My First Drabble

Apr 03, 2006 18:53

Fandom: Gundam SEED Destiny
Title: The Rematch
Pairing: Shinn/Cagalli
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam SEED Destiny or any of its characters
Convention: Italics = Sacarism

Heehee, here's my first drabble :D I can never write things in short... so althought I try to cut it the bare necessity, it's still 754 words long >.<;

Anyway, here's my first attempt at ShinnCaga Drabble as a response to whitelilies22's The Lesson at :D I have had this idea for a while for my other Shinn/Caga fic but it seems like I won't be able to fit it in, so I will just write it here :D

Small beads of sweats were forming on her forehead, as Cagalli's eyes darts from left to right, taking in all the information displayed across the many small screens. She shifted her weight and gripped the hand piece that controls her beam saber. Her whole being focused on her most formidable opponent - Destiny, the fastest, if not the strongest, mobile suit of ZAFT.

The battle had been going on for more than five minutes and knowing the other pilot; he did not have the patience to drag this on any longer. Her intuition was right. In a flash, Destiny pulled out his anti-ship beam and the Wing of Light flared as he charged towards her. She knew she can win if she dodged this, but with one of Akatsuki’s left thruster damaged and its right hand destroyed, it would not be an easy task. She quickly pushed the lever for the right thrusters to the max output, causing Akatsuki to spin to the right as it delivered a swift right kick on the Destiny’s wrist, causing his beam to drop. Using the moment of surprise, she pulled out her left beam saber and stabed it right through Destiny’s cockpit. A loud and bright explosion ensued as she dashed backward, avoiding any damage cause by her opponent’s destruction.

Satisfied, she smirked as she savored her hard earn victory.

The door to the outside opened, as she powered down her mobile suite. Cagalli jumped out with a grin plastered on her face.

“I win!” She bragged to the red eye pilot, her hands on her thin waist, as she stepped out of the simulation unit in the Morgenroete Military Research Center.

“Yeah, Yeah, after like five tries,” Shinn rolled his eye hiding a smile, as Cagalli circled around him doing her little victory dance with a huge smile plastered on her face.

“Still, you are a ZAFT ace, and I, I am just an untrained pilot!” She gloated, her eyes shone brightly, and her face beamed with confidence. “So that,” her eyes rolled around animatedly as if a light bulb just light up above her head, “does that make me a ZAFT ace too?” She giggled.

“Yes, yes, a Natural ZAFT ace,” Shinn smirked as he wrapped his arm around his currently hyperactive girlfriend and pulled her close to him. “So does that mean I get to see you in that pink ZAFT mini-dress tonight,” he continued, whispered into her hear.

“You wish!” she blushed, as she jabbed her elbow into his ribs and stuck her tongue out like a little kid, before running off to her twin brother.

“Kira, did you see how I beat Shinn?” She beamed excitingly, like a kid eager for compliment after acing a test.

A glace from Kira to Shinn went unnoticed by the blonde as she described how she came up with her every move and strategy for the battle.

“Yes, yes, we saw your simulation on the computer,” Kira chuckled as he tapped his twin’s nose. “And yes, you did great.”

Cagalli giggled and went off, continue announcing her victory to the other attendees of her military facility surveillance meeting.

Kira walked up to Shinn, and stared at him from the corner of his eye as he tried to suppress his grin.

And once Cagalli was out of ear shot, Shinn snapped, “What?”

“A Zaku versus Akatsuki?” Kira raised one of his eyebrows.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Shinn smirked as his fingers flied around the keyboard, reprogramming the simulation module.

“Oh, come on, how long did it take to hack the simulation program and linking all Zaku’s core engine to Destiny’s animation?” Kira chirped.

A few second of silence passed, before Shinn gave a fake glare to the other pilot who is grinning like a manic.

“About a week,” Shinn grunted, knowing that there was no way he could cheat the eye of the Freedom’s pilot.

“So that’s where all the typing noise came from at late night,” Kira teased. And all these just to entertain his sister on her day off.

“Tsu. Want to try a rematch? Strike Freedom vs. Destiny?” Shinn challenged, as he pressed the enter key, resetting all the settings to default.

“Huh?” Kira raised an eyebrow.

“And if I win, you promise you can’t tell Cagalli,” the Destiny’s pilot smirked.

“If you win, that is,” the Freedom pilot chuckled and climbed into the simulation unit half-heartedly, feeling ever so grateful for the man who makes his sister happy.

cloud, gundam seed destiny, shinn/cagalli

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