The Taylor-Davis Family: Week Six

Oct 16, 2016 14:14

From the round-up of Week Five: No one died this week - yay! Because he did die last week, Jesse didn't grow while Delaina did. Everyone spent most of their week skilling, bonding, and being a tad too affectionate with each other, but Olivia eventually headed off to college while her twin, Owen, decided college wasn't for him and he stayed behind instead.

small event: Online Friend - attempt to strike up a friendship; can't invite over until friends through IMing
big event: nothing - the week goes on like normal

Delaina is quite obsessed with their exercise bike (like most Sims) and Jesse is either not-so-eagerly-awaiting his turn or tired of waiting for his wife to start paying attention to him again.

Every time he does this, I fear for his life.

Jesse: Ha, I laugh in the face of danger!

Delaina is much more concerned with her new physique.

Don't worry, she hasn't forgotten about her beloved husband.

But he might be playing second place with the exercise bike right now...

Owen is the one trying to make friends through the internet - he meets Naevys (permaplat) online and begins bonding with her even though he's gay and a teenager. Apparently there' something they can still talk about?

He spends enough time getting to know her that she actually wants to meet him IRL! (his excitement, not mine)

Their age difference becomes quite apparent when they great each other with the kiss-kiss action.

They really do like each other, though, and end up talking all through the night until it's morning.

Ashton Mason still has a problem with the Taylor-Davises for basically no reason.

This time he has an audience to disapprove of his actions, though that didn't seem to stop him.

Delaina is finally officially the mayor of Sunset Bay!

Owen is going through some teenage angst, apparently. Maybe he misses his twin.

He's quickly distracted by Brendon Tibbs, however.

Owen: Do you believe in true love, Brendon?

Brendon: Of course! I'm so tired of playing games, like guys who go off to college and talk about long-distance relationships and never call again!
Still bitter over Daniel Royla, I see.

Brendon: I want someone to just put a ring on it already!
Aw, Beyoncé never gets old.

Owen isn't one for games, either.


I gave Ivy Copur (a premade) a bit of a makeover and now I want her to hook up with one of my teenagers so that she can become an official resident!

Jesse helps his wife celebrate her final promotion!
Of course, with this family's luck, I'm shocked that a satelite didn't fall on them or something.

They were too distracted to realize that it's their son's last day as a teenager.

Owen: Wow, I feel... well, I kind of feel the same, but taller!

Yeah, didn't go through many changes there, did he?

Of course he has to call his boyfriend right now - unfortunately, Brendon is still a teenager, and so this is just creepy.

He is still a child!

OK, much better.

The boys don't have their own bedroom yet, so they go to consummate their relationship in the master bedroom - where Owen's mother is still on her exercise bike.

Delaina: Who are you and why are you in my bedroom?!

Owen: I don't hear anything, I don't hear anything, I don't hear anything.
Maybe you should just LEAVE THE ROOM.

Brendon doesn't bring much money into the family, but the mayor's family is pretty comfortable, so it's okay.
party animal // natural cook // minimalist // dramatic // handy


Delaina: This is MY bed.

Brendon: She's going to leave us alone eventually, right?

She went to her sons' bedroom instead. I love it when someone gets onto the top bunk.

Oh, Brendon, not you too!

He's quickly distracted...

SERIOUSLY?! She's an old lady and he's now pregnant with your grandchild, Delaina!

He may be a party animal, but he's not the best fighter.

Brendon: Feed me! I'm eating for two now!
Delaina: Ooh, that little...
This is a super-happy family now.

Don't you two start now.

She can't beat up an actually-showing pregnant dude, right? RIGHT?!

Owen has to make sure that his future child has his name - and, you know, he loves Brendon...

Brendon said yes, of course.

And then they quickly tied the knot as well, because who needs expensive, fancy weddings?

What's wrong with you?

Ashton! What have they done to you?!

*pop x2*

Olivia may be out on her own know, but she hasn't forgotten her...
wait, she's calling her new brother-in-law and not her twin? Harsh.

I told you to lay on the exercise bike! You had better not die on me because you're too busy exercising - it's not worth it!

And that's it for this horribly-unlucky family. No one died this week, but now we apparently have two enemies living under the same roof, so we'll see how that goes...

- Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with Delaina, she seems to have a big problem with Brendon for no reason. Hopefully that goes away next time. If not, I guess I can hope that Delaina is close to death? EXCEPT I DON'T WANT THAT!

sunset bay: davis family, !sunset bay, sunset bay: taylor family, week six

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