Title: Last Days of an Unreal City - Chapter 10 - Jus in Bello
Characters: Rorschach/Nite Owl II
Rating: PG-13
Word count (this section): 5406
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Alan Moore.
Summary: AU. The Cold War reaches its ultimate conclusion, and Rorschach and Daniel are among the survivors when the East Coast is attacked.
Many thanks to
runriggers for
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'You know he's up to something but you can't quite tell what.'
'Mmmm, what a romantic date - a stroll in the smoggy, rubble-strewn streets of New York, then a dash of intimidation and torture. You have such good taste, Danny.'
In future, I guess they could just, like, go to an Olive Garden or something.
'On another note, though, it's interesting to see how easily Dan goes back into Extract Information By Physical Violence Mode.'
Yeah, I just got that from the comic; Dan seems like the sort of guy you could bring home to your parents, but he looked pretty indifferent while Rorschach was squeezing a dude's hand around a broken shotglass. (Ow.) I found that more telling than the fact that he tried to throttle the Knot Top.
That was a very sneaky typo. Thanks.
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