Through weaving crowds and dancing lights you catch my eye

Dec 08, 2011 21:02

Title: Through weaving crowds and dancing lights you catch my eye (S/A)
Rating: PG
Pairings: Nalex
Warnings: None
POV: 1st, Nate
Summary: When Nate goes to the fair with his friend Alex, and Alex's other friends, he doesn't know what to expect, but he sure doesn't expect.. this :)
Disclaimer: Contrary to all our wishes, it's fake :/
Author's Note: Inspired (ALOT) by my trip to the german christmas market with my friends, and the layout is pretty much the same as well.

"Oh come on Nate, it'll be fun" he said "I'll stay with you" he promised. I knew it was a mistake to agree but no I just had to agree didn't I? Just couldn't say no to those beautiful brown eyes? And know look where I am!

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.. or is it the second?" Alex asks, interrupting my personal rant.
"Nah, I'm pretty sure thinking Saporta's latest 'style' is anything other than the greatest evil to face humanity since.. Saporta's last 'style'.. is the first sign" The tall guy with blue eyes argues.
"I'm pretty sure thinking that is going way beyond the signs and straight into crazy town!" The tall girl joins in.
"Firstly" The tall guy from 'somewhere with loads of U's', as Alex put it, sticks his finger up at the trio "And secondly, what was the cute little boy saying?"
"Cute little..?" I murmur
"I dunno, I only heard something about fun and brown eyes"
"Hey I have brown eyes" The Urugu.. Tall one without blue eyes replies, smirking at me in an unsettling way.
"Anyway" Alex says glaring at the tall pervert "Introductions! Everyone, this is Nate" He presents me.. proudly? Was it just me or did he sound proud?
"Nate this is Vic--"
"Victoria, but everyone calls me Vicky T" the tal-- I mean Vicky T says kindly.
"Hi, Guy Ripley from the-- Ow bitch!"
Vicky T hits him. I like her.
"He's Ryland" She adds apologetically.
"And I, my dear Nathaniel, am Gabriel Eduardo Saporta" He grabs my hand and kisses it "But you can call me Gabe" He winks
"Um.. hey" I reply meekly.
I look to Alex who's glaring at Gabe.
"To the fair" Ryland yells pointing towards the entrance and dragging Vicky T with him.
"Are those two..?"
"Not yet" Alex answers smiling before grabbing my hand and giving Gabe a meaningful look. What that meaning is I have no idea, and judging by Gabe's bewildered look, neither does he.

It was one of those fairs that have everything, a helter skelter- which Gabe vowed to conquer 'and fucking did'- the carousels- which we all 'conquered'- and a variety of stalls- mainly food. We even lost Gabe to a boy on the stalls or "A great loss that will be mourned by al-- Ooh pretzels!" in Ryland's words

"Nate, Nate!" Alex yells somewhere from the crowd.
"Alex!" I call back. We've only been separated for a few minutes but I can already feel the familiar feeling of panic rising up.
"Nate! Oh thank god" He cries before pulling me into a hug. I cling to him, willing myself to calm down.
"I'm never letting you go again" He murmurs into my hair
"Don't let go alright" he says louder, grabbing my hand.
I merely nod. He smiles back before running in and out of the crowd again, this time pulling me along too.
"Do you trust me?" He asks, suddenly twisting 'round to face me, and in the process blocking several people.
"With my life" I murmur before nodding my answer.
"Good, then close your eyes"
My anxiety must be written on my face as he then says "Well okay if you don't feel--"
"I trust you Alex, I'll be okay, honestly" I interrupt hoping the last lie won't show on my face.
"Alright" he resigns, watching my face warily as he ties his scarf tightly around my eyes.
"Keep walking, I'll guide you" He whispers into my ear, almost giving me a heart attack when he places his hands on my hips.
We continue walking like this, him weaving me through the crowds with just the slightest pressure on my waist.
"Okay, so we're at some steps now so.." he says, pulling me to a halt.
Then without warning my feet leave the floor. My arms flail around, hitting Alex in the process.
"Hey it's alright Novio, I'm just carrying you up" he pauses before adding "Bridal style!"
My mind replays what he said, analysing 'bridal style' to death, and the Spanish pet name, as I'm sure it is, and not a messed up mispronunciation of my surname.
"Okay we're here Nate, you can take the blind fold off" Alex announces ripping me from my thoughts for the second time this day, not that I'm complaining, mind.
As soon as the blind fold leaves my eyes I'm dumbfounded.
"I-I.. Beautiful"
The sparkling water cascades down the smooth stone, falling like stars from the sky, before joining its brothers in the deep pool, scattered with glittering change.
But that isn't what I'm looking at.
The moonlight skips on top of the water like a ghostly dancer, leaving not a trace behind, not even leaving a ripple as proof of its existence.
I don't even give that a second glance.
What I'm truly mesmerised by is the beautiful boy standing beside me. Half of his face bathed in light, the other shrouded in darkness.
"Um.. Nate, you're missing the view"
"I've got my own view" I mutter as I stand on my tiptoes, praying to any deity that will hear my plea. As I press my lips against his, the stars stop, the dance pauses, the view watches.

livejournal, slash, nalex

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