103. [Video]

May 31, 2011 00:32

[The Forge ID Number is not Priscilla's. Where it came from... is probably not something you should really think about, actually.]

[But what you do know is that the first thing you see... is Clare. She's a bloody mess, and seemingly unable to move. Next to her is one bare foot.]

[A human foot, for the moment.]

[After a second or two, Priscilla bends over, and her face dips into view. She doesn't look much like the girl many of you have known - or, more to the point, she looks like some version of her. What she would have been, if she hadn't become a hybrid warrior. Her hair is dark, her eyes... at first you think they may be brown, but when she moves, the light glints off of them, and you know they're gold, and hard, like metal.]

[She clicks her tongue once.]

That was less interesting than I'd hoped. And after so long building. [But wait. She frowns a little, a line appearing on her furrowed brow for a second.] ...or. Was it long? I don't remember. Two times. Two chases. And this...

[Priscilla sinks into a crouch, her movements oddly smooth, inhuman. From this angle, you can see her bare shoulders, the top of her bare chest, just out of camera range. She is, it seems, completely unclothed.]

[She pushes Clare's motionless body with one hand.]

This thing. I should be grateful, really. Its little quest has reminded me of something I should do.

If someone would like to collect this thing, then come and find it.

For the moment, it still lives.

!priscilla, rukia kuchiki, yachiru kusajishi, lust, yuma, arthur pendragon, teresa, clarice

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