[OPEN FIGHT LOG] Destroyers and Hellcats and uhhhh OH MY!

May 29, 2011 13:33

When: May 29-31
Where: Anywhere you want it to be. Make threads! EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED.  3...2..1...  FIGHT!
Format: Whatever you like!
Warnings: Will be updated if need be! Probably violence and gore, maybe language?

Day One  5/29

Day Two 5/30

Day Three 5/31

[ooc: I didn't know if ( Read more... )

lucian, juushirou ukitake, momo hinamori, quatre raberba winner, trevor belmont, bellatrix lestrange, -event: abyssal war, nymphadora tonks

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DAY ONE - 5/29 lestrangestone May 29 2011, 17:34:49 UTC
[Bellatrix is causing some chaos KIND OF CLOSED TO TONKS/LUPIN BUT NOT TOTALLY?] lestrangestone May 29 2011, 17:50:54 UTC
[Standing atop a broken building, she's redirecting the second wave of rods she's seen - right into some Anatolians as they attempt to scatter below. She's already used the Imperius Curse to further the attacks. Despite some of them knowing better than to sever the limbs of the beasts lest they make more, at least one man runs the street in a frenzy, doing just this. More rods propagate, and those that dodge them successfully more than once may find themselves frozen in place.]

Stand still, you vermin.

Stand still and be reborn!


and here we go wotchesyou May 30 2011, 00:56:31 UTC
[ There's a sound of repeated bams! As though someone is apparating very quickly in succession. That would be Tonks. She is making her way back to the clinic. It's not a quick process, not since the rods started to fall. ]

Go! Get to shelter!

[ Tonks points her wand up. From the tip of her wand, a shield arcs out and over the street. It glistens in golden hues as it settles slightly below the roofs of the buildings. The shield is only temporary and won't last beyond what is needed. ]


/pistol shot! lestrangestone June 1 2011, 01:50:24 UTC
[Get to----

She knows that voice.


That voice.]



[It's a growl of an intonation, and only half of the rods seem to obey as they shudder, spin and redirect themselves toward Bellatrix - past her and into the buildingscape just beyond. Some of them strike each other on the way down, a hail of impending infection.]

Out of the way, niece.

[Imperious, haughty as she stands and draws herself up, lip curling in disgust, (and a fair bit of delight because she's waited for this) wand pointed, teeth bared in a rictus grin. Fingertips tingling as she laughs. Nymphadora's recent words are coming back to her.]

Wouldn't want you to get caught in the crossfire!

[And she's going for a reducto to your shield, Tonks. ]


and the race is on and here comes pride in the backstretch wotchesyou June 1 2011, 02:32:22 UTC
I don't think so aunt!

[ Tonks flicks her wrist like she is casting a fishing line. Her shield retracted only to be flung at Bellatrix like a powerful burst of concussive air. It meets the reducto and disintegrates into golden sparks.

She frowns and apparates. A second loud pop reveals her location on the roof across from Bellatrix. Her wand is out and she is in an offensive stance.

Are you ready for this Bellatrix? Are you ready for the rapid fire of offensive charm, jinxes and hexes that are coming your way. Tonks is not playing with you. ]


batshit is chomping at the bit lestrangestone June 2 2011, 22:54:48 UTC
[You don't think so? How dare you think at all, if you even truly do. Where is your respect, Nymphadora? Always getting in the way, in the thick of things that aren't your concern (and that sometimes end badly for you, don't they?). She's smiling a little more as she remembers this - remembers how still and broken you looked the last time she saw you. Before this.


---and there she is. Closer.

Bellatrix frowns at those sparks as they fall. They should have been rods (not the last fragments of protection), now it is just a useless shower of what may as well be piss for all the good it's going to do the city.

She's as ready as she can be, with a willingness to more than make up for any lack of plan.]

You speak as if your voice matters!

[Come on, then. Bring it.]


stubbornness is coming up the inside wotchesyou June 3 2011, 00:46:39 UTC
[Tonks doesn't speak at all. She's too busy fighting.

While she had not overestimated her own abilities, Tonks is slightly surprised at just how good Bellatrix is. The woman moves with the agility and grace of a person several years younger than her. She's able to deflect and shield everything Tonks throws at her.

For her part, Tonks hasn't been hit by a spell yet.

Tonks raises her arm high in the air. The tip of her wand sparks, grows white just as she brings her arm down in a rapid motion. The white spark glows and morphs into lightning. The original spark never leaves the tip of her wand, instead the lightning zigs and zags on it's way to Bellatrix.

This spells surprises her. It was only meant to be a shocking charm, not lightning as though Zeus himself was hurling it at Bellatrix.

She can't let go now. ]


idk man crazy is all over the place lestrangestone June 3 2011, 01:14:01 UTC
[Her eyes widen behind a mass of curls as she counters - wand straight out - her shock (she does not stop to consider the appropriateness of the emotion) may be detectable, and it may not, but the surprise is there just the same.]


[Hurling, unfurling its own kind of light, mirrors and negativespace, vomiting forth as if to swallow up the brilliance of this thing hurtling toward her - this brightling ball of light, all spark and arc and Merlin's teat it's met her counterspell and is growing all in the space of seconds.

Light and unlight and crackle and echo as it spills out - tendrils piercing the roof beside - brick slams into stone, as light arcs into light and into light again, she can't help but wonder how much of this is Nymphadora (impossible) and how much is her own power.

And how much is Anatole?She is still wondering this as she's blown back by the force of it. Shattered rock and brilliantdark as her footing's a memory and she's in the air - can't see past the enormity of it - the sound in her ears and the ( ... )


wotchesyou June 3 2011, 01:31:40 UTC
[ When Tonks spells hits Bellatrix, it reverberates. The shock wave alone knocks Tonks off of her feet. She can feel herself being lifted up only to be blown off of the roof. ]


[Enough of the cat attacks, for reals] photosbythebed May 29 2011, 18:07:46 UTC
[She hates to do it, but have a face full of fire, (and then some) catbeast. She is trying to make her way back to the clinic, where this can happen. ]


[for kaien but open] hellcatssssss turquoice May 29 2011, 23:49:02 UTC
[Hitsugaya's glad to hear that Aizen's racehorse of choice in this battle royale has fallen, and it's enough to allow him to actually concentrate on the impending threat of attack upon the city. He's got himself positioned on the outskirts, trying to see if he can sense these creatures or not.]


[Locked to Clarice] bloody_eyed_4th May 30 2011, 02:54:33 UTC
[Miata is fighting the hellcats, slicing them to bits and avoiding the rods - occasionally just pulling their arms and legs off - all whilst looking out for Clarice.]



[Locked] mudhair May 30 2011, 04:19:16 UTC
[While Miata is combating the hellcats, Clarice is doing her best to simply dodge out of their paths.] A-ah! This is insane!

[Certainly, nothing in Rabona could have prepared her for this. Not even countless Awakened Beings. Thank the gods of everything ever that Miata is here.

Her grip on her claymore tightens, her breathing labored.]

What... what are these things?!


[Locked] bloody_eyed_4th May 30 2011, 05:36:21 UTC

[She jumps down from the hellcat she just beheaded, easily dodging the rods, to trot next to Clarice, eyes on the lookout for anymore cats.]

Mama...be careful.

...Avoid the rods.


[Locked] mudhair May 30 2011, 18:00:26 UTC
The... rods? [As soon as she says this, one slams into the ground frighteningly close to her feet. She yelps and skids backward -- far away.]

W-w-what will happen if I get hit by one of those?!


[Locked] bloody_eyed_4th May 31 2011, 03:33:37 UTC
[There's more of them now, and Miata is bot dodging them and keeping an eye on Mama, growling when the rod almost hit her.]

Can't regenerate...become cat.


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