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[Voice, private] eternalscorpion September 29 2010, 02:46:46 UTC

[Sasori's well used to losing individuals he forms attachments to, but it's exceedingly rare for him to regain them.

A hint of warmth colors his tone. This really is a pleasant surprise.]

I wonder, is it appropriate to say welcome back when someone finds their way to this particular place once again?

How long have you been here? Quite a few things have changed since the last time we spoke, to be sure.


[Voice, private] a_la_turk September 29 2010, 06:27:16 UTC
'Welcome back' sounds like music to my ears.

As for the time of my arrival, I arrived early yesterday morning. It was still dark out. Quaint, but not quiet for the rioting crowds in the streets.

[ She pauses, thoughtful. ]

It's been, what? Four months now? Care to fill me in?


[Voice, private] eternalscorpion October 3 2010, 21:19:34 UTC
I see.

...Well now, this isn't the first time the natives have stirred themselves up of late.

People have come and gone, and come again, like yourself. Sephiroth disappeared for a time. Sasuke did as well.

Tseng's here now.

My partner from the world I came from, Deidara, is here now as well. I'm sure you'll have the opportunity to meet him soon.

I've...changed certain affiliations, as well.


[Voice, private] a_la_turk October 3 2010, 23:36:26 UTC
I've heard it might be related to an... ethereal woman singing, but not much else. Even the regulars at the local pubs seem on edge.

Tseng, huh?

[ She could help the note of pleasure and genuine curiosity that rose in her voice at her initial inquiry, but she doesn't. That he's here, still here... she's glad, though she shouldn't be. That means that at some point in time, they're short-handed back at headquarters. At some point in time... ]

I'll have to contact him then, and soon. I don't doubt he's in good hands, though, and he's always been more than capable.

You wouldn't happen to know if they returned with their memories of this place intact, would you?

I'm looking forward to meeting him, Sasori. I must admit I'm curious, though, as to your new affiliations. [ Curious and perhaps a little surprised. Enough for it to show even. ]


[Voice -> Video, private] eternalscorpion October 19 2010, 14:36:57 UTC
Yes, that's what I've heard as well. Considering this place, however, one can never be completely certain.

And Sephiroth appears to remember this place to some degree, but not Sasuke.

As for my change in affiliations, well, it'd be more expedient to show you, I imagine.

[And he switches to video, revealing that he's wearing what looks like a black suit...a Turk suit. He smirks.]

I've recently signed on with Elena's little Shinra group. I wonder, would you say this means we're comrades now?


[Voice -> Video, private] so sorry for the late bb! a_la_turk October 30 2010, 03:36:02 UTC
Ah --

[ She stammers audibly, her grip on her Forge slipping so that an array of buttons are pressed, thereby activating the video function as she regains control of the device. Valeria is staring wide-eyed with mouth agape as a result of the sight presented her because, really, who would have guessed that Sasori would look that good in the Turk's uniform?

It takes her a minute to regain her bearings. ]

I mean, yeah, I guess it does in a sense. Elena and I don't formally work together in Anatole, but a Turk is a Turk. The connection stands.

[ As though she hadn't just been gaping: ]

You wear it well, Sasori. I'm impressed.

[ And then, she's moving right along, quick and keen as ever despite the feeling that she may very well not be allowed to live this down. ]

Mixed instances involving memories, hm? I'll have to look into that. I'm not sure I'll be able to find anything, but maybe with time, I'll find something that can be of use to the Scorched.


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