Forth Sight - Voice

Dec 29, 2009 02:37

[a soft voice, more to himself, musing it over as if he’s watching it.]

The sun… it’s nice to see again.

[there is a coughing sound, stifled by a hand. A match is struck and the sound of someone taking a moment to smoke is heard. Then a clearer voice speaks.]

It… feels like things are coming back to normal again, whatever normal is.

[The ( Read more... )

kaien shiba, misa amane, aerith gainsborough, shizuka doumeki, !kimihiro watanuki, leon scott kennedy

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Comments 59

[audio] cop_for_one_day December 29 2009, 16:38:31 UTC
[Ugh. Smoking is a disgusting habit. Like his damn father. He bites back saying something really rude, because he doesn't know this person.]

People need to stop leaving the Forge on.


[audio] confinedintime December 29 2009, 16:41:45 UTC
[Trust me, he does -not- want to be smoking anyhow. The effects of the trip here didn't help him any at all.]

I agree with this statement. I didn't realize it had come on though, sadly.


[audio] cop_for_one_day December 29 2009, 17:43:13 UTC
Nothing's gone back to normal yet. The sun might be out, but someone is still trying to kill all of us. Don't relax just yet.


[audio] confinedintime December 29 2009, 17:56:21 UTC
Then it's a good thing I don't consider myself relaxed... sir? Forgive me, I don't believe I've spoken with you before.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 29 2009, 18:03:46 UTC
It really is nice to see the sun again, isn't it?

[audible smile is audible] I guess when something is as regular as the sun rising, we tend to take it for granted.

Nothing like a week of darkness to remind us how much we need the light in our lives.


[ voice ] confinedintime December 29 2009, 18:07:41 UTC
At least someone understands. Even the smallest ray is a welcome sight at this moment in time.

I was starting to get ready for the darkness to stay longer though. I'm surprised, for some reason, that it was here for such a short time. Not that I'm complaining.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 29 2009, 18:14:49 UTC
Yeah, I hear that.

Heh, me too, but I won't complain either. [a grin] I'm gonna miss the snow, though.

...I don't think I've seen you around the network, are you new?


[ voice ] confinedintime December 30 2009, 00:45:41 UTC
I think I'll do fine with out the snow, as nice as it is once in a while, I think I can pass on it.

Ah... yes... [A bit of a pause. He was sure he'd hear a lot of this.] I've been here for some time now. I just... well, after a bit I stopped using my Forge. I... suppose I should get back into the habit. After all, it's helpful.

My names Watanuki Kimihiro.


[voice] callingfromover December 30 2009, 04:45:57 UTC
Are you feeling ill? Be careful not to sleep in the cold, okay?

[Laughter here.] A lot of people keep leaving their machines on, so it's not just you. It's okay, you weren't doing anything embarrassing!


[voice] confinedintime December 30 2009, 06:10:56 UTC
Not so much as ill but a little off is all. Sleepy still, for some reason. Lethargic is a good word for it. But I'll be sure to keep myself as warm as I can, when I sleep. Thank you. [A smile in his voice here.]

I've been very good about this device lately. I haven't really used it much at all. Why I had to knock it on at this moment is beyond me, but you are right... at least it wasn't too embarrassing!


Re: [voice] callingfromover January 2 2010, 06:07:04 UTC
That's good. I haven't had a lot of experience with the cold. [At least not that she remembers.]

At least you weren't changing, or having a lover's tiff, or doing some personal business here and there... [And yes, she's grinning.]


the2nd_kira December 30 2009, 16:46:35 UTC
Misa will miss the snow though...

...but having it here for a little while is a lot of fun!


confinedintime December 31 2009, 03:46:44 UTC
Perhaps it will come back. I believe it's still winter here... perhaps? I'm not too sure on the seasons here, but maybe you will have the chance to enjoy it again.


the2nd_kira December 31 2009, 03:59:09 UTC
There isn't a lot that we know about about this place...

Did you have snow where you were from?


confinedintime December 31 2009, 04:30:33 UTC
True, which is rather bothersome. I can get information on some things, but the small details just don't seem to come up in question until later.

Ah, but yes! Winter brings snow to Tokyo. How about where you are from?


[voice] epicureanshield December 31 2009, 03:56:09 UTC
Do you need me to pick something up while I'm out?


[voice] confinedintime December 31 2009, 03:59:17 UTC
[Sighs] I can make due with what we have here, but if you want something a bit more padded then this, then yes, bring something home.


[voice] epicureanshield December 31 2009, 04:25:14 UTC
Hn. I'll see if I can find something in our price range.

[there's a momentary pause]

Do you have enough tobacco?


[voice] confinedintime December 31 2009, 04:28:24 UTC
Alright, then I'll see what I can do.

Hmm? Oh... yes. I have enough for now. I've been conserving, I suppose you could say.


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