001 [text]

Jan 03, 2011 02:27

What…exactly is this? Whatever this place is…it’s not Gotham. This kinda seems like something out of a video game…

Oh god…please tell me I haven’t been sucked into a video game…no, can’t be. This isn’t Disney. Although…there are castle ruins. If only I had a tiara. Although this is probably the closest I'll ever get to a castle unless I stumble ( Read more... )

zack fair, dawn summers, elena, lilly rush, !stephanie brown, priscilla, jason todd

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[text I private] jaytodd January 3 2011, 09:34:57 UTC
Another Gotham dweller... please tell me you're not yet another gotham-dweller from an alternate reality or whatever, this is really getting old.

Who the fuck are you? One of Oracle's Bird?

As for the rest, lemme extend the usual welcome to you: this is Anatole, no we can't go back voluntarily and the Mist wants to kill you so stay outta it.
And enjoy the mindfucks.


Re: [text I private] breakspromises January 4 2011, 00:01:24 UTC
I hope you don't kiss your Mom with that mouth.

I'm not from an alternate reality...at least I don't think so.

I'm not one of her Birds. I work as a separate operative. 'Batgirl' ring a bell?

[ooc; this is me after typing that first line: HE CAN'T. HIS MOM'S DEAAAAAAAAAD.]


[text I private] I'm a terrible person for laughing. jaytodd January 4 2011, 09:29:07 UTC
Yeah, that's what the dick in Wings thought so too, but he is. Was.

Batgirl, huh. Weird, the one I heard about is more of a punch first, talk never kinda girl. When are you from?


[text I private] It's always fun to laugh at Jason jokes. breakspromises January 4 2011, 23:37:29 UTC
The girl you're referring to decided to give up Batgirl. I decided to pick up where she left off.

Well we must be from the same universe if you know about the previous Batgirl. Looks like you're from before my time.


[text I private] jaytodd January 5 2011, 13:53:18 UTC
Before my time makes it so much easier to figure out when you're from. [yumm, sarcasm.]
And that still doesn't tell me who the fuck you are, latest baby bat.


[text I private] breakspromises January 6 2011, 22:10:08 UTC
Sorry, did you want an exact date and time from when I was abducted into this place? [even more sarcasm~]

Yeah well it looks like I know who you are. You're Jason Todd, the second Robin. Heard quite a bit from people around here and not to mention from a few of the capes back home.


[text I private] jaytodd January 7 2011, 11:36:52 UTC
That could help. I left in 2008.

Ah, don't believe anything people say. You know how rumors starts. The capes back home have some troubles figuring out what's in front of their fucking faces.
Looks like you got one over me. Y'know my name, I still dunno yours.


[text I private] breakspromises January 7 2011, 21:00:23 UTC
Looks like you're from two years earlier.

Thing about rumors is they are usually based off of the truth.
I guess you better brush up on your detective skills if you wanna know my name. [SHE IS KINDA ENJOYING THIS. She has one up on him and it feels nice.]


[text I private] 1/2 jaytodd January 7 2011, 21:41:21 UTC
Maybe I will finally have my fucking answer: so, who got the damned Stanley Cup?

And psha, details. Truth depends on the point of view and the information you have. Not a big believer of it.

But it's so much more polite to ask, darling.


[text I private] 2/2 jaytodd January 7 2011, 21:43:54 UTC
Filling Dawnie the wrong info might make you meet the business end of my gun. Keep your rumors to yourself.


[text I private] breakspromises January 8 2011, 07:01:55 UTC
Chicago Blackhawks.

Darling? Didn't think that'd be a word you'd use.

And I haven't filled Dawn with any information about you. I wouldn't care to, either.


[text I private] jaytodd January 8 2011, 12:07:51 UTC
I'm full of surprises.


[text I private] breakspromises January 10 2011, 05:47:55 UTC
If only you were full of manners too.


[text I private] jaytodd January 10 2011, 10:14:14 UTC
That's part of the surprises.


Re: [text I private] breakspromises January 10 2011, 17:25:45 UTC
I'll believe it when I see it.


[text I private] jaytodd January 10 2011, 17:30:00 UTC
Is that a 'come-over' request, beautiful?


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