[ Voice 005 ]

Mar 07, 2011 23:23

Sh-Shiva...what happened to Patrol Headquarters?! Is everyone okay?

What a mess...but, um, I guess that means help will be needed for cleanup, huh? Hey, Priscilla, let me know if you need a hand with that. Because I could kind of use the work...

Irene, you weren't caught up in that mess, were you? I really hope not...

Anyway, um, if you need a place to stay temporarily, you're more than welcome to crash with Zack, Tseng, and myself. You know, if you want to.

In other news, Dawn's back! That's a load off the shoulders...I mean, I still got my worries-too many of late it seems-but it's nice to brush off one of the biggest concerns, or see it resolved, to be more accurate.

Speaking of concerns...we've had a lot of new arrivals lately...but they all seem kind of. Uh. Off, I guess. Right? Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks so? I mean, sure, some of them are pretty spot on, but...there's still something not quite right about 'em. After all, even folks that aren't inclined to be good aren't ALL bad all the time.

Which reminds me...

Malfatto...I owe you one for the other day. You really came through for me, buddy.


So, how'd you like a round of drinks on me sometime? You can't get out that much in you're line of work, after all. And it'd do us both some good to cut loose, kick back, have some fun.

I'll even give you my word that I won't talk your ear off! ...Much.

So, pal, what d'ya say? You up for it?

Luciela, uh, thank you.

Now, before you ask why, let me explain. See, I don't particularly like you or trust you, but in lieu of recent events, I've been thinking...you really could have done a lot worse to me if you'd wanted to. You had the chance, even. But you didn't take it.

Might be stretching it a bit to say it gave me some respect for you, but I don't know how else to put it.

...I wish you'd be humane a little more often. We could be...well, not friends. But something.


Anyway, thank you.

John, right?

About the other day...I'm sorry I snapped at you. I like humor as much as the next guy, and the last thing I wanna do is rain on your funny parade, but man...can you leave the knocks to stuff not involving Dawn?

Pretty please?

She's like a kid sister to me-well, I don't wanna bore you with sentimental details or anything, but the short of it is, I'm protective of her for that reason. It's nothing personal, and I know your jokes aren't either-at least I'm pretty sure they're not?-but yeah. Uh, that's what I've been trying to say.

Anyway, if you could do that for me, I swear, you won't hear another complaint from me when it comes to your jokes!

zack fair, malfatto, nathan young, luciela, john, irene, !kunsel

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