
Apr 09, 2011 19:05

where The 2nd floor ballroom of the newly rebuilt Patrol Headquarters.
when Saturday, the 9th!
format Opening is in action, but do what you like.
what A party to celebrate The Reopening of the HQ and the return of Arthur!

Come On, Come All to the Parteh. Unless you're Evil. )

senji "crow" kiyomasa, stephanie brown, heine rammsteiner, john, priscilla, yachiru kusajishi, elena, malfatto, merlin, prussia, scar, spike, mami tomoe, zack fair, dawn summers, arthur pendragon, gin ichimaru, allen walker, sophia, quatre raberba winner, riza hawkeye

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Comments 318

girl_unlocking April 10 2011, 02:02:25 UTC
[Didn't she say she'd meet Heine here? Well, she's here, but she doesn't look particularly happy about it. Everything is beautiful - impressively so, but the paper birds earn a frown, and she edges toward the wall until she's leaning against it. She knows most of these people. Somehow it feels as if she doesn't, really. Everything: awkward.

Oh look, small cubes of cheese.

She'll be taking one of those now. Scanning the crowd. Avoiding your gaze, whoever you are. And no, she didn't bring any muffins.]


HI. STEPH WILL LOITER WITH DAWN TILL HEINE SHOWS UP :3 breakspromises April 10 2011, 02:12:37 UTC
Steph arrived soon as the party started. She was dressed in a dress that she managed to find in the market place. Fashion wasn't too bad here in Anatole. She managed to get some curls in her hair through braiding and twisting. She definitely missed having a curling iron. Now she knew how MacGuyver felt. She went by the food table and saw a familiar face.

"Hey Dawn," she said with a smile.



DJHAJKHK girl_unlocking April 10 2011, 02:33:45 UTC
[It's hard to manage a proper hello with a mouth full of cheese. Hand in front of her mouth, she chews, swallows and forces out a muffled greeting.]


[Oh, look it's Stephanie. You have good hair again, Steph. And you're not a liar or a jerk or a murdering fuckhead.]

There's cheese here.

[Dawn. Has forgotten the art of smalltalk. Come on babble, where are you? She fiddles with her sleeve a little.]

Your dress is cute.

[They may have! I mean I am good with a handwave for that IF YOU WANT.]


breakspromises April 10 2011, 02:40:07 UTC
[Steph smile grew. A bit amused by Dawn's mouth being full of cheese.]

Thanks, I'll grab some. [She reaches over and pops in a cube of cheese. It was good.]

Thanks, I like your dress too.

[Yes let's handwave so Steph can socialize with someone here lol]


pratservant April 10 2011, 02:27:48 UTC
[Merlin wouldn't say that he was excited for the party. Oh, it's not that he dreaded it or anything. And despite his humble upbringing in Ealdor, he had attended a few parties in Camelot. Well...he'd mostly served at them. But at least he was there.

Sure, this was his first party in Anatole and Rapunzel's decorations were beautiful and it was in part a celebration for Arthur's return. But excited? It's not like he's a giant girl or anything.

So why does he look so happy? It's just because he doesn't have to wear a ridiculous hat to this one.]


supercilious April 10 2011, 06:17:41 UTC
[ Merlin looks happy. Which is good, it's always good, especially these days when smiles can be hard-won. But it also ignites Arthur's urge to tease him - just a little. Arthur's in a surprisingly good mood himself, but it's boisterous and lends well to bullying. So it is that he knocks shoulders with Merlin a little roughly as a greeting, surveying the party by his side. ]

Tried any of the food yet?


pratservant April 10 2011, 09:35:09 UTC
[Considering that Arthur has a few pounds on him, and pure muscle at that, it's to Merlin's credit that he doesn't stumble more than a step. He takes the gesture for what it is though, Arthur's own style of greeting, pure in intentions even if a bit macho.]

No, I thought I'd give everyone else a chance first.

[He points to some of the birds and butterfly decorations hanging above them.]

Be sure to thank Rapunzel. And Priscilla.


supercilious April 11 2011, 05:16:11 UTC
Please, I do have some manners, you know. [ like the spoiled brat who goes from monster to sweetheart when the rich aunt is around. or... maybe a little nicer than that. but only a little. ]

Now, come on. [ and just like that Merlin's being grabbed by the elbow and tugged towards the trestle tables covered in snacks, his answer completely ignored. Arthur heads away from anything remotely familiar to a table filled with strange brightly coloured manufactured foods that were far beyond Camelot's time. ]

Fairly sure none of this's got rat in it.


musketsandtea April 10 2011, 05:33:03 UTC
[It really was a wonderful party. She'd met the girl who made the decorations, and she was very bright and cheerful. She'd made sure to congratulate her on her hard work, of course.

Now, however, she was standing off to the side for a bit, sipping her tea in contentment. She was quite pleased to have found some Darjeeling at a decent price. Perhaps the people in Anatole weren't aware of its value back home.

She hadn't been to a party in such a long time... She couldn't exactly remember how to socialize in such situations.]


sandrocker April 11 2011, 00:29:22 UTC
[next to her, quatre appears! he seems very happy to see her. (because he is.)]

Mami, I'm glad you came.


musketsandtea April 11 2011, 01:39:52 UTC
[She's pleased to see a friendly face and smiles.]

Hello, Quatre. I figured I should, particularly when it's been so long since I attended a party.


sandrocker April 11 2011, 01:42:42 UTC
[ohgod, mami. you're so cute. ):]

Really! That's a shame. [not that...really likes most parties when he thinks about it.] Are you enjoying this one?


supercilious April 10 2011, 06:02:07 UTC
[ Arthur is hardly unused to events where he is the guest of honour. Yet Anatolean parties are so different, and this is the first he has attended upon his return. It is far more extravagant than the quiet celebration at the Ramen shop had been, and that at least is comfortingly familiar. But there are still strange foods and strange faces.

Regardless, Arthur knows a chance to network when he sees one, and he seeks out those he hasn't met before - he will always prefer an introduction in person to one made over the Forge. And it is easy to flit from shallow conversation to shallow conversation. It's talking with the people he already knows that Arthur starts to fall a little flat. ]


OOPS SORRY YOU KNOW HER, DEAR. yetsleeping April 10 2011, 23:33:02 UTC

[Like a bee on a line. Or something like that. Some kind of colloquialism that she doesn't understand. In any case, Priscilla pops up behind him - where previously there had been nothing but empty air, with a smile and a chocolate covered strawberry.]

[That's for her.]

[In fact she takes a bite between saying his name and saying...]

Do you like the decorations? What about the colors? I'm sorry there aren't any feathers and that you don't have a hat.


supercilious April 11 2011, 02:31:42 UTC
[ Arthur doesn't answer her questions. He's staring at what she has in her hand. ]

What's wrong with your strawberry?


yetsleeping April 11 2011, 07:44:45 UTC
[The strawberry in question is halfway to her mouth again.]

Hm? What?

It's covered in chocolate.

I know! Who would have thought to do that?


clawofsin April 10 2011, 09:54:16 UTC
[Senji isn't especially excited to be here. Parties in Anatole never seem to go well for him, and it was a bit of a thorn in the side of his inner cynic to expect this one to go any differently.]

[But the decorations are... festive, and the other guests are... something, and after all the HQ is better than ever and Arthur is back when he's needed most, so here Senji is as a showing of support. Or to get wasted.]

[Either way, he leans with his back against the wall, ignoring the chairs, and wonders how long it took what's-her-face to put up all those paper birds.]


yetsleeping April 10 2011, 23:33:53 UTC
[Oops, what's that? Priscilla pops up next to him, and immediately drops her head onto his shoulder.]

You came.


clawofsin April 11 2011, 07:00:37 UTC
[which of course causes him to squirm out of the way, good job, Pris.]

What-- stop doing that! Why do you always...

[oh wait did she say something]

--I mean, of course I came. Not like I got anything else to do.


yetsleeping April 11 2011, 07:47:20 UTC
[This earns a stare. A STARE.]

[She steps closer to him, looking rather intent.]


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