Was it love or fear of the cold?

Nov 30, 2011 14:20

Title: Was it love or fear of the cold? (S/A)
Rating: PG
Pairings: Nalex
Warnings: Some mentions of homelessness.. I 'spose
POV: 3rd person, an all knowing or seeing unnamed character
Summary: A cold night in London neither of them will forget..
Disclaimer: Contrary to all our wishes, it's fake :/
Author's Note: It's a song fic! The song is Winter Winds By Mumford And Sons, you don't have to listen to the song before reading, as this was more inspired by it than a direct song fic, but it's a great song so I'd recommend it :) Oh and the title's from the song.

Have you ever fallen in love in a night? Am I even in love? All I know is that tomorrow all I'll be able to remember is his warm embrace and his gentle whispers that lulled me to sleep.

The wind whipped the brunettes hair around as he jogged through the snow covered streets of London. His thin grey jacket doing nothing to protect him from the malicious winter winds. He ran with no other purpose but to find shelter, but, what he won't realise 'til many years later is, shelter can protect more than just the physical.

The taller brunette sat on the streets playing a melancholy tune on his guitar, silently praying for something, anything, even death. He closed his eyes for what he thought would be his last time. But as he will only learn after years of trying to forget it, sometimes, on a cold winter's night, in a city love forgot, magic happens.

"Hey, what's that song you're playing?" The first words he ever spoke to him.
"Um.. hi, it's just.. nothing.."
"Oh.. I'm Nate by the way"
"Mind if I join you?"

Neither of the boys knew how important that moment was. That Alex's answer could change their lives forever.

"Alright, but you will freeze to death"
"At least I'll have nice, cheery company"

And their story could have ended there, with them both sitting in companionable silence and never thinking of each other again. But the winds have other ideas.
The wind picked, sending the last of the autumn leaves flying into chaotic whirlwind.

"So what are you doing out on a freezing night like tonight?" Alex asked
"Just.. searching for something I guess, you?"
"Aren't we all? Well I'd be here regardless of the cold, this is my home"

Even today, Alex still doesn't know when he found he could trust Nate enough to tell him his biggest secret and his greatest shame.
He held his breath waiting for how Nate would react.

"Oh" he replied, snuggling closer to the brown eyed boy
"I like what you've done with the place" he added after a moments hesitation.
"I did it with you in mind" the taller boy said, placing a chaste kiss to his forehead.
"You know me too well Alexandro" he said pressing a less than chaste kiss to the corner of the other boy's mouth.

The next day Nate had to go to hospital with pneumonia. Alex didn't visit.
Alex went to the hospital the day after Nate left. He thought Nate was avoiding him.
Years later they met through the help of a Uruguayan guy and a tall, blued eyed boy.
Neither of them forgot that night. Neither of them forget each other.

Here is a link to a lyrics video of it.

livejournal, slash, nalex, song!fic

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