The BDSM Room, My Missing Car, and Sleeping with a College Kid

Aug 11, 2013 19:45

Last night I went to a party.

I mean, of course I did. I go to a lot of parties. But most of them are thrown by friends of mine, and are pretty low-key: bonfires in backyard and barbeques and the like.

But this time, I went a party through a website. It was a cocktail party, and we were instructed to dress to the nines and come on down to a ( Read more... )

personal, diaphenia's adventures in dating, real life

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Comments 48

deathmallow August 12 2013, 00:50:53 UTC
Oh, man. I'm so sorry it turned into such a mess for you, and especially after your breakup. Maybe taking a little more time before diving back into the dating world might be good? Don't take too much stock in my advice though, I'm a total living datefail, so...let's face it, I don't know shit about it.

I will totally boycott "Jupiter Rising" for you. <333


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:01:51 UTC
Thank you for boycotting with me. I've actually thrown a lot of money at movies starring both of those people, but no longer! Of course, I have no proof either of them are actually in town, and who knows what scenes are actually being filmed, but I still feel like we should boycott, and also that CT should let some other people star in some movies soon. He's fine, mostly, but he's also in way more movies lately than he needs to be.


deathmallow August 12 2013, 02:04:01 UTC
No problem. And yeah, I agree CT is in way more movies than he needs to be.

I hope it gets better for you soon.


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:10:28 UTC
He's a good dance. He can be in dancer movies. And maybe comedy movies. But I haven't really seen him in anything dramatic that he really made anything more of the role than someone else could've.

Of course, you know Hollywood. Oy. Talent is not necessarily indicative of success.


rikyl August 12 2013, 01:03:57 UTC
Look, you know I am all for meeting strangers from the internet, but strangers from the internet who have a cage? Whoa. I guess it makes for a good conversation starter, but I am glad you didn't get murdered, more than the usual amount.

I didn't realize movie shoots can just tow cars that are in their way, with no notice. What a hassle. I will happily boycott that movie I've never heard of on your behalf.

I hope you start feeling more like yourself soon. I guess it takes a while, but it sucks.


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:08:20 UTC
The movie, according to yahoo news, is going to be the first of a trilogy about a woman who shares DNA with the Queen of the Universe and a bounty hunter sworn to kill her. Also, there will be lasers and space and stuff.

I would also like to point out I've met other people from the internet who have cages. For instance, emilyla has a cage. Of course, she has a dog. It's a dog cage. But still.

Just... of course I ended up at a party with a cage. I mean, come on.


ashisfriendly August 12 2013, 01:13:12 UTC
Your life is too glamorous for me to keep up with. Sorry about your car, I hope it wasn't too expensive to get it.


saucydiva August 12 2013, 01:57:00 UTC
I didn't actually have to pay to get it out of impound, because technically it wasn't impounded, it was just moved because apparently that's legal or something.

I am pretty glamorous, even more so in a cocktail dress, although less so the next morning in the same cocktail dress, looking like I'm on a walk of shame.


angylinni August 12 2013, 01:29:02 UTC
oh man, I had such high hopes for this being a cool thing for you! *Hugs*


saucydiva August 12 2013, 01:54:29 UTC
To be fair, the party was pretty fun! I would go next month if it didn't conflict with anything else. I'll just maybe take public transportation instead, though.


throwingpens August 12 2013, 01:47:34 UTC
Jesus H Christ on a Cracker with Some Communion Wine.

"However, first, he bought me a donut from Dunkin Donuts. Because to a 22 year old, I’m fairly certain this means something."

It does. As a 22 year old, I can honestly say, nobody has ever bought me donuts without having some feelings for me. I say this, having bought and eaten a half dozen donuts from Dunkin Donuts myself this morning, and nobody has had more feelings for me than me.

Also, 22 year olds are FUCKING STUPID.

PS: Aside from the BDSM room, what did you think of the apartment? Should I see if a hockey player lives in the same building? Do you think a hockey player lives in that building? You know I have goals and one of them is to have a nice apartment/marry a hockey player before my lease is up here, in my shoebox.


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:14:41 UTC
You make me laugh. I'll buy you some donuts. But I have no idea how you can eat six of them. I can eat sweets, yum, but I'm not sure I could eat more than two donuts, ever. They seem to sit heavy, I don't know.

The apartment was phenomenal. I know there are better ones in the city, because Oprah used to live here, but it was the nicest one I've ever been in. But I think you'll have to search elsewhere for hockey players. Though if I ran into one, to be fair, I wouldn't have known who he was unless he grabbed my face and told me or something.


throwingpens August 12 2013, 02:38:09 UTC
One time, a few years ago...I shit you not, I ate a dozen donuts in one day. I was telling the bartender that today (He was neither hot rob nor door guy i am flirting with) this and he was like...HOW.

"I started early in the day. And then I kept eating."

I'll work on it. But you've got to help if you find one. I was telling emilyla about Brandon Saad, who is often DISNEY PRINCE HANDSOME, but he's still 20. I'm confused as to which route to take: to peruse or not to pursue. (He will be 21 in October. I turned 22 in June. I'm probably too old to be comfortable with it tbh, but STILL. He used to play for the Saginaw Spirit, the OHL team who named their mascot after Stephen Colbert--Steagle Colbeagle the Eagle.)


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:50:17 UTC
I hate beards so I like this guy for you. Two years is nothing; let's find him. I bet I can do it. then you two can get married and I can be your hot bridesmaid in charge of nothing


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