// 001. [video]

Sep 24, 2011 23:16

[A soft click as it's set on the surface of the table. (This is what starts the feed) A soft curl of auburn hair swaying past. Soft breath cut short by the press of teeth to lip and a soft hum to seal it ( Read more... )

simon tam, xerxes break, rigaldo, jon snow, priscilla, asellus, alphonse elric, !sansa stark, riza hawkeye, lelouch vi britannia

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Comments 144

[video] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 03:30:38 UTC
[Seeing the bruise and the general appearance of the girl, Simon decides to step in.]

My name is Simon Tam. I'm a doctor. You look like you had a rough arrival here.

Do you need any help? I'm still trying to figure out this place myself, but it seems like from what I've gathered, we can't go home. So I am trying to find someplace new to live. I could meet you somewhere in the city. Also, I hear there's a clinic. I might be working there soon.


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 03:43:23 UTC
[She looks up sharply, blinks. Searches for the voice. Her eyes are very wide, but she doesn't move otherwise. And she's looking past the Forge. Sure, the woman that had pointed her toward the building had been slightly helpful, but she certainly hadn't told her that these things talk at you.

Her first thought is that she's gone mad. And she hears your words, Simon, but---
(Simon he said Simon not Simeon Star Eyes and that's just a lie)

Her second thought is---]

Now you choose to listen? Now?

[Are you one of the seven or one of the old gods? Sorry, but that sounds pretty rational to her right about now.]


[video] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 13:48:01 UTC
[Simon notices that he's startled her.]


[Simon curses in Mandarin]

- that's what I am. I should have noticed you didn't seem to be paying attention. Erm, sorry. Did you not realize that you were broadcasting to the network?

I didn't mean to startle you. And I would have listened earlier, but this is as far as I know your first broadcast. So I didn't really get the chance.

[He examines her clothing, her demeanor.]

Look, I'm pretty sure we come from very different worlds. So some of what I might say or do might be confusing. But I'm just as confused as you are, and I want to help you.


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 15:07:20 UTC
[She's standing by now, and she can see you there on the screen, kind of.]

Paying attention. [That and the fact that he's just apologized are the only words that seem to make any sense at the moment.] My first...

...what do you mean, ser?

[She's stepped just a little closer, looking down and around the room again before fixing her gaze on the Forge. About to reach toward the screen but stopping herself just shy of further movement.]

To help me. Why should you want to do that?


How is it that I can see you? Is that you? There? [Pointing now.]


charmprince September 25 2011, 03:36:26 UTC
[It's a sound of concern. This is a young one, isn't she?]

Hey, what's this? No need to cry. Are you new?


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 03:57:17 UTC
[Another voice. And from the same direction. That thing she'd set down? Is it flickering across the top? She can't be sure.]

I'm sorry, but that's---

---that's not true! I-I shouldn't. I know. It isn't seemly of me, but there's nothing left to do but cry.

I don't understand. New?

[The woman who'd directed here had implied as much. How could this disembodied voice know?]


[video] charmprince September 25 2011, 04:02:21 UTC
New, like you're... not from here. This is your first time here?

Anyway, 'seemly' doesn't matter right now. But it's not helping you to cry, is it? I mean, it might feel better... but--

[Wait, that's not the best approach. Asellus-nee mode, activate!]

Why don't you tell me why you're crying, and we can sort things out a little.


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 15:19:12 UTC
Is this not the Vale?

[Not even sure if she wants that confirmed, but better she know where she is, right? Right.]

Is ...is this even Westeros?

[How can you say that it doesn't matter? That must be easy for a disembodied voice, or s sorcerous ...metal tapestry? FORGE. WHAT ARE YOU. But she's closer now, and her eyes widen a little. Less frightened (just a bit) - more curious.]


[But it could be a ploy, couldn't it? And those are dangerous, lengthy answers. But it's not sense that drives her right now, so:]

I miss my family. This place is strange and unfamiliar, and I...

...I want to go...



video silvereyedlion September 25 2011, 04:14:25 UTC
[Why hello there new girl. You know what you probably miss right now? Really unwelcoming people.]

Do you intend to shrivel up and die?


video isherarmor September 25 2011, 04:34:35 UTC
[Shock, horror and kind of a glare. Rude disembodied voice is rude.

But she does pause a moment before answering.]


Why would you ask such a thing?


video silvereyedlion September 25 2011, 04:41:22 UTC
You're sitting in your room shivering and crying where everyone can see you. It's obvious that you've been on the streets, but what do you expect to accomplish like this?


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 15:25:18 UTC
On the streets? I don't know what you---

---I'm not trying to accomplish anything, I---


---everyone? What do you mean everyone?


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[Voice] isherarmor September 25 2011, 04:51:44 UTC
But I've already asked. Every day. Every day since---

[A small shake of her head.]

And just before. Before I came out of the mist and the trees. It's not a proper godswood, but the Eyrie didn't have a proper---

I prayed. I asked. I did, I swear. And none of you were listening!

[She draws a shaky breath and attempts to stand. It doesn't prove difficult as she'd imagined. There's a wince underneath her wary expression, but it's only slight. And she can see the Forge better now.]


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[Voice] isherarmor September 25 2011, 15:34:17 UTC
[She's close enough that she realizes that she can't see a moving picture. Does that mean something different?]

Who are you, that you hear me? Are you one of the old gods or the new? Or the ghost of one who's come before?

[Am I only half-dead? A place between the afterlife and not?]

You know where to find me?


[video] transitorychild September 25 2011, 04:50:44 UTC
[She looks to him like a little orphan girl whom nobody would miss. This is why he decides to take notice and say anything at all. His mind tends to work in mysterious ways...]

Crying doesn't fix things, you know. It just makes your face red and your eyes puffy.


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 15:39:40 UTC
I know it won't fix anything. [Congratulations, stranger, she is indignantly wiping at her eyes now. And pressing her fingers there.]

They're not---

[They totally are puffy.]


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