Lookie lookie what I did

Mar 21, 2007 00:31

I'm on a fandom roll. Remember how I posted a while back about fake gypsy tatoos for the TS launch? I'm playing round with ideas for that at the moment, and knocked up a quick version watching tv tonight:

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Comments 5

black_trillium March 21 2007, 05:20:53 UTC
i like it. I have tried so many times to draw that thing, and failed miserably each time.
Waaaa! it's cool!


sarsalot March 21 2007, 12:01:00 UTC
Why thank you, my dear.


pageeglantine March 21 2007, 05:24:18 UTC


sarsalot March 21 2007, 12:01:26 UTC
Why is your icon mean to kitties?


cerulean_breeze April 7 2007, 11:34:34 UTC
You would bump Nancy Drew off the top of my hero list if you did that!!

It would read:

1. Sarsie
2. Nancy Drew
3. Dana Scully
4. Ziva David
5. Sydney Bristow
6. Max Guevera
7. Abby Sciuto

and so on and so forth.


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