[AUDIO] Oo8 ;;

Sep 28, 2010 20:42

[Private to SAKURA]

It's been a while, Sakura.

[ And her tone confirms it, the dull, listless edge of time steeped in the breadth of familiarity. There is a warmth to her voice nonetheless, a certain degree of surety destined for something greater. ]

I trust you've been well.


[Private to ANGEAL]

Angeal, it's V --

[ Valeria's stomach, which apparently feels the need to inform Angeal of how empty it is if the sheer volume of its rumbling is any indication. The silence that follows its declaration is broken a moment later by Valeria's light, if not somewhat awkward laughter. (It figures her stomach would put thoughts of Angeal's cooking before all else.) Suffice to say the urgency and professionalism that characterized her tone a moment earlier are somewhat dampened now, though still present. ]

It's Valeria. Do you have a minute?


[Private to ZACK]

So, how's Gil?

[ And, of course, she would put forth the inquiry in such a way that one might think they had spoken all of a day ago despite that it has been many months and that the city hadn't just been under attack by a giant tentacle monster of some kind. Nonetheless, it stands. It and the smile she knows Zack will be envision clearly by her tone alone. ]

Get back to me when you can.

[ /ZACK ]

[Private to SASORI]

I was wondering when the lot of you would manage to drive that thing back.

[ And she states as much teasingly, but also fondly. ]

Hello, Sasori. It's been a while.


[Private to KAIEN]

You move pretty fast when you're in a hurry.

[ If the smile wasn't audible before, it is now, as she continues to speak. ]

Maybe we should race sometime. When the city is in better shape, of course.

[ A short pause follows, broken by a light sigh directed at... something else entirely. ]

I understand you have work, so take your time replying. I'll be around.

[ /KAIEN ]

[Private to SEPHIROTH]


[ There is a degree of familiarity, of warmth about her tone. A due note of amusement previously absent rises as she speaks, her tone that of one who experiences no difficulty in imagining with vividity the scenario she presents. ]

I hear you stopped by the landlord's the other day. He said... you were pretty insistent on getting our old place back.

[ Which could mean one of any number of things, but she didn't contact him to interrogate him. She didn't contact him to talk about old times like a war buddy either and her tone confirms it, the weight shouldered transforming the lightness of her tone. She can't help but wonder how many months it's been for him. ]

If you're willing, I'd like to speak with you.


zack fair, kaien shiba, !turk knife "valeria", sephiroth, sasori

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