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ketchupblood October 5 2010, 06:00:38 UTC
One sounds absolutely fascinating. Two sounds like it could be really good too, but I definitely pick one. :D Though stories based on dreams caused by allergy medication can't possibly be bad, so idk...


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:28:04 UTC
:D. Thanks! I think I'm going with one and working on two in the meantime :D.

And heeeeey!!! How've you been?


ketchupblood October 10 2010, 22:38:05 UTC
Wow, sounds like a lot of work, especially on top of classes. O.O I barely even have time to work on my top_cagnotte fic.

I'm good! I'm listening to Backstreet Boys right now (their old 90s stuff) and it's wonderful. I'm also trying to install a typesetting program and zomg it's taking so much thinking. D:


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:44:06 UTC
OMG. I thought I was the only one that still listened to BSB occasionally :P. Haha, I used to love them so much.

Oh, that looks like an interesting exchange! :D. (And the mod's got a Mannschaft icon, omg). Good luck with your fic :D. I'm taking fewer classes this semester and working a couple less hours/week, so I've had a bit more time to read/write lately.

*hugs you lots*


ketchupblood October 10 2010, 22:49:21 UTC


It's bringing back childhood memories, xD

You already saw it! :P You helped me pick out my people, remember? I'm jealous, though. I'm feeling so overloaded even though I have the fewest credits I've ever had. D:

*hugs you back*

How are things on your end?


schweinsty October 10 2010, 22:56:15 UTC
Lol, omg. One time my sister got mad at me and papered my side of the room with NSYNC posters, le gasp. Good times :D.

Lol, yep, I was scrolling through it and I was like 'this looks oddly familiar...' *snugs you. I hope things ease up on you a bit! Are your classes super hard, or is it a lot of busywork? It sucks either way.

Things are - good? Mostly. :D. I feel good, anyway, so - there's a couple of things I'm stressing out a little bit over right now, and the ADD part of the bipolar has been reaaally bad lately, but overall I'm doing good :). :D.


ketchupblood October 10 2010, 23:00:09 UTC
OH HAI THERE ZUKO! I watched part of an episode of Avatar once and I realized that if I ever got around to watching? I would ship Zuko/Katara so hard. It would be so bad.

It's one hard class and then physics. I hate physics. I especially hate online physics homework. Worst. Thing. Ever.

Yay for good! =D


schweinsty October 10 2010, 23:04:33 UTC
Ooooh, you should watch it! It's really good :D. I mean, really really good :D. And Zuko/Katara is awesome :D.

Ah, you poor thing. That really sucks. :(. Online homework is the worst.


ketchupblood October 10 2010, 23:10:44 UTC
Haha, maybe when I have time in my life again. I'm not sure about that, either. I'm about 100% sure that once I start watching I'm going to have a huge crush on Zuko, though.

My life is so hard ;~; I'm trying to remember what classes you're taking, but I can't think of them. D: I'm almost sure that you've told me before, though.


schweinsty October 10 2010, 23:14:43 UTC
Eh, Zuko is kind of a douche the first season. He only really gets adorkable later on.

Umm, I'm taking a couple English classes and sociology of sports (my prof is boring, but he makes He-man references, so it's all good :D). The best is probably my Children's and adolescent lit class - it is really interesting, and the assignments are great. The only bad thing is my other English and the sociology class give a crapload of reading (Beowulf in two days, lol). But it's a fairly easy semester.


ketchupblood October 10 2010, 23:30:47 UTC
But I've already seen him being sweet, so I'm going to go into it majorly biased. D:

Oh, the children's lit class does sound like a lot of fun. What types of things do you read in it? Ugh, I hate classes with a lot of reading. I always slack off on them and then I fall so far behind. D:


schweinsty October 11 2010, 15:11:32 UTC

It is a lot of fun - we're reading things like The Tequila Worm, Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, some stuff about twins at Auschwitz, and The Hunger Games. :D. There's a lot more (I think like 16 books?) but they're fairly easy reading, so it's all good :).

Homg, I do that too; I always have so much to read over the weekends now, because it stacks up :(.


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