three strikes and you're out

Dec 08, 2015 00:58

I should really not be spending my precious break-from-studying hours being annoyed but the brain twitching has been ongoing ever since Junno’s resignation was announced and I figure a little ranting may be cathartic. Let's hope.

*throws my two-cents into the fandom fountain of opinionated thoughts* )

please no, fandom, hyphenated, my thoughts are rambling, junno

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Comments 15

hanizawa_yuuki December 8 2015, 10:32:51 UTC
"I just hate how fans are blaming other fans for reactions that are completely human. The fans who are feeling angry and betrayed are the ones who believed Junno’s promises, the ones who had unshaken faith in his loyalty. They’re not haters. They’re just hurt ( ... )


scorch66 December 9 2015, 08:10:08 UTC
For me, when Jin left KT years ago, I was more relieved and happy because I didn't care much for him to begin with. The anger coming at Junno right now is something that I can completely understand though because I feel it too, and I love Junno. I don't blame him for prioritising himself and I don't expect him to cater to my wishes. That doesn't change the feeling of hurt or betrayal though, because like you said, promises were made. Repeatedly. Most fans didn't figure he could ever bail out so suddenly and that's going to take some time to adjust to. If Junno can leave and still claim to love KT and have his feelings accepted, then I expect others to accept the feelings of fans who are withdrawing from Junno but still wish him all the best.

Even now with 3 members (or soon become 3 members), I still want to see KAT-TUN until the end.
Same; we've made it so far already, might as well see it through to the hopefully-never-happening-end. <3


sanneloveskt December 8 2015, 11:25:55 UTC
Why aren’t we fans allowed to vent and express our frustration without being seen as delusional haters who don’t understand basic human rights? Why aren’t we even allowed the space to feel hurt without the automatic assumption that we’re making unjust demands ( ... )


pinkporca December 8 2015, 11:48:12 UTC
Well said!!!!! Totally agree!!!


scorch66 December 9 2015, 08:12:18 UTC
Happy to know my two-cents were worth sharing <3


moveslikekame December 8 2015, 11:48:19 UTC
I LOVE YOU! This sums up just about everything that needs to be said regarding this situation and I hope everyone will be able to read this and think for a second ( ... )


scorch66 December 9 2015, 07:45:32 UTC
They have to understand that we deal with things differently, we value things differently and feel differently. This is the crux of the matter. Fans will go out of their way to think of reasons to legitimize Junno's bizarre timing but they can't seem to grasp where our hurt feelings are coming from? How is that so hard? Even KT are able to sympathise with hyphens more than hyphens themselves ("When I think of how all you must be feeling in your heart of hearts, I'm at a loss for words." -Nakamaru), which is odd. If some fans are able to deal with the situation with full on positivity then that's great, but it doesn't make those who are still staggered by the news any less mature. And yeah, how we react doesn't really change anything; if half a year of pleading from the members couldn't change Junno's mind, I doubt much else will. Plus, the point of venting isn't to make Junno or his fans feel like crap; it's a process to sort out personal feelings. If you rush to slap a bandaid on a wound without giving it time to breathe, you'll ( ... )


pineappleribbon December 8 2015, 15:19:41 UTC
It's a weird thing to say but I'm happy after reading what you said. Because it's totally what I think and I thought nobody thought that way too. People would say that way of thinking is childish. But treat the idol who do that as someone who free of guilty is childish. Yes, being idol is a job like they say, but just because of that is that he need to apologize. It it were any another job, the person would have to apologize too. Why blame the fans that are feeling sad and feel the need to "hate", when that fans are just being human? They have a right to feel that feel. One thing I always say is that people need to respect more people's feelings, if they aren't living this, they have no right to judge. Also, in that moment when KT is having a bad time, and the other idols still want to keep the group, we need to start sympatshising more with each other, exactly like you said. Ok, if the person agree with Junno's choices, but respect what the other person is feeling too. There's nothing wrong with ripping the uchiwa, idols won't feel ( ... )


scorch66 December 9 2015, 08:30:03 UTC
Yeah, I don't think it's fair to recognise Junno as a regular ol' person and then proceed to absolve him of regular ol' person responsibilities like apologising to the people he's hurt. It's a common courtesy and I'm glad he did it directly at least ( ... )


ryuunomojin April 7 2017, 15:01:41 UTC
And now you realize he did not even retire... It was a lie, after all, blatantly made to the fans who were already hurting too much. It's a broken promise, and anyone who receives a broken promise is entitled to be hurt. I don't like Taguchi so I'm fine that he's out of the picture. But as a fan, in general, I can totally understand the outrage of the Hyphens, especially when it was found that he had his own domain activated right after the 3-nin had finished their 10Ks concerts... Super betrayal, that's all I can say, and now the fans have even greater reason for becoming angrier at him. And it's normal, totally expected, the outburst of hurt and anger, as natural as him moving on with his professional life unaffected.... and as long as they do not threaten lives and properties, these fans are entitled to how they feel and no one has the right to belittle what they (we) feel regarding Taguchi's actions.

Thank you for your "litany" because I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU...


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