♖ 009; voice.

Jan 04, 2011 07:10

Okay, so. Uh, so since this medic listing idea seems to have some support, I thought I'd better get started.

The basic idea is to provide a list for new arrivals, and for people who've been here a while, so that they can access medical aid if they need it and don't want to rely on posting on the network, or are, uh, worried about advertising that they're hurt-- especially if they can't get to the clinic.

Uh, so. If you have medical or healing abilities, and you'd be okay with helping people, then if you could get in touch with me, that'd be great. You can do it here, or on my voice mail, if you want.

It'd be good to know what methods you use for healing-- if they're magic, or if you're a physician, or... or anything else. If you could say how good you are, if you'd be good for really serious emergencies or just minor things, that'd be great, too. And your name, I guess.

Thank you.

sakura haruno, karako "game fowl" koshio, lilly rush, riza hawkeye, jarlaxle, jyuushirou ukitake, !hope estheim

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