
Jan 08, 2009 14:59

So, I watched Kung Fu Panda last night!

It was actually very good! One of Dreamworks' best, I'd say. The story was pretty cliche, but it was entertaining enough to keep me watching.

Cut for a bit of rambling/review )

kung fu panda, movies, animation, meme, dreamworks

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Comments 16

meredyd January 8 2009, 20:23:53 UTC
What's the most ridiculous, self-indulgent, crazy AU you have ever come up with, for any fandom? I want details.


schellibie January 8 2009, 20:39:19 UTC
Oh gosh, I'll have to think on this... there's a couple?


AVATAR AU: Takes place in a Star Wars-esque universe, the characters all bend energy (that corresponds with their color scheme of course!)... and it essentially follows the same plot, except on a galactic scale. Everyone is wearing super awesome sexy impractical space jumpsuits.

And another Avatar AU in which... don't laugh:

Aang is a girl. Everyone else is the same genders. ZUKAANG IS TOTALLY CANON. (Also girl!Aang is about 14 and Zuko is 16 so it's okay) Also in this AU Katara/Toph is canon. YUP.

So that's my ridiculous excuse to make a really cool yin/yang pairing and also Aang is pretty as a girl. XD

So yeah, those two AUs are pretty crazy and self indulgent, what can I say?


monalisaofpasta January 8 2009, 21:04:53 UTC
LOL, is it odd that I wished that Zuko was a girl too in your second AU?


schellibie January 8 2009, 21:15:42 UTC


would be awesome. XD


(lol, showing my obvious femslash bias here)


(The comment has been removed)

schellibie January 8 2009, 21:25:15 UTC
But... but... I don't want there to be a sequel :( Sequels are usually just not as good.

I was a fan of Shrek in middle school, but watching it recently it's not as funny to me... though I still really like it!


monalisaofpasta January 8 2009, 20:58:58 UTC
Have you ever liked a non-canon pairing? If so, what is the pairing and why? If not, why not?


schellibie January 8 2009, 21:23:22 UTC
Hmmm... I've actually rarely shipped a non canon pairing, honestly. I think this is mainly just because most of the things I've followed have been fairly good with their shipping...

There are a couple though! (no pun intended)

Ty Lee/Azula, for one. Though I'd like to think it was canon.
Also Neville/Luna in Harry Potter, and Luna/Dean in the fourth book. Oh, and Luna/Hermione. I PRETTY MUCH SHIPPED LUNA A LOT. XD Maybe because she is like me? That was probably a bit of wish fulfillment on my part... after all, I was like 13.


monalisaofpasta January 8 2009, 21:30:21 UTC
Neville/Luna is so my HP OTP followed by Cedric/Harry. I couldn't really care about any of the other options.

I am picky about my Luna shipping, I just don't want her with someone who at least respects and accepts her, which is not easy in a lot of cases.


schellibie January 8 2009, 23:57:19 UTC
Yeah, Neville/Luna was my main one too... and I liked Ron and Hermione for the snark. XD


meme thing XD annaserene January 8 2009, 22:50:43 UTC
ok.. I've been kinda obsessed with Twilight lately ^^;;
sooo Team Edward or Team Jacob? LOL


Re: meme thing XD schellibie January 8 2009, 23:56:28 UTC
Um... team neither. XD


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