
Apr 09, 2011 19:05

where The 2nd floor ballroom of the newly rebuilt Patrol Headquarters.
when Saturday, the 9th!
format Opening is in action, but do what you like.
what A party to celebrate The Reopening of the HQ and the return of Arthur!

Come On, Come All to the Parteh. Unless you're Evil. )

senji "crow" kiyomasa, stephanie brown, heine rammsteiner, john, priscilla, yachiru kusajishi, elena, malfatto, merlin, prussia, scar, spike, mami tomoe, zack fair, dawn summers, arthur pendragon, gin ichimaru, allen walker, sophia, quatre raberba winner, riza hawkeye

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Comments 318

whitenighting April 10 2011, 10:44:28 UTC
[ ... You know Allen can't particularly say he enjoyed the last party he attended. Helped put together, actually. Something that's... rather not his thing, but part of him enjoys?  Not the party, but... It's nice, seeing people laugh and smile and take a moment. Especially since it seems behaved. Always a little odd in the way that makes him smile and not know why, happy to watch and perhaps be surprised by someone nudging him in the side over. So he'll linger over by the trays of food and keep covertly sneaking a steady stream of snacks. ...Without... being impolite about it. More like a sleight of hand. The appetite is nothing he can help; really he's a little apologetic .

But, he's... hanging back a little for other reasons, too. Preoccupied still, the way an otherwise polite and friendly smile at eye contact might slip a bit a moment later when he thinks someone isn't looking. Of the Fourteenth in his body appearing and then vanishing, of...? Well, everything. Enough to weigh, but by now when there's nothing left to do right now ( ... )


sandrocker April 11 2011, 01:17:19 UTC

[sup, he kind of just...slips in behind there. it was for snacks, but quatre recognized an old friend. who he is not at all surprised to see near the food. he remembers his appetite! (it was kind of concerning.)]


whitenighting April 11 2011, 01:34:14 UTC
[ T-there's nothing to be concerned about! He's just... um... like this. There's a reason, really. ]

[ There's a slight blink at the call of his name. But he turns-a brief moment of trying to place the other's face-before he nods a touch in recognition. ]

Quatre? From the Forge a few days ago? [ A smile. ]

It's nice to see you. [ Actually meet this time? ]


sandrocker April 11 2011, 01:40:38 UTC
You, too.

[softer smile. then:]

How are you settling in?


regionseizer April 10 2011, 16:48:50 UTC
[ Prussia loves a good party. Like. Fun parties, not stupid ceremonial events and things like that and yes, he is here! ready to drink your booze and get in your personal space and maybe also recruit. because imposing on the hierarchy of another military structure isn't completely unheard of.

and besides, he looks awesome. don't ask how he got his hands on it, he'll just... smirk and say something about "blockade running" but. yes. he's sketchy.

and making a beeline for the booze. ]


wellsuited April 10 2011, 17:43:10 UTC
[Despite the word 'party' being involved, Elena always makes time for Patrol functions. It isn't the booze or the socializing or the free food, it's the opportunist in her that sees these functions as way of forging new bonds and strengthening old ones.

He isn't the only one trying to recruit, you know.

But something has distracted her from that. And while she doesn't normally hang out with the heavy drinkers, there's something undeniably attractive about Prussia. And she just has to let him know.]

That's the nicest uniform I've ever seen...


regionseizer April 10 2011, 19:29:26 UTC
[ He grins, not even bothering to bite back a laugh. (For the record, it's just as impressive in the back as it is in the front!) ]

It's fifteenth Hussaren regiment! I'd have gone with a higher rank, normally, but I'm sort of separated from my issue by about a dimension-slash-century.

[ he lifts his glass in a bit of a toast. ]



wellsuited April 10 2011, 22:24:43 UTC
[She circles around him, nodding at most of his words. She draws a blank on 'Hussaren', but the military-type terms are more familiar to her.]

That's a shame. I had to have native suits modified into Turk uniforms. Most people probably wouldn't even know the difference, but...

[Elena knows. She frowns a bit as she continues.]

Plus they act like it's so weird for a woman to buy and wear a man's suit.

[A blink at his toast, and just to be polite, she grabs a drink to return it.]


[That is totally what he said, okay.]


smolder_proof April 10 2011, 20:39:09 UTC
[Rapunzel had never been to a party before. She'd wanted to make it a special occasion, so she'd made a new dress and even got some of the local girls to help braid her hair. She thought she looked decent enough. Her decorations didn't look too bad, either.

But what she liked the most was everyone there. They'd all been so friendly and nice! If parties were like this all the time, she'd always go!]


supercilious April 11 2011, 02:12:27 UTC
[ Arthur had never spoken to Rapunzel, but he knew her by sight, and sidled up to her when he spotted her in the crowd. ]

You're responsible for these excellent decorations, if I'm correct.


smolder_proof April 11 2011, 02:18:11 UTC
[She smiles at this man she doesn't know. That's what parties were for, right? Making new friends and all that?]

That'd be me! I'm so glad everyone seems to like them. I was a little worried they'd be too plain.


supercilious April 13 2011, 04:09:13 UTC
They're very elegant. And red and gold are my favorite colours.


OH YEAH I SHOULD DO THIS. sandrocker April 10 2011, 21:06:46 UTC
[quatre doesn't know arthur very well, but he decided to attend. because he does know most everyone else here, even vaguely, and it seems...not right to attend for them. besides, he can meet arthur better! maybe.

for now, he is flitting from one person to the next. like a butterfly. hope you like chatting, quatre is persistent!]


Plurk me if this isn't ok & I shall edit! supercilious April 11 2011, 02:16:35 UTC
[ two blond social butterflies who barely know each other! of course they should meet!

however, probably not quite as physically as this: Arthur, normally quite graceful, has just turned away from one conversation only to back right into someone. his quick reflexes stop him from dropping his drink. he's instantly annoyed, more because he knows this was his fault than because of the actual collision. ]

Watch where you're going!


it's totally fine. <3 sandrocker April 11 2011, 02:34:39 UTC
[there is a total >:| face, for a moment. mostly because he was watching where he was going, don't blame him! but quatre has a good grip on his temper and lets it go. it was just a bump, anyway.]

Sorry... Are you alright?


supercilious April 11 2011, 02:47:03 UTC
I'm fine.

[ the apology does wonders to placate him, but he still doesn't offer one in return. instead he nods to punctuate his words. ]

And you? Enjoying the party?


malfattore April 10 2011, 21:09:05 UTC
{This was probably THE WORST IDEA... but... true be it, he wanted to see who'd be milling about this ludicrous affair. In and out, mind all potential exits (hey, if he had to jump out a window, he would), and remain as incognito as possible.

Liiiiikely not an easy task considering the birdface, and, you know, the whole whore massacre/Riza slaughter, but.

Why not.

Peering about behind tinted goggles, taking in the crowd, noting faces and mannerisms, he begins a pace along the perimeter of the room.

At least the paper bird deco is cute?}


sonvisage April 10 2011, 21:37:18 UTC
[It is cute, but you know what would be cuter? Ivories. Maybe even a whole bag of them just discarded somewhere by someone that no longer needed them because they were oh, I don't know EATEN BY A DOOR MAYBE?

No such luck.

Maybe if she charged for dances?

At that rate she'd have to dance with everyone and GOD HOW THE FUCK WAS SHE EVEN IN THIS MESS.

Why are you in her way, suddenly? Her sense of direction is just fine, it's your fault for being in the way of the elsewhere her boobs she was heading.]

Excuse you.


malfattore April 10 2011, 21:50:34 UTC
{It was sort of like being targeted by a Macy's Day Parade balloon, wrapped to the nines in exquisite dressing and a painfully sour look on its face.

Standing there unmoving like a stark, black pike from the ground, he regards her with the same blankness he offers everyone.

Kind of hard not to, all things considered.}

Apologies, dear. {And a sidestep out of her way} It seems your extremities are causing a dysfunction with your depth perception.

Dangerous, that.

{The words are said with a subtle gesture, a nod toward the torpedoes.}

You're not leaving already, are you? Waste of a lovely dress.


sonvisage April 10 2011, 22:07:38 UTC
[Why do his apologies sound like they are anything but? Ugh. This is the same shit she does to people and it is so not appreciated at the moment. You in your black in the shadows being so easy to run into and extremities what. WHAT.]


...depth perception is just fine. You were in my way.

[Headtilt. Oh. It's you. It's because of you there was awkwardness with the dogs. And the Colonel. Tears in his eyes and she couldn't even make fun of him because what the fuck is this having a conscience shit?] Is it? Dangerous?

[Lately it is a thorn in her side. And she's not getting any richer standing here.]

I was. Do you wish to negotiate for me to stay?


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