Snippet Post #2

May 18, 2013 10:00

It's the fifteenth eighteenth of the month -- that means it's time for a snippet post!  Just leave a comment below with a part of your fic (no more than 200-300 words, thanks!)

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dollysdoodles May 19 2013, 15:35:26 UTC
Fandom: Supernatural
BackGround Info: Something strange is happening to the residents of Irving Park Road, Chicago. they are killing themselves one by one in the cruelest way you can possibly imagine. Sam and Dean Winchester get a whiff of this case and they decide to check it out. Will they be able to save the residents, will the brothers be able to save each other when whatever evil had taken over the place decides to play with the Winchesters too? (Set in S4 after the episode Wishful Thinking, where Dean confesses to Sam about the souls he tortured while in hell )

Jamie looked in the mirror again, but she couldn't recognize herself any more.
Once, she had high cheek bones, olive complexion, beautiful big almond shaped hazel eyes. Now, none of those old familiar features made an appearance on her face, because blood from the several gashes crisscrossing her face and neck hid them perfectly.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn’t, her eyes won’t cooperate. Well if they were still eyes, all she could see of them in the mirror were vertical slits--bloody and scarred.
She was a monster and she did this to herself; when she killed her own kid.
Jamie looked at her hands now.. Bloody.. That was the blood of her son.. Her 5 year old Michael.. How could she do that?? Why did she do that.
She had no answer, but the guilt rose like bile in her chest, burning throughout her veins. She needed to be punished.. She had to be punished…
Jamie looked around and picked up a rusted scissors and smashed the mirror, then she smashed her ugly face in the glass shards again and again and again..
The last thing she could remember seeing, was her five year old son, standing near the bathroom door, banging his little fists on the glass… crying.. Crying for her to stop.


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