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[video] girl_unlocking December 19 2010, 04:03:28 UTC

[She's already been crying, but she looks more angry than anything. Worry knits her brows as she swallows against the sharp thing in her throat. It's a moment before she says anything at all.]

Are you...

[He's probably not alright. She was really far from alright when it happened to her. She doesn't finish the question.]


[video] elementally December 19 2010, 04:15:41 UTC

[His voice sounds flat. Defeated, really.] It's happening again, isn't it?

[Head bowed, he's not really looking at the Forge. Instead he's distractedly running his fingers over his brand.]


[video l private] girl_unlocking December 19 2010, 04:22:56 UTC
[Softly, not quite as flat.]


Is there anything I can do? I. I'm so sorry.


[video l private] elementally December 19 2010, 04:35:34 UTC
Can you turn back time?

[He laughs softly for a brief moment, but it's not a happy sound.]

It's fine. I just-- [And finally, less flat.] I don't know what to do without them here.


[video l private] girl_unlocking December 20 2010, 01:33:53 UTC
I wish I.

[I don't even have a spell for that. And if I did, I couldn't do it. Maybe Willow could? But probably not even. But Anatole could. Or whoever was behind Anatole. Those ...Twins, maybe? The Door? It's done it before, hasn't it? Huff. Angry again.]

It's not good enough, I know, but ...maybe they're with you in spirit. Like, watching over you? I ...think my mom is. Watching over me. I think she's why I dodged those bolts. In the ruins?

Would it help to talk about it?


[video l private] elementally December 20 2010, 03:40:14 UTC
Maybe. To be watching over me, though... that means they'd have to be... [ Not living.]

I don't know.

[He's silent for a while, and then when he starts to talk, it's halting.

Halting, right up until the dam bursts.]

I can't do anything without thinking about them. I thought-- I thought keeping busy would help, and sometimes it does. Lately though, at the clinic I just wonder if Vanille would've done things differently. She was our best medic, you know? And I wonder how Lightning would handle herself. We're a team. We were meant to keep fighting together, and if something happened to them because I'm here...

They were Cie'th in my dream. And they were crystal. I... I don't know which one is worse. How are we meant to sit here when the people we care about could be dying? Or-- or worse than dying.


[video l private] girl_unlocking December 23 2010, 03:54:54 UTC
I thought that for a long time. And, I guess I haven't made up my mind completely, but I don't think they have to be dead. Not necessarily. I mean. This place. Other selves? My sister was dead and she's not ...anymore. But I kind of feel her sometimes?

Maybe I just think I do.

And I don't know a lot, but I don't think anything happened to them because you came here. I think (...well, this is my theory...) ...I think either time stops completely when we're here, or there's another ...us. Another me, or you, that does exactly what we're supposed to. I ...really think it's like a blink for them, though. Something Spike said. A few things Spike said. S-something I said.

And I bet they'd be really proud of you. I know I am. It doesn't mean much, but there you go.

You're not sitting here. You're like ...the opposite of sitting here. You've already helped people, Hope. A lot of people would just ...not try.


[video l private] elementally December 30 2010, 10:08:05 UTC
[There's just a long silence. He isn't really sure what to say, or how to say much of anything at all. Mostly he just sits there, head bowed a little and tracing his brand.]

Yeah. Thanks, Dawn.


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