001 [text]

Jan 03, 2011 02:27

What…exactly is this? Whatever this place is…it’s not Gotham. This kinda seems like something out of a video game…

Oh god…please tell me I haven’t been sucked into a video game…no, can’t be. This isn’t Disney. Although…there are castle ruins. If only I had a tiara. Although this is probably the closest I'll ever get to a castle unless I stumble ( Read more... )

zack fair, dawn summers, elena, lilly rush, !stephanie brown, priscilla, jason todd

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Comments 54

[text I private] jaytodd January 3 2011, 09:34:57 UTC
Another Gotham dweller... please tell me you're not yet another gotham-dweller from an alternate reality or whatever, this is really getting old.

Who the fuck are you? One of Oracle's Bird?

As for the rest, lemme extend the usual welcome to you: this is Anatole, no we can't go back voluntarily and the Mist wants to kill you so stay outta it.
And enjoy the mindfucks.


Re: [text I private] breakspromises January 4 2011, 00:01:24 UTC
I hope you don't kiss your Mom with that mouth.

I'm not from an alternate reality...at least I don't think so.

I'm not one of her Birds. I work as a separate operative. 'Batgirl' ring a bell?

[ooc; this is me after typing that first line: HE CAN'T. HIS MOM'S DEAAAAAAAAAD.]


[text I private] I'm a terrible person for laughing. jaytodd January 4 2011, 09:29:07 UTC
Yeah, that's what the dick in Wings thought so too, but he is. Was.

Batgirl, huh. Weird, the one I heard about is more of a punch first, talk never kinda girl. When are you from?


[text I private] It's always fun to laugh at Jason jokes. breakspromises January 4 2011, 23:37:29 UTC
The girl you're referring to decided to give up Batgirl. I decided to pick up where she left off.

Well we must be from the same universe if you know about the previous Batgirl. Looks like you're from before my time.


/pinged by Gotham! And slayers! girl_unlocking January 3 2011, 17:41:19 UTC
Totally not Disney. Or Gotham. It's Anatole! [Wait, Gotham?] It seems to like people from Gotham, though.

[Did she say...]

Do you know my sister? She's a vampire slayer! For the record, we hardly ever saw castles, either.


What you need. Is a giftbasket!


breakspromises January 4 2011, 00:06:57 UTC
Lucky me for being a Gotham girl then...

Ah...no. Heh, and I was joking about vampire slayers...I've never met one before. So what's it like?


[voice] girl_unlocking January 4 2011, 02:41:27 UTC
I dunno. That Door's kind of a jerk. This whole place is...

...okay, it's not that bad. Except when it is, which is only sometimes, and...

I'm Dawn.

It's pretty awesome, or it would be if they'd ever let me really do it, you know? But I'm working on that. I have a crossbow!

There's a whole group of slayers here, just not slayers as in Slayer-Comma-The. That's my sister.

Are you a superhero? Do you know Nightwing? Y-you should talk to Jason. He's from Gotham, too. [Lip bite.]

Only maybe don't say the 'B' word? He has a ...thing.


Re: [voice] breakspromises January 4 2011, 03:37:01 UTC
Well that's good to know. I'd hate for it to be bad all the time.

I'm...Steph. Nice to meet you. [Thinks as long as no Gotham villains show up she'd be okay using her real name.] They are probably just trying to protect you...I'd say do it anyway! Heh...I wasn't exactly welcomed when I started fighting criminals.

Really? What do the slayers here fight? I'm guessing not vampires...or at least I hope not.

Nightwing? Yeah...I know him...sorta. And Jason...I've never met but I know of him.

I'll try not to.


photosbythebed January 3 2011, 17:45:45 UTC
[Glad to hear she wasn't the only person to briefly consider Disney.]

This should help some. Might want to sit down for it, though.

Haven't seen any killer robots. There's some ...other robots down at the Arena, though. [A little brainbreaky, but kind of fun to bet on.]


breakspromises January 4 2011, 00:14:25 UTC
...Well this is something I can add to my resume. 'Been transported to another world'.


photosbythebed January 9 2011, 20:52:13 UTC
Wonder if it'll get me a raise. It'll be a real conversation stopper for the next round of 'Never Have I Ever'.


breakspromises January 10 2011, 05:52:16 UTC
Oh definitely. It'll help me beat everyone in 'Never have I Ever'.


Voice wellsuited January 4 2011, 00:37:23 UTC
A mad scientist making a killer robot?

Oh! You must know Matt!


Re: Voice breakspromises January 4 2011, 01:58:49 UTC
Matt? No, I don't know him...should I know him?


Voice wellsuited January 4 2011, 02:32:52 UTC
No one should. I doubt you deserve to be that unlucky.

[She sighs.]

But you mentioned a lot of things that he seems to be into, so you probably will know him before it's all said and done.

By the way, I'm Elena. Welcome to Anatole.


Re: Voice breakspromises January 4 2011, 03:38:35 UTC
What is he like? [Now she's curious]

I'm Steph. And thanks.


yetsleeping January 4 2011, 09:12:55 UTC
Gotham? I think I've heard that name before, but I don't really remember where.

In any case! Welcome to Anatole? Um... you can't really get home.

I'm sorry.


breakspromises January 4 2011, 23:31:30 UTC
Probably heard it from a few others that came from there...apparently there are quite a few of us here.

Yeah...I'm hearing that alot here....


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