103. [Video]

May 31, 2011 00:32

[The Forge ID Number is not Priscilla's. Where it came from... is probably not something you should really think about, actually ( Read more... )

!priscilla, rukia kuchiki, yachiru kusajishi, lust, yuma, arthur pendragon, teresa, clarice

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Comments 116

[video] banginmyface May 31 2011, 04:56:24 UTC

[Priscilla just gets this face and this face only]


[video] yetsleeping May 31 2011, 05:11:30 UTC
[Priscilla blinks kind of... lazily at the camera. Who was that one again? She knew that face in... one of her lives.]

[Oh, yes.]

Yuma. Is there a problem?


[video] banginmyface May 31 2011, 05:30:21 UTC
[Yuma opens her mouth like she's about to say something, but then closes it. moments later she speaks again, only this time the horror in her voice is very evident. she can't hide it well right now]

Priscilla? W...What's going on?


[video] yetsleeping May 31 2011, 05:46:05 UTC
Do you sleep very much, Yuma?

Do you dream?


video; mudhair May 31 2011, 04:58:24 UTC
[So what she saw earlier wasn't just a bad dream. Priscilla is-

She's- Clarice can't speak, incoherent sounds barely bubbling forth.]

A-ah... ah- [This can't be happening.]


video; yetsleeping May 31 2011, 05:28:42 UTC
[a little pause. She leans closer to the screen.]

Clarice. Number 47. Do you want to claim this girl?

She was your predecessor, wasn't she?


video; mudhair May 31 2011, 05:42:20 UTC
[She quite plainly shrinks back, eyes wide in unhidden fear.]

C-Cla- [Finally, she manages to choke out a few words.] Prsi... Priscilla, w-why?


video; yetsleeping May 31 2011, 06:05:21 UTC
Better to ask why she disturbed me. I hadn't yet decided... what to do with her.


supercilious May 31 2011, 05:14:41 UTC
[ oh my sweet maiden aunt. ]



yetsleeping May 31 2011, 05:30:42 UTC
Arthur. I remember you... from my first life.

[She pauses, and tips her head up as though listening to something.]

...was it my second? They twist together like vines, sometimes. I can't decide where one starts and the other ends. They overlap.


supercilious May 31 2011, 05:42:43 UTC
Somehow... when I imagined this... I never imagined you speaking.


yetsleeping May 31 2011, 05:55:31 UTC
No? Why?

Would that be easier?

[...her fingers snake from her hand, longer and longer, till they wrap about the Forge and draw it closer.]

[She stares at the camera, her face blank, empty... for a moment. And then she looks away, and she looks young again, and fragile.]

Arthur. I had a dream. I lived in a little castle in the snow. It was cold, always cold, like living inside winter. And there were always stars and never light. Not after the dusk came, and turned everything all red, and then blue, and then black.

And the land was so barren that the towns were spread and spread, and you could walk for days and never see anyone except... that one person. [A little pause.] No, two. But the second changes... sometimes ( ... )


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[Video] yetsleeping May 31 2011, 05:35:16 UTC
[Priscilla furrows her brow a little.]

If there are thorns at your throat, you remove them. That's not so unusual.


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[Video] yetsleeping May 31 2011, 06:14:18 UTC
These thorns have a will. They drown me in their blossoms, black blossoms that stink of death. They chase me with their blades, and cut my limbs off, and they wouldn't help me remember.

[A little head tip.]

They should thank me. It's harder not to kill her than it is to let her die, and if she kept throwing herself in my way, it would have become too annoying to try.

This way, she won't move anymore. Not for a while.

We recover quickly, our kind.


prescientblade May 31 2011, 05:45:54 UTC
[There's just a noise - a strangled gasp that marks her inability to say anything as an immediate reaction.]

[There is, however, a notable spike in her yoki.]



yetsleeping May 31 2011, 06:02:30 UTC
[...welp, speaking of yoki flares. Priscilla's eyes flash gold, and the ground trembles... if only for a moment.]

...Teresa. Your avenger is here.


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