T W O [Audio]

Nov 26, 2009 16:25

So I gotta be out of this apartment within a month, huh? Guess that means I should really start looking into getting a job so I can actually afford to leave. And eat. I feel like I'm on the air diet to lose weight or something. 'Uh yeah, I'll have some oxygen and a diet water, thanks.' With my financial situation that's about all I can afford right ( Read more... )

!maurice "bosco" boscorelli, souji seta, scar, leon scott kennedy, luke fon fabre, sakura haruno, naoto shirogane, miranda lotto, xion

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rewindpendulum November 26 2009, 22:30:48 UTC

You haven't eaten anything?!

[Audio is now all mumblish so what Miranda is saying might not make sense at all]

If I could cook I would - but I can't cook - oh noooooo - I'm useless!

I'm sorrryyy Bosco!


[Audio] 5_5david November 26 2009, 22:54:56 UTC
I've had some scraps. But not a whole lot...

[He strains to listen and only catches 'could cook'.]

Huh? Didn't catch most of that. You say you wanna cook for Thanksgiving? That's awesome. Thanks.


[Audio] rewindpendulum November 27 2009, 00:33:03 UTC
[Miranda doesn't know what to say other than to meekly accept]

O-of course! I'll try my best.


[Audio] 5_5david November 27 2009, 03:20:08 UTC
If we catch a turkey you think you'll be able to do that? [Of course he doesn't assume all women know how to make turkey....XD That would be sexist...]


[Audio] rewindpendulum November 27 2009, 05:33:24 UTC
[what a gentleman! lool]

T-turkey!? I-I think so. I mean, I've made turkey dinners before...even though they blew up...


[Audio] 5_5david November 27 2009, 05:37:17 UTC
You're experienced at making turkey too? Awesome. You're a lifesaver, uh... What was your name again?


[Audio] rewindpendulum November 27 2009, 05:38:58 UTC
[insert Miranda being offended here! JK]

O-oh. You don't remember, sir Bosco? But I don't blame you, I don't have a very large presence and I'm easily forgettable and people don't generally remember me after three minutes-

I-it's Miranda Lotto.


[Audio/Video] 5_5david November 27 2009, 05:58:16 UTC
[Bosco waaas being a dilhole~!]

... [Awkward 'oh shit' silence.] Miranda, right. Sorry about that. [He sounds more distracted than sorry.] It's hard to remember people's voices on this thing...

[There's some clicking noises and then the video clicks on to show Bosco, lips tilted up in a half smile.] Turn yours on too. I forget voices but not faces.


[Audio/Video] rewindpendulum November 27 2009, 07:53:00 UTC
[After a moment's hesitation, the screen flickers to reveal a nervous albeit smiling young woman]

It's really no bother at all, sir! I'm used to having people forget about me! [This part may have been said with too much brightness]


[Video] 5_5david November 29 2009, 03:39:17 UTC
[Bosco stares blankly at Miranda and tilts his head questioningly.] I forgot your voice, not you. Anyway, you shouldn't be used to people forgetting about you.


[Video] rewindpendulum November 29 2009, 06:04:00 UTC
B-but I am...I'm sorry.

[Depressed Miranda is depressed. :(]


[Video | Captain Sensitivity to the rescue!] 5_5david November 29 2009, 06:44:52 UTC
Hey. [He leans a bit closer to the Forge and while his tone is still hard it's obvious that he's not intending to be mean.] Lighten up, kiddo. You're apologizing for nothing anyway. You didn't do anything.


[Video | D: *cue Miranda flailing*] rewindpendulum November 29 2009, 06:49:07 UTC
[Miranda perks up at this, managing to give a small watery smile in return.]

T-Thank you, Bosco. You're right, I need to have m-more self esteem...that's the only way I can help my c-comrades.


[Video | XDDD Bless~] 5_5david November 29 2009, 06:58:30 UTC
[Bosco gives his own crooked half smile in return.]

Of course I'm right. And it won't just help your comrades either, it'll make you a hell of a lot happier... [He looks thoughtful for a moment, then:] You ever try yoga? [Believe your ears. He really did just say that XD]


[Video | yoga?!] rewindpendulum November 29 2009, 08:36:58 UTC
[Miranda just stares at the screen]

Y-yoga? Is that a t-type of food?


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