The BDSM Room, My Missing Car, and Sleeping with a College Kid

Aug 11, 2013 19:45

Last night I went to a party.

I mean, of course I did. I go to a lot of parties. But most of them are thrown by friends of mine, and are pretty low-key: bonfires in backyard and barbeques and the like.

But this time, I went a party through a website. It was a cocktail party, and we were instructed to dress to the nines and come on down to a ( Read more... )

personal, diaphenia's adventures in dating, real life

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Comments 48

kyrieanne August 12 2013, 02:06:13 UTC
Good lord. I'm so boring compared to you and that is why I heart you. Not only are you extremely welcoming, but you have adventures. Though the middle part sounds stressful and I'll be happy to boycott that movie for you. Dumb impound.


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:22:15 UTC
It wasn't supposed to be an adventure. I just sort of fell into it.

I'm told this doesn't happen to other people, and I aspire to be one of those people (sometimes).


kyrieanne August 12 2013, 02:24:58 UTC
Boring is alright once in a while when you need a calm night, but I don't recommend it as an aspiration. I'm trying to figure out what my next big adventure is, but my version of adventures always involve research and lists They are adventures for me which is all that matters.


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:45:11 UTC
Absolutely no adventures I go on involve lists or planning or even much thought at all.

Which might be the difference between us, I realize now.


stars_inthe_sky August 12 2013, 02:12:24 UTC
I will absolutely boycott the movie on your behalf. Also, as far as 22-year-old strangers go, at least yours sounds like the mostly-decent sort. And you got your car back and made it home safe and sound, so mostly I'm just glad you're all right :)


saucydiva August 12 2013, 02:44:12 UTC
Yeah, he was very nice. He didn't lay a hand on me, which was good, and he stayed with me for two hours while I made calls so I didn't get kidnapped or mugged, which was also good. And he got me that donut. So I think he's a good guy, and maybe in a few years he can date Amber or something.


throwingpens August 12 2013, 03:06:10 UTC
But in a few years I'll be married to a hockey player and also that guy and I are already the same age why do I have to wait a few years?

(Because I'm stupidly mature and boring for a 22 year old, probably?)


saucydiva August 12 2013, 03:19:59 UTC
I mean you don't really seem to want to date people right now, and he needs a few years to mature before you should drink that boy wine.


emilyla August 12 2013, 03:08:43 UTC

Also, I love you and I'm very sorry you had to deal with all of this, even if it does make for a great story (BDSM room?!).


saucydiva August 12 2013, 03:22:37 UTC
It was You didn't say anything about


deathmallow August 12 2013, 04:50:36 UTC
I have not had any crazy adventures like THIS from stuff I've done with Meetup. Clearly things are quieter out here. ;)


yumytaffy August 12 2013, 06:14:38 UTC
Okay, there are many parts of that story I want to comment on, but I can't get past the plot twist of your car being towed at all, much less for an effing movie. I'm sorry you had to go on that whole adventure, even if all the details about the so, so very young college student make me laugh forever.


stillscape August 12 2013, 08:22:13 UTC
I kind of want to analyze what I was doing at 22 just to make sure it wasn't like this guy, probably was, wasn't it?


yumytaffy August 13 2013, 21:17:36 UTC
Confession: I'm closer to 22 than I'm leading anyone to believe. I'm just an old, boring, responsible person at heart. I'd like to think I was never in the "buy a person a donut to impress them" stage. On that note, neither of us were ever young college boys, so both of us were already ahead of that curve.


stillscape August 13 2013, 21:44:03 UTC
This is true.


waltzmatildah August 12 2013, 06:20:15 UTC
so when Jupiter Rising (starring Human Thumb Head Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis) comes out if everyone could please boycott the stupid thing that would be super helpful thank you. This is a sacrifice I am more than prepared to make for you, girl.

Also, I'm super sorry you had a shitty night but... you also have the best stories pretty much always so, silver lining??


saucydiva August 13 2013, 00:19:48 UTC
Somewhere, Channing Tatum is crying slow, not-terribly-convincing tears because of this.


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