// 001. [video]

Sep 24, 2011 23:16

[A soft click as it's set on the surface of the table. (This is what starts the feed) A soft curl of auburn hair swaying past. Soft breath cut short by the press of teeth to lip and a soft hum to seal it ( Read more... )

simon tam, xerxes break, rigaldo, jon snow, priscilla, asellus, alphonse elric, !sansa stark, riza hawkeye, lelouch vi britannia

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[video] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 03:30:38 UTC
[Seeing the bruise and the general appearance of the girl, Simon decides to step in.]

My name is Simon Tam. I'm a doctor. You look like you had a rough arrival here.

Do you need any help? I'm still trying to figure out this place myself, but it seems like from what I've gathered, we can't go home. So I am trying to find someplace new to live. I could meet you somewhere in the city. Also, I hear there's a clinic. I might be working there soon.


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 03:43:23 UTC
[She looks up sharply, blinks. Searches for the voice. Her eyes are very wide, but she doesn't move otherwise. And she's looking past the Forge. Sure, the woman that had pointed her toward the building had been slightly helpful, but she certainly hadn't told her that these things talk at you.

Her first thought is that she's gone mad. And she hears your words, Simon, but---
(Simon he said Simon not Simeon Star Eyes and that's just a lie)

Her second thought is---]

Now you choose to listen? Now?

[Are you one of the seven or one of the old gods? Sorry, but that sounds pretty rational to her right about now.]


[video] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 13:48:01 UTC
[Simon notices that he's startled her.]


[Simon curses in Mandarin]

- that's what I am. I should have noticed you didn't seem to be paying attention. Erm, sorry. Did you not realize that you were broadcasting to the network?

I didn't mean to startle you. And I would have listened earlier, but this is as far as I know your first broadcast. So I didn't really get the chance.

[He examines her clothing, her demeanor.]

Look, I'm pretty sure we come from very different worlds. So some of what I might say or do might be confusing. But I'm just as confused as you are, and I want to help you.


[video] isherarmor September 25 2011, 15:07:20 UTC
[She's standing by now, and she can see you there on the screen, kind of.]

Paying attention. [That and the fact that he's just apologized are the only words that seem to make any sense at the moment.] My first...

...what do you mean, ser?

[She's stepped just a little closer, looking down and around the room again before fixing her gaze on the Forge. About to reach toward the screen but stopping herself just shy of further movement.]

To help me. Why should you want to do that?


How is it that I can see you? Is that you? There? [Pointing now.]


Re: [video] theprettyfits September 26 2011, 14:06:55 UTC
This is the network, what you're broadcasting to. It's a little confusing, but I've gathered that everyone can hear you, or see you, or read what you're saying, if you're broadcasting from that device you have. It seems like everyone gets one when they come here.

I want to help you because I'm a doctor. It's my job. I took an oath to help people. And ever since I've come here, I've been able to get bits of information that I just shouldn't know. I shouldn't know the layout of this place, but I do. I know where you are, and I can help you. Erm, that shouldn't sound creepy, if it does. I just want to help. I'll meet you where you are.

You can see me because of the technology that this place uses, I guess. And yes, you seem to be pointing at me.


[video] isherarmor September 26 2011, 18:55:40 UTC
[Everyone. That is THE WORST THING. And her finger pulls back is if from heat or poison or words that she doesn't understand. Like technology.

Didn't he just say that he'd been able to gather bits of information that he shouldn't know? Something like a maester ...and a spy, then?]

You took an oath.

[Weighs this against the dead weight of liars and hesitates. Bites her lip and nods.]


[Video] theprettyfits September 26 2011, 19:42:35 UTC
I did.

[Simon notices her fear.]

I plan to stick by it, too. I'll see you as soon as I can.


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