Snippet Post #2

May 18, 2013 10:00

It's the fifteenth eighteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post!  Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)

Please include the following information in your comment:

Any other info: (pairings, warnings, author notes, etc.)

If your snippet has adult content, you must ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

camfield May 19 2013, 05:33:54 UTC
Fandom: Wreck It Ralph
Any other info: I'm slowing into stuck territory dammit!

They turned to Ralph and the looks on their faces... almost hurt him more than the loss of his home. As one they hefted him up and tossed him over the side of the building, Ralph tumbling over and over until he hit the ground with a muddy splat. A heavy feeling of sadness and despair flooding the large man as he hefted himself up and shook off the mud. He looked over at the dump, where his stump sat on a pile of bricks. Giving a sigh and shuffling forward to the-

::Reset. Game working under acceptable parameters::

There was a flash of light that passed through everything. It rolled through the building, Ralph, the Nicelanders, Felix and over to the dump, each of them pausing as information assimilated within their code.

“Character data compiled correctly. Memory input incoming...”

The characters on the building gave small noises of shock as they looked at each other. Felix dropped the pie he’d been holding to press a hand to the side of his ( ... )


tehexile May 25 2013, 13:21:57 UTC
this one looks interesting :)


camfield May 27 2013, 07:24:57 UTC
Thanks! I hope it will be when it's done anyway!


ms_bekahrose May 19 2013, 05:53:43 UTC
Fandom: Torchwood/Merlin
Any other info: Nope.

Tentatively, she began to spread her wings only to draw them back when she felt the bubble press against her feathers yet not burst. She tilted her head and inspected the bubble as closely as she dared; she’d seen them before, the children of the villages she had spent time in had often danced among bubbles, delighting in the way they would burst at the slightest thing, the light flickering off them. She moved her head and snapped her beak at the bubble and twittered in annoyance when it remained.“Any idea what it is?” Ianto asked, watching as the bird snipped at the cell ( ... )


dollysdoodles May 19 2013, 15:35:26 UTC
Fandom: Supernatural
BackGround Info: Something strange is happening to the residents of Irving Park Road, Chicago. they are killing themselves one by one in the cruelest way you can possibly imagine. Sam and Dean Winchester get a whiff of this case and they decide to check it out. Will they be able to save the residents, will the brothers be able to save each other when whatever evil had taken over the place decides to play with the Winchesters too? (Set in S4 after the episode Wishful Thinking, where Dean confesses to Sam about the souls he tortured while in hell )

Jamie looked in the mirror again, but she couldn't recognize herself any more ( ... )


navaan May 19 2013, 19:06:18 UTC
Fandom: Doctor Who
Any other info: For the snippet it's one-sided Koshei/Theta I think

Koshei was glaring at both of them. Theta could feel it. He had always been tetchy when Theta had made new friends, but he could feel this was something else. He looked up and Koshei lowered his eyes at him as if in warning, then walked away with the girl on his arm.

"Huh," the man at his side smiled. "You must be quite a treasure if you get so many people to be competing for you attention in only two days."

Thetas brow furrowed. "I don't think you know what you are talking about. He is just testy 'cause I am getting by without him."

John took up a fork and started on one of the strangely coloured cakes. "Maybe you're right." It didn't sound at all convinced, and a small smile stayed on his lips. He wanted to argue, but the conversation died down as Theta discovered that the cake was indeed delicious.


gekkoryu May 19 2013, 22:21:58 UTC
Fandom: Marvel/AI fusion (kind of)
Any other info: This is part of a series, so I feel like I should link to the beginning here.

Father had stayed through the evening, speaking in quiet tones about things that didn’t matter because all Loki cared about then was the sound of his voice.

Memories overlapped and shrugged out of his reach as he tried to make sense of them, everything before It felt like a different world compared to the quieter thoughts of the Safe Place that were his and not his all at once. They would not stay where he set them, and so he was forced to wade against their tide. The space behind his eyes aches ( ... )


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