[ Voice 005 ]

Mar 07, 2011 23:23

Sh-Shiva...what happened to Patrol Headquarters?! Is everyone okay?

What a mess...but, um, I guess that means help will be needed for cleanup, huh? Hey, Priscilla, let me know if you need a hand with that. Because I could kind of use the work...

Locked Message to Irene: Security Level 8 of 10 )

zack fair, malfatto, nathan young, luciela, john, irene, !kunsel

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Comments 40

Private, video ladyofthesouth March 8 2011, 06:59:01 UTC
Hmm. I suppose this means your little infatuation really is over with, is that right? What a pity.

Oh, but... if I was more humane, we could still share something. And how might you expect me to do that?


Private, video knows_it_all March 8 2011, 22:50:21 UTC
...Y-yeah. Uh, it kinda is. But you probably don't really think it's a pity, huh? In fact, it's probably better for the both of us.

[ Cough. ]

Well...if you were more humane, maybe you could find a really nice life for yourself here, you know? Have something you couldn't have back home. It's possible with willpower, and I know you have some because, er...I'm still alive.

[ Not that I can figure out why, exactly... ]

[ He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. ]


Voice i_love_squats March 8 2011, 08:43:26 UTC
You hear anything about it? About what happened and if anyone was hurt? I'm headed that way to see if I can help.

And... if you need work that bad, I might have a pretty decent opportunity. If, of course, you can handle working for the nicest, best looking, strongest, and smartest hero in all of Anatole.


Voice knows_it_all March 8 2011, 22:51:41 UTC
I'm looking into it.

And for the record, I'll take whatever work I can get right now...but working for a hero sure does sound special.


Voice i_love_squats March 9 2011, 01:27:39 UTC
You forgot the "handsome, smart, and brave" part of hero, you know.


Voice knows_it_all March 9 2011, 01:34:46 UTC

[ CLICK! ]

[ He hung up. ]


Voice // Private chairyontop March 8 2011, 08:52:44 UTC
[Hey, he can understand the sister thing (See: Amy), so he might cut the guy some slack. A little. After all, he was probably ashamed of his own hideous face which is OBVIOUSLY the reason why he wore the helmet. Disfigured at birth. Or a car accident when he was saving a herd of nuns from rabid kittens or something. Poor guy. Dawn was probably all he had left.]

Yeah, yeah. Look, she's a little young for my tastes, and yours too I hope, so I'm not offended. Hands off, hands off, I get it.

Though, it's gonna cost you.


Voice // Private knows_it_all March 8 2011, 22:53:48 UTC
Dawn's way too young for me...and, thanks. For hearin' me out.

...What's it gonna cost, then? Hopefully not ivories, because I'm running a bit short.


Voice // Private chairyontop March 9 2011, 17:35:18 UTC
Tell me about the terrible nun and kitten accident that forced you to be so disfigured that you have to hide behind that helmet like some [Elephant Man. Man in the Iron Mask.] Wall-E or something.


Voice // Private knows_it_all March 9 2011, 18:00:40 UTC
Um, nothing as exciting as that.

[ Do you mean an E-wall? An internet wall? Firewall? ]

The helmet's a part of the uniform I wear as a member of SOLDIER.


[voice l private] halcyonthird March 8 2011, 12:14:59 UTC
[Caught in it? Well, yes. Surprised by it? Notsomuch.]

I seem to have avoided the worst of it.

[She's not really talking about her room. That is unsalvageable. She might be smiling a little bitterly as she surveys the wreckage. Is it symbolic? Maybe. But there's not a trace of bitterness when she replies.]

It wouldn't be any trouble?

[It's not as if she's going to eat much of your food or truly need sleep, and the extra patrol shifts (especially now) might keep her regularly absent.]


[voice l private] knows_it_all March 8 2011, 22:57:42 UTC
It's not a problem at all, especially if...

[ Wait. ]

You were in it?!

[ What I wouldn't give to see Odin stomp all over that Abyssal bastard! ]

But you're okay...there's that, at least. That's good. I'm glad.

[ Relieved. ]

Ah, so...if you want to stay with us, as I was saying, it's no problem at all. Might be kind of nice, in fact.


[voice l private] halcyonthird March 9 2011, 00:19:49 UTC
[She headtilts a little, mostly because she's not feeling particularly worth concern at the moment.]

I don't believe I was targeted. [If he wanted me dead, I'd be half ravaged by Mist already. She doubts whether he even noticed her at all, really.]

I'm ...glad that you are [???] ...glad. Perhaps this cycle of worrying after one another can be put to rest for a little while. [A few days, even.]

Only kind of?

[How you manage to elicit any sort of teasing at a time like this is anyone's guess. But there you go.]


[voice l private] knows_it_all March 9 2011, 00:29:28 UTC

[ That you weren't targeted specifically, because he does ridiculous things when it comes to protecting his friends, whether those things make his legs feel like limp noodles or not. ]

If we could escape the worry for a few days, that'd be great...but I don't know how comfortable I'd be running away from the problem, you know? Did that a lot back home, er, to a point. Never solved anything, just gave the negative feelings more room to grow.

[ Pause. ]

Ah...I guess kind of nice is an understatement. I'd really like it if you stayed with us. You make Zack happy, and right now I think...it might be a good idea for him to have friends around.

[ Because things are going to get worse before they get better, Irene...and a woman's touch, warrior or otherwise, is sometimes just what the doctor ordered. ]


Voice wellsuited March 9 2011, 00:18:12 UTC
That was really weird! If you find out anything, you'll tell me, right?

I wonder if Aizen was anywhere nearby...


Voice knows_it_all March 9 2011, 00:22:06 UTC
Yeah, I'll fill you in.

...Somehow, I don't think Aizen had anything to do with it this time, though. It doesn't look to be at all like another Arena mishap.


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