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Comments 13

[video] girl_unlocking December 19 2010, 04:03:28 UTC

[She's already been crying, but she looks more angry than anything. Worry knits her brows as she swallows against the sharp thing in her throat. It's a moment before she says anything at all.]

Are you...

[He's probably not alright. She was really far from alright when it happened to her. She doesn't finish the question.]


[video] elementally December 19 2010, 04:15:41 UTC

[His voice sounds flat. Defeated, really.] It's happening again, isn't it?

[Head bowed, he's not really looking at the Forge. Instead he's distractedly running his fingers over his brand.]


[video l private] girl_unlocking December 19 2010, 04:22:56 UTC
[Softly, not quite as flat.]


Is there anything I can do? I. I'm so sorry.


[video l private] elementally December 19 2010, 04:35:34 UTC
Can you turn back time?

[He laughs softly for a brief moment, but it's not a happy sound.]

It's fine. I just-- [And finally, less flat.] I don't know what to do without them here.


[audio] lumenrelegandus December 19 2010, 15:01:21 UTC
[hearing something in the waking world while still asleep can sometimes alter dreams. Not much help here for that. Still... perhaps it can soothe the transition. Out of the forge comes the sound of strings playing something cheering and beautiful. It's being held up to Io's victrola.]


[voice] elementally December 19 2010, 22:05:23 UTC
[A shaky exhale.]

Thank you.


[video] lumenrelegandus December 19 2010, 22:18:45 UTC
[switches to video. Shows Lupin setting his forge down on a stack of books, propping it next to the record. The music will keep playing so Hope can listen until he turns off his own forge.]

You're welcome.

[There may be a brief flash of his own sympathetic broadcast. Using a forge this time of month very tricky, especially thinking along these lines. But Lupin closes the thought and the image-

music barrier against the past

-with that final phrase swirls and shuts off. He's finding ways.

The forge switches back to]


You'll let me know if you want any company.


[voice] elementally December 23 2010, 09:53:34 UTC
[It's all a lot to take in. Hope remains silent for a long while, before he manages to work out his thoughts and find his voice somewhere. Still, he sounds subdued.]

Of course. Don't worry, Remus.


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