriving. She was slightly concerned that her day dress wouldn't be fancy enough for a party like this, but she hadn't had a lot of extra money being that she's only managed to pick up a few little jobs here and there thus far. The political climate hadn't exactly been the best for a scorched woman looking for a job the last few days. She had managed to get a bustle jacket and a pair of tall boots to cover her long legs. In any case, she was sure her cobbled-together outfit was better than the plimsolls and slat dress she'd arrived in.

She doesn't really know very many people here - and certainly none of the particularly well - but a party is always a good place to make acquaintances.]


demon_andbutler July 11 2011, 16:17:05 UTC
[Oshit, Verity, it's a butler, get in the car!

... I mean, Sebastian just happens to notice her as he's working the crowd with a tray of salmon puffs. She looks familiar, and he can place her after a moment or two: the young lady interested in history, particularly the 1880s. Yes, that's definitely her. He swoops in from behind, appearing with almost inhuman grace and a soft, professional smile.]

Good afternoon, Miss Kindle. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Might I interest you in an hors d'oeuvres?


calamitousnaiad July 13 2011, 01:43:11 UTC
[She recognizes his method of dress first and his voice second and correctly identifies him as the butler she had spoken to the day she arrived. Oh good lord. It isn't even fair. He's even less butlery looking than Baine! What is the world coming to when every butler is young and attractive?]

Yes, thank you Michaelis.

[She takes the offered salmon puff daintily but does not eat it quite yet. No need to be unladylike, particularly in front of a Victorian, even (or especially?) if he is a butler. She maintains the proper air of detached formality and limited warmth while internally cursing the fact that he isn't the old man Jeeves type. The high society women would at least have been safe from him then.]

I suppose you handled much of the organization of this party. You must be a very good butler indeed. Its a wonder none of the local families have tried to steal you away from the Patrol.


The Victorian-ness of your tag makes me SO HAPPY demon_andbutler July 13 2011, 03:34:53 UTC
[Goodness, she really does know her stuff, doesn't she? He knows he didn't tell her to call him Michaelis, but nevertheless she knows that is the proper way to address a butler.]

Ah - please, Miss Kindle, call me Sebastian.

[He's interested to see her reaction to that, to gauge just how much she knows about the customs of his time. He smiles politely as she continues to speak to him. She even sounds as though she could be one of the budding ladies of society back in London. Very curious.]

Thank you, that is quite kind of you to say. I did work with a native philanthropist to organise a garden party last month, actually. But he did not offer me a permanent position. After the events of the last few days, however, I cannot say I blame him.


supercilious July 11 2011, 12:18:10 UTC
[ It's a good thing Lust's baking only tastes poisonous, or Arthur wouldn't be here tonight. But it's not exactly a great effort to attend, given his rooms are just down the hall. (Attempting to sleep in his bed or vomiting on his doorstep would be a spectacularly bad idea. Fortunately this doesn't seem to be that sort of party.) It makes sneaking in the gifts in a horribly embarrassed sort of way rather easier. ]

[ Arthur's hair is still wet when he first arrives, curling a little behind his ears. He has dressed all in black, a simple outfit in the style of his time, the fabric rich and soft. The heat means he's rolled up the long sleeves and left the laces of the collar wide. Apart from his ring he wears no other adornments, not even a dagger at the hip, a rare display. ]

[ But despite his informal appearance, Arthur is restrained and polite, avoiding lengthy conversations, approachable but not approaching. He spends a full forty-five minutes poring over his Tanabata wish, and glaring at anyone coming close enough to read over his ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud July 12 2011, 06:16:49 UTC
Au-rin, Au-rin!

[Out of the crowd she zooms, appearing at his side to tug with almost obnoxious persistence at his sleeve.]

Hi, Au-rin!


supercilious July 13 2011, 00:59:31 UTC
Hullo, Yachiru.

[ It amuses him that his nickname is now only two syllables. Her noisiness breaks though his reserve. Turning, he bends and picks her up easily. ]

Enjoying the party?


inpiecesofcloud July 13 2011, 01:49:00 UTC
[She throws her arms around his neck as he picks her up and gives him a little kiss on the cheek in greeting.]

Yeah, it's really fun! And the food's good, too! And a bunch of my favorite people are here!


demon_andbutler July 11 2011, 16:05:33 UTC
[If you see Sebastian, he's doing what he does best: serving. He'll be walking by with a tray, offering you a beverage of alcoholic or non-alcoholic content alike, or perhaps asking if you would like an hors d'oeuvres, or perhaps just pointing you to the buffet or gift table. And how about that tanabata tree? That's Japanese, he thinks.

It's just one party of many in during the time of year that would be called the Season back in London. He looks as though he's catered a million events like this, as any decent butler should.]


>.> firebornfidelis July 13 2011, 02:00:58 UTC
[Absently watching the other party-goers, Riza isn't thinking too hard about where she's going. She moves slowly in any case and she doesn't realize how distracted she's become until she bumps into someone.]

Excuse me.

[... oh hell.]


(yay)! demon_andbutler July 13 2011, 04:01:18 UTC
[Yes, Riza, the gods are just conspiring against you in every possible way. He flashes her a professional smile.]

Miss Hawkeye. What a pleasure it is to see you again.

[He happens to be making the rounds with the tray of wine, and so offers it to her.]

Might I interest you in a glass? The claret is quite good as a summer wine, although the chardonnay has been chilled if you happen to be feeling the effects of this heat...

[Aaand he might be giving her outfit a once over. Just to gauge whether she dressed smartly for the weather. Of course.]


(unsure)!! firebornfidelis July 13 2011, 06:25:06 UTC
[Of all the people to just bump into. Why, why. Also oh my god why is he looking at her like that? She's starting to feel like her sleeveless blouse and calf-length skirt aren't enough clothes, despite the heat.]

Yes, likewise. Hello Sebastian.

[She glances at the tray and then back at Sebastian, keeping her countenance carefully calm.]

No thank you. I'm fine.


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