Title: Last Days of an Unreal City - Chapter 10 - Jus in Bello
Characters: Rorschach/Nite Owl II
Rating: PG-13
Word count (this section): 5406
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Alan Moore.
Summary: AU. The Cold War reaches its ultimate conclusion, and Rorschach and Daniel are among the survivors when the East Coast is attacked.
Many thanks to
runriggers for
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Comments 24
This is always so lovely and polished, obviously a lot of work goes into it and it shows. :) I love the emotions right at the surface that only sometimes break through, but are lurking underneath all the time, and the subtle ways you show us they're there. And how there's always a little amusing piece to jump out when I least expect it, no matter how serious things are being: they endured it stoically and Snoreschach are far too awesome.
"Don't thank me," Adrian said.
Ow, ow, ow.
Thank you. :)
It doesn't really feel like work, weirdly. Researching stuff for stories is really good for getting over writer's block, even if it turns out that I don't need to use 90% of the crap I've learned.
'love the emotions right at the surface that only sometimes break through, but are lurking underneath all the time, and the subtle ways you show us they're there.'
Awesome. I was pondering the other day if I was too restrained or not.
I'm starting to sound like a broken record but I LOVE your characterizations, and the way the characters bounce off of each other - Dan and Ror's awkward non-conversations, that entire exchange after Dan touched Ror's face, Dan's inner thoughts, mentions of Laurie! and Adrian, of course Adrian. You write a masterful Adrian, that sly bastard. You know he's up to something but you can't quite tell what.
here we are, on a Thursday night, about to torture a guy. This is why we can't have nice things.
Mmmm, what a romantic date - a stroll in the smoggy, rubble-strewn streets of New York, then a dash of intimidation and torture. You have such good taste, Danny.
On another note, though, it's interesting to see how easily Dan goes back into Extract Information By Physical Violence Mode.
So yeah, <3 <3 all around~
And because I can't go one day without nitpicking:
too winded too yell
'You know he's up to something but you can't quite tell what.'
( ... )
Catatonia by any chance?
Adrian is a devious beast. Daniel is adorable, not wanting to wake Rorschach up. Story is awesome in general!
Thank you!
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