
Apr 09, 2011 19:05

where The 2nd floor ballroom of the newly rebuilt Patrol Headquarters.
when Saturday, the 9th!
format Opening is in action, but do what you like.
what A party to celebrate The Reopening of the HQ and the return of Arthur!

Come On, Come All to the Parteh. Unless you're Evil. )

senji "crow" kiyomasa, stephanie brown, heine rammsteiner, john, priscilla, yachiru kusajishi, elena, malfatto, merlin, prussia, scar, spike, mami tomoe, zack fair, dawn summers, arthur pendragon, gin ichimaru, allen walker, sophia, quatre raberba winner, riza hawkeye

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pratservant April 10 2011, 02:27:48 UTC
[Merlin wouldn't say that he was excited for the party. Oh, it's not that he dreaded it or anything. And despite his humble upbringing in Ealdor, he had attended a few parties in Camelot. Well...he'd mostly served at them. But at least he was there.

Sure, this was his first party in Anatole and Rapunzel's decorations were beautiful and it was in part a celebration for Arthur's return. But excited? It's not like he's a giant girl or anything.

So why does he look so happy? It's just because he doesn't have to wear a ridiculous hat to this one.]


supercilious April 10 2011, 06:17:41 UTC
[ Merlin looks happy. Which is good, it's always good, especially these days when smiles can be hard-won. But it also ignites Arthur's urge to tease him - just a little. Arthur's in a surprisingly good mood himself, but it's boisterous and lends well to bullying. So it is that he knocks shoulders with Merlin a little roughly as a greeting, surveying the party by his side. ]

Tried any of the food yet?


pratservant April 10 2011, 09:35:09 UTC
[Considering that Arthur has a few pounds on him, and pure muscle at that, it's to Merlin's credit that he doesn't stumble more than a step. He takes the gesture for what it is though, Arthur's own style of greeting, pure in intentions even if a bit macho.]

No, I thought I'd give everyone else a chance first.

[He points to some of the birds and butterfly decorations hanging above them.]

Be sure to thank Rapunzel. And Priscilla.


supercilious April 11 2011, 05:16:11 UTC
Please, I do have some manners, you know. [ like the spoiled brat who goes from monster to sweetheart when the rich aunt is around. or... maybe a little nicer than that. but only a little. ]

Now, come on. [ and just like that Merlin's being grabbed by the elbow and tugged towards the trestle tables covered in snacks, his answer completely ignored. Arthur heads away from anything remotely familiar to a table filled with strange brightly coloured manufactured foods that were far beyond Camelot's time. ]

Fairly sure none of this's got rat in it.


pratservant April 11 2011, 13:23:36 UTC
[Merlin glances back over his shoulder as they pass by the food he would've chosen...had he been allowed to choose. He surveys the table with raised eyebrows.]

At least I would recognize rat. Is that a bowl of pills? Why do they all have an 'M' on them?

[His stomach growls...but mostly in protest.]


supercilious April 11 2011, 14:23:35 UTC
[ Arthur looks at the food in question and then grabs it. They're very throwable, but even if this isn't Camelot, this party is still in his honour, so he restrains himself. ]

M for Merlin!

[ Grabbing a couple of green ones - green was a normal food colour, after all - and offering the bowl to Merlin. There is perhaps a hint of challenge in his eye. ]

I will if you will.


pratservant April 11 2011, 15:01:16 UTC
[Merlin looks less than convinced. And the flashbacks of taste-testing troll potions...oh, the flashbacks.

Merlin gingerly reaches into the bowl.]

They feel like river stones. Are you sure we're supposed to eat them?

[He meets Arthur's eyes and tilts his head a bit.]

This isn't one of those times where you say you'll do something too and I end up being the only one doing it, is it?


supercilious April 11 2011, 22:05:09 UTC
[ That was the plan! ]

Of course not. On three!

One, two...


pratservant April 11 2011, 23:25:19 UTC
[You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool--


Merlin dropped a couple of the candies into his mouth, his face an expression of uncertainty.]

I don't like how they slide around. Do they have egg shell on them?

[He gingerly crunches down on one and...looks a shade surprised.]

They're not bad...whatever they are.


supercilious April 12 2011, 00:23:24 UTC
[ As Merlin isn't making a oh-god-what's-in-my-mouth face, Arthur tosses the candies he's holding back. ]

Oh, they're chocolate.

[ He'd love to be all smug smug I know something you don't, but he's too busy looking really pleased. ]


pratservant April 12 2011, 01:48:53 UTC
What's that?

[He takes a few more as he asks. Look out for him to be hyper in the near future.]

How can they all taste the same when they're different colors?


supercilious April 12 2011, 03:28:13 UTC
How should I know?

[ he wants to say "magic", but he's not quite ready to be that flip yet. ]

Chocolate's splendid. [ glancing around for something else that looks like it could be made with the stuff. except, hm, no, that's definitely gravy... and that's seedcake... and who knows what that bowl of stuff that looks like clouds is... ]


pratservant April 12 2011, 04:41:20 UTC
Well, you just seemed to know.

[He sighs and inspects the table with a little more courage now.]

It's a bit rich for me. What's this?

[Merlin picks up a mini-eggroll and bites down into it.]


[He looks insanely pleased by the fact.]


supercilious April 12 2011, 05:10:24 UTC
[ Arthur scoffs. ] Cabbage.

[ but then he's making essentially the same expression when he bites into what turns out to be a tiny meat pie, his original intention of tormenting Merlin with terrible foreign food forgotten. ]


pratservant April 12 2011, 18:16:04 UTC
Are you going to have a go at dancing? I heard someone else mention it.


supercilious April 13 2011, 04:15:19 UTC
[ Arthur doesn't even know what to say to this. He doesn't particularly want to dance with anybody. But if there was to be dancing it would be rude not to take part... ]

Er. I suppose, if I must...


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