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[ voice | private ] a_la_turk September 29 2010, 06:08:44 UTC
[ She had expected the that, the lack of warmth. The sigh that preceded it is not entirely unexpected either, not coming from him. Having lived together with Sephiroth for four months prior to her disappearance, she knows that he knows she is persistent; that is a given. That her persistence doesn't always work in a way that pleases him is also a given. That now might be one such time -- well, she imagines he's aware of that, too. ]

When I first arrived in Anatole, I made a proposal. You agreed.

[ There is a noticeable strength in her voice as she continues to speak, as she puts forth every word, every syllable clearly and without the unrepentant slur brought about by sickness. She isn't sick, not anymore, and she hasn't forgotten who she has to thank for that, but that's not why she is bringing up a mutual past at this junction. ]

I keep my word, Sephiroth. If you have any objections, you'd do well to raise them now.


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[ voice | private ] a_la_turk October 1 2010, 02:53:35 UTC
Have things changed so much?

[ The question is rhetorical, but not pointless. She hasn't forgotten how distracted he seemed after he met Genesis at the carnival, how... closed off and difficult to access he had eventually become. He had changed, but not entirely like people simply do with the passage time, and it... worried her. He worries her even now not as a partner, but as a friend. ]


[ But if he really thinks she's going to give up on him so easily, he is mistaken. If he really thinks she's going to abandon him when she has a say in the matter, he is sorely mistaken. ]

I'll be in within the hour, and Sephiroth?

[ She pauses, half-tempted to ask him if he had something to do with Tseng's recent and abruptly ended transmission. Had he more closely resembled the Sephiroth she had known prior to the carnival, she wouldn't think to ask, but then, he is rational. Calm, collected. If he did abduct Tseng, he did so with a purpose in mind, a... specific purpose, and he has always adhered to a code of conduct, of honor. ( ... )


[Voice, private] eternalscorpion September 29 2010, 02:46:46 UTC

[Sasori's well used to losing individuals he forms attachments to, but it's exceedingly rare for him to regain them.

A hint of warmth colors his tone. This really is a pleasant surprise.]

I wonder, is it appropriate to say welcome back when someone finds their way to this particular place once again?

How long have you been here? Quite a few things have changed since the last time we spoke, to be sure.


[Voice, private] a_la_turk September 29 2010, 06:27:16 UTC
'Welcome back' sounds like music to my ears.

As for the time of my arrival, I arrived early yesterday morning. It was still dark out. Quaint, but not quiet for the rioting crowds in the streets.

[ She pauses, thoughtful. ]

It's been, what? Four months now? Care to fill me in?


[Voice, private] eternalscorpion October 3 2010, 21:19:34 UTC
I see.

...Well now, this isn't the first time the natives have stirred themselves up of late.

People have come and gone, and come again, like yourself. Sephiroth disappeared for a time. Sasuke did as well.

Tseng's here now.

My partner from the world I came from, Deidara, is here now as well. I'm sure you'll have the opportunity to meet him soon.

I've...changed certain affiliations, as well.


[Voice, private] a_la_turk October 3 2010, 23:36:26 UTC
I've heard it might be related to an... ethereal woman singing, but not much else. Even the regulars at the local pubs seem on edge.

Tseng, huh?

[ She could help the note of pleasure and genuine curiosity that rose in her voice at her initial inquiry, but she doesn't. That he's here, still here... she's glad, though she shouldn't be. That means that at some point in time, they're short-handed back at headquarters. At some point in time... ]

I'll have to contact him then, and soon. I don't doubt he's in good hands, though, and he's always been more than capable.

You wouldn't happen to know if they returned with their memories of this place intact, would you?

I'm looking forward to meeting him, Sasori. I must admit I'm curious, though, as to your new affiliations. [ Curious and perhaps a little surprised. Enough for it to show even. ]


[Voice | Private] i_love_squats October 2 2010, 22:40:45 UTC
[Holy crap, is that-- is that who he thinks it is? But how? When? Where did--? His throat clicks as he smiles to himself and laughs under his breath; leave it to a Turk to make a smooth entrance.]

Gettin' big. I think I might have to get a bigger bowl soon. You should come by, see him.

[Hint. Hint.]


[Voice | Private] a_la_turk October 3 2010, 22:56:30 UTC
I might just take you up on that. It's been a while since I've seen him, after all.

[ A beat. ]

And his owner, of course.

[ She pauses almost thoughtfully for a few brief seconds. ]

I take it you two haven't gotten into too much trouble since I've been gone.

[ There's a question there. Somewhere. ]


[ voice | private ] Assume this is after the whole tentacle deal heartbetween October 4 2010, 06:57:20 UTC
[Have a few moments of static, aka stunned silence. Then, in awed tone:]


You--you're back! When did you get back? Are you oka--how are you!

[Commence babbling. :D Kaien has missed you, girl!]


[ voice | private ] Assumed with love! <333333 a_la_turk October 5 2010, 05:33:24 UTC
[ Valeria can't help but laugh for Kaien's reaction, her lips splitting into a wide half-smile, half-grin that is no doubt betrayed her voice. ]

Pretty good for a partial amnesiac! How about you? It's been a while, huh?

[ For him, at least, and she understands this, but the feeling manages to be mutual nonetheless. Did she miss him? You bet! ]


[ voice | private ] <3333333333 heartbetween October 15 2010, 08:38:37 UTC
Partial insomniac? Are you okay? [And here comes the concern, not two minutes into the conversation :D]

Yeah, it has! Almost five months. I've been doing pretty well too. As well as you can here, I guess. [A little laugh]


[ voice | private ] <33333333333333333333333333333 a_la_turk October 16 2010, 00:55:25 UTC
[ She chuckles at that. ]

Amnesiac, but yes. As far as I can tell, there's nothing physically wrong with me. It's like I blinked and suddenly, four months had passed by.

[ Which is a little unnerving, not that she says as much. She passes it over smoothly, cleanly, as though she were talking about the weather. ]

Yeah, well, I expect to get the opportunity to see that for myself soon, mister, so don't forget!


[Voice | Private] So. Hideously. Backdated. ;;; sucker_punches October 16 2010, 06:49:20 UTC
... Valeria? Is that you?


[Voice | Private] Hush. It's beautiful. <333333 a_la_turk October 16 2010, 06:59:54 UTC
The one and only.

[ She smiles audibly. ]

Sorry if I gave you a scare. I hadn't intended to up and disappear for four months or so, but I exactly wasn't given much of a choice in the matter.


[Voice | Private] >_>a sucker_punches October 16 2010, 07:05:45 UTC
That's... it's all right. None of us really have a say in it.

How are you?


[Voice | Private] B) a_la_turk October 16 2010, 07:29:19 UTC
To be honest, I... feel like I was just hit by a truck or twelve.

[ Kind of like how it felt during her very first month in Anatole, which had been something of a very painful nightmare, especially before she had seen Sakura about medication. It had been hard to function, not unlike it is now. That last bit of medication she had on her must be wearing off now. ]

I hate to bring it up so soon, but I'm probably going to need to see you about some medication for headaches again.

[ A pause. ]

What about you? It's been, what? Four months now? How have you been, Sakura?


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