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alessandriana October 5 2010, 11:34:56 UTC
Zany adventures sounds pretty fun! And personally I would think that writing about a culture you're more familiar with, rather than having to get Brit-picked all the time, would make the month easier overall-- even if the story is longer. You can always save that last 10k for after the month?

I really, really need to get to work on plotting out my NaNo. This is always my problem. I have plenty of characters, but nothing for them to do!

Oh, and I'm adding you on the site, if you don't mind. :)


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:33:20 UTC
..Sorry for the late reply..

Yeah, those are good points :D. I think I'm going with the first one for nano :D.

Hmm, do you have a basic idea of the plot? At least characters are something to work with :).

And of course I don't mind! What's your sn over there?


alessandriana October 11 2010, 01:42:46 UTC
Hmm. I've been sitting here for like twenty minutes trying to type up an idea of my plot, and have come to the conclusion that no, I really don't even have a basic idea. I've got a medieval-ish fantasy world, a character who can't talk (because every time he does magic happens, mostly the bad kind), and a magic school with a bunch of miscellaneous student characters, but nothing really to tie it all together. Hopefully as I continue to world-build (which is what I've been doing the past couple days) something will come up, but so far, nada!

My sn is alessandriana~


schweinsty October 11 2010, 15:09:35 UTC
Oh, I *love* magic school stories, no joke. Are you planning on posting it online?

Oh, cool, I added you back. :D.


alessandriana October 11 2010, 15:38:23 UTC
I do too, orz. My brain keeps going, oh, they're so overdone! You should do something else! Be original! But then I figure-- this is NaNo! I'm allowed to be as cliched as I want, as long as it gets me writing. ;p

Umm, I will probably be posting it locked on my nano LJ, alessandriana; I'm happy to friend anyone who wants, though~


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