T W O [Audio]

Nov 26, 2009 16:25

So I gotta be out of this apartment within a month, huh? Guess that means I should really start looking into getting a job so I can actually afford to leave. And eat. I feel like I'm on the air diet to lose weight or something. 'Uh yeah, I'll have some oxygen and a diet water, thanks.' With my financial situation that's about all I can afford right ( Read more... )

!maurice "bosco" boscorelli, souji seta, scar, leon scott kennedy, luke fon fabre, sakura haruno, naoto shirogane, miranda lotto, xion

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Comments 54

rewindpendulum November 26 2009, 22:30:48 UTC

You haven't eaten anything?!

[Audio is now all mumblish so what Miranda is saying might not make sense at all]

If I could cook I would - but I can't cook - oh noooooo - I'm useless!

I'm sorrryyy Bosco!


[Audio] 5_5david November 26 2009, 22:54:56 UTC
I've had some scraps. But not a whole lot...

[He strains to listen and only catches 'could cook'.]

Huh? Didn't catch most of that. You say you wanna cook for Thanksgiving? That's awesome. Thanks.


[Audio] rewindpendulum November 27 2009, 00:33:03 UTC
[Miranda doesn't know what to say other than to meekly accept]

O-of course! I'll try my best.


[Audio] 5_5david November 27 2009, 03:20:08 UTC
If we catch a turkey you think you'll be able to do that? [Of course he doesn't assume all women know how to make turkey....XD That would be sexist...]


[Audio] cop_for_one_day November 26 2009, 23:03:11 UTC
I'll cook.


[Audio] 5_5david November 26 2009, 23:20:59 UTC
I don't have to worry about your cooking killing me do I? [Leon can't see it, but Bosco's actually smiling.] :o


Re: [Audio] cop_for_one_day November 27 2009, 13:20:17 UTC
[He chuckles softly]

No, you shouldn't. Not unless it wasn't edible to begin with.


[Audio] 5_5david November 29 2009, 03:33:25 UTC
I'll make a point to check everything before handing it off to you then. It would bite if I made it out of the mist in one piece only to croak from your cooking. [He sniggers.]


[voice] fonic_resonance November 26 2009, 23:23:31 UTC
Do we have to pay for the food if we come?


[voice] 5_5david November 26 2009, 23:25:24 UTC
Uh... [Didn't think that far...] Nah. But everyone should bring something. None of this mooching shit. We're all dirt poor and hungry.


[voice] fonic_resonance November 26 2009, 23:40:02 UTC

[Okay, this. Poses a problem.] What if I bring my friend who knows how to cook?


[voice] 5_5david November 26 2009, 23:44:04 UTC
...Yeah. That could work. Your friend a good cook?


[ voice ] lonestray November 27 2009, 00:37:54 UTC
Don't think I've ever heard of Thanksgiving...

Though. I'd have to be nuts to refuse food that isn't ridiculously expensive.

I can hunt. Or help gather firewood for you to cook with if you're doing an open-air thing.


[ voice ] 5_5david November 27 2009, 03:28:36 UTC
It's a holiday. You give thanks for what you have. In this case, it'll be free food.

If you wanna hunt, please. do. With the way this is looking we're gonna have all cooks and no food.


[ voice | Siiiince this is after the log, on what sorta terms should they be?] lonestray November 27 2009, 03:33:59 UTC
What an optimistic holiday. [The sarcasm is dripping.]

Are you going to be cooking or hunting? [There's no way in hell he's going in there again alone.]


[ voice] 5_5david November 29 2009, 03:30:12 UTC
I come from an optimistic country. You got a problem with that?

I'm going hunting. Unless something comes from a box and takes under 20 minutes to put together I'm not cooking it.


[Voice|PING!] socialinksarego November 27 2009, 01:31:28 UTC
[There's an idea here, really. Maybe taste-test monster-turned-food.]

Do you think anyone would want to come and share what they have...? [He sounds thoughtful here.]


[Voice| Pong!] 5_5david November 27 2009, 03:23:56 UTC
They better. I'm not letting people freeload on whatever I happen to catch. [Bosco for "Why yes, of course Souji~"]


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