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Comments 26

tanyareed October 5 2010, 03:06:50 UTC
I'm so excited! I love Nano. Also, I've buddied you. I hope you don't mind.


schweinsty October 5 2010, 03:28:34 UTC
Of course I don't mind! Hah, I'm so excited too - I've been lurking on the forums so much lately :).

Do you know what you're doing this year yet? :D.


tanyareed October 5 2010, 03:34:11 UTC
I think I might have figured it out today. (See my journal entry of a few minutes ago.) But, I have noooo idea if I can make it work. None. Still, it interests me, and I'm bored with a lot of my old ideas.

I saw that you signed up for the gift exchange too. Wouldn't it be funny if we got paired together? LOL

I've been lurking in the forums a lot too. That's usually how I get myself revved up in October. (Though I usually start around the fifteenth. I wanted to catch stuff at the beginning this year, so I was there right away...especially since there was no lag time this year. Yay! But wait until November.)

Bring on November!


schweinsty October 5 2010, 03:46:14 UTC
:D It sounds interesting :D.

Oh - we probably won't, because I can't ship bigger packages out of country much, but I am trying to embroider some Nano 2010 bookmarks/bandannas/things - would you like one? No guarantees that I finish it before nano, but I'd be happy to send you one :D.

Haha, the only problem is that I'm so excited, I don't know how I'm going to keep from writing until October :P. I'm getting the planning done sooner than I'd expected I would.


ketchupblood October 5 2010, 06:00:38 UTC
One sounds absolutely fascinating. Two sounds like it could be really good too, but I definitely pick one. :D Though stories based on dreams caused by allergy medication can't possibly be bad, so idk...


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:28:04 UTC
:D. Thanks! I think I'm going with one and working on two in the meantime :D.

And heeeeey!!! How've you been?


ketchupblood October 10 2010, 22:38:05 UTC
Wow, sounds like a lot of work, especially on top of classes. O.O I barely even have time to work on my top_cagnotte fic.

I'm good! I'm listening to Backstreet Boys right now (their old 90s stuff) and it's wonderful. I'm also trying to install a typesetting program and zomg it's taking so much thinking. D:


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:44:06 UTC
OMG. I thought I was the only one that still listened to BSB occasionally :P. Haha, I used to love them so much.

Oh, that looks like an interesting exchange! :D. (And the mod's got a Mannschaft icon, omg). Good luck with your fic :D. I'm taking fewer classes this semester and working a couple less hours/week, so I've had a bit more time to read/write lately.

*hugs you lots*


alessandriana October 5 2010, 11:34:56 UTC
Zany adventures sounds pretty fun! And personally I would think that writing about a culture you're more familiar with, rather than having to get Brit-picked all the time, would make the month easier overall-- even if the story is longer. You can always save that last 10k for after the month?

I really, really need to get to work on plotting out my NaNo. This is always my problem. I have plenty of characters, but nothing for them to do!

Oh, and I'm adding you on the site, if you don't mind. :)


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:33:20 UTC
..Sorry for the late reply..

Yeah, those are good points :D. I think I'm going with the first one for nano :D.

Hmm, do you have a basic idea of the plot? At least characters are something to work with :).

And of course I don't mind! What's your sn over there?


alessandriana October 11 2010, 01:42:46 UTC
Hmm. I've been sitting here for like twenty minutes trying to type up an idea of my plot, and have come to the conclusion that no, I really don't even have a basic idea. I've got a medieval-ish fantasy world, a character who can't talk (because every time he does magic happens, mostly the bad kind), and a magic school with a bunch of miscellaneous student characters, but nothing really to tie it all together. Hopefully as I continue to world-build (which is what I've been doing the past couple days) something will come up, but so far, nada!

My sn is alessandriana~


schweinsty October 11 2010, 15:09:35 UTC
Oh, I *love* magic school stories, no joke. Are you planning on posting it online?

Oh, cool, I added you back. :D.


lissibith October 5 2010, 12:39:24 UTC
First thing I learned about Nano... as long as you cross the 50k mark, it doesn't really matter if it ends at "the end."

If the first one's been kicking around your brain a while, it sounds like it might be the better choice. And the format won't hurt either! But either one of them sounds like it'd make a great story


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:38:59 UTC
Yep, I think I'm going with the first one for Nano, and doing the other as a buildup/cooldown :P. With any luck, I'll be able to start next year editing both of them :D.

*Sorry for the late response - midterms killed me a bit this week*


nthdraft October 5 2010, 19:09:21 UTC
I also like idea #1. But hey, you know how you make 60k? Up your word count. Instead of stopping at 1667 make your goal 2k. It's a lot easier to drag yourself over the line if you put it just a few feet further away than it is to keep going when you've passed the line. It's just a few extra words a day. That's what worked for me.


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:41:26 UTC
I'm thinking of trying to do that; only thing is, my ADD's been really bad lately, and I'm trying to front-load it this year since I'm usually busy on Thanksgiving, but I'm thinking of going for 2300 for the first couple of weeks and seeing if I need to ease down later.

If I make it past the first week, anyway :P.

OT, I like your icon! It's so colorful :).

*Sorry for the late reply - midterms killed my online life this week :).


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