Jan 24, 2007 23:53

Attention all Isobelle Carmody fans! Okay, so there are rumours that The Sending is going to be released this year (yeah, yeah, I know, there are rumours every year, but this time there's things in the paper and on the penguin website and such), and I was thinking I'd like to make up a version/replica of the gypsy tatoo in the books and wear it to the launch - temporary, natch, body paint or henna or somesuch. And then I thought, hey, wouldn't it be cool if, say, I made up a stencil or something, and a whole group of people could have a tat, to show that we are truly rabid fans, but I have no idea whether anyone (after Kel, who is my testing board for all manner of things) would go for this idea.

So: Carmody fans on my list, what do you think?
1.Fab idea
3. Screw body paint, we should all go to a tattoo parlour and get real tatoos, to identify ourselves after the holocaust comes.

isobelle carmody

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