The Fangirl Tour resumes...

Apr 01, 2006 19:34

Where did today go? I swear it was two o'clock only a few minutes ago. ~blinks~ Ah, well, the Fangirl Tour is back on schedule. (And if you don't know what I'm talking about, see this post.)

A Forfeit of Dreams by klmorgan - Complex characterization, lyrical writing and a compelling storyline. A Sarah who isn't perfect and a Jareth who never loses his edge. I fully anticipate buying klmorgan's books at some point in the future. ;) (Labyrinth, complete, Jareth/Sarah)

Animagus' Anonymous by ozratbag2 - I was torn and probably should have listed At Any Moment (which is brilliant) but this fic always makes me smile and I had to add it here. The premise is very simple: What happens when your animagus form isn't quite what you'd hoped? And if there's two links in this one rec, well.... ~whistles innocently~ (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/Granger & Harry/Draco)

Echoes by wiccarowan - Made AU by Half Blood Prince, this is still one of the best takes on Tom Riddle's mother that I've ever seen. Beautifully written and heartbreaking, it lingers in the memory long after you've read it. (Harry Potter, complete, Tom Riddle, Sr./OFC)

In the House of Fallen Angels by Rilla - This is a riveting story about a difficult subject matter, and rillathegrape rejects the easy magical solutions that a lesser author might have chosen. (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/Granger)

The Lecture by Grindylow - Just remembering the doorbell analogy makes me laugh. A glowering Snape and a forced lecture on sex education make for a hilarious fic. (Harry Potter, complete, no pairing)

Love's Labours, Paradise Lost by Veresna Ussep - This is the het fic that is probably most often recced in the press in articles discussing Snapefic, and there's a reason for that. An uncompromising look at a complex character, and an OFC who changes in a realistic fashion within the framework of the story. (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/OFC)

Possibly Maybe by twinkledru - A stream of consciousness fic, this ratchets up the tension until it's almost unbearable, then very effectively trails away in the manner that thoughts do, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions. Plausible even after HBP. (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/Granger)

Potio by Seeker - If you'd just asked me about this pairing, I would probably have scoffed, but it works, and works very well. The initial view Snape takes of Lockhart is perfect for the fic, I think, and is what allows the relationship to tentatively begin blossoming. (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/Lockhart)

Rattles and Beads by Fizzbin - What happens when Spock is inadvertently captured by a primitive native species during a survey mission? Why, someone is sent to rescue him, of course. Near perfect interaction between Spock and McCoy. If this fic doesn't make you laugh, I'm afraid that you don't have a sense of humor. ~grin~ (Star Trek TOS, complete, no pairing)

Those Who Linger by LaGuera - While Tolkien purists might resist reading this, I hope that you won't. I don't think I've read a more gut-wrenching depiction of grief and determination. Told from the pov of Haldir's wife, it draws you in and then completely breaks your heart. (LOTR movieverse, complete, Haldir/OFC)

Tyger! Tyger! by Bloodcult of Freud - She made me laugh and cry, and then turned around and did it all over again. An extremely human Snape with faults and foibles; he's presented to the reader warts and all; I admire that a great deal. (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/Granger)

Un Livre des Herbes Foncées, A Dark Herbal by The Stars Hold Nine Serpents - Gah! I want to write like this when I grow up. Please? ~grin~ Lush prose, a dark Snape and a flawed heroine make this one of the most compelling stories I've ever read. I can only hope that it's not been abandoned. ~hopeful look toward ts9s~ (Harry Potter, WIP, Snape/OFC)

What Snape Wants by Odd Doll - Neither of the characters are particularly nice, but the unexpected act of compassion at the end makes this fic resonate very strongly with me. (Harry Potter, complete, Snape/OFC)

I'll finish up the Fangirl Tour tomorrow. ;)

Edited to add links:

The Original Fangirl Tour Day One
The Original Fangirl Tour Day Two
The Original Fangirl Tour Day Three
The Original Fangirl Tour Day Four

fangirl tour, fic recs

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