001 [text]

Jan 03, 2011 02:27

What…exactly is this? Whatever this place is…it’s not Gotham. This kinda seems like something out of a video game…

Oh god…please tell me I haven’t been sucked into a video game…no, can’t be. This isn’t Disney. Although…there are castle ruins. If only I had a tiara. Although this is probably the closest I'll ever get to a castle unless I stumble across a mad scientist making a killer robot. Or decide to switch careers from a crime-fighter to a vampire slayer...

Now I'm straying from my train of thought...which is this place. Wherever this is...it's not what I would describe as refined. It could give the slums of Gotham a run for their nonexistent money...

There's obviously a bigger picture here. And I need to figure it out so you can get back home. Really wish I knew where to start...ugh, I can't think negatively. This is why they have positive thinking books.

Of course this had to happen right after I was starting to earn Oracle’s respect…

zack fair, dawn summers, elena, lilly rush, !stephanie brown, priscilla, jason todd

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