5 Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect for Dean - T - Chloe/Dean, Sam - Part Four

Sep 29, 2008 20:15

Title: Five Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect For Dean
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Word Count: 1,959
Summary: Sam Winchester has five reasons that prove Chloe Sullivan is the perfect woman for his brother Dean.

Previous:  Reason I, Reason II, Reason III,

IV. She Embraces Sam/Dean Time

They were in a bar; one of thousands they'd been to before. Half the patrons were drunk, the others on their way. There were a few pool tables set up, a game of poker being played in the corner, a jukebox playing some oldies, and a few couples dancing sloppily. He, Dean, and Chloe all shared a table, a few empty bottles between them. They were relaxing after a long hunt and after this it'd be sleeping in at the Motel before they were back on the road, searching for the next job. Chloe hung around an hour before claiming she was tired. Sam could see she was wired and she'd glanced at the dance floor a few times before her eyes wandered over to Dean. He wouldn't go, but she'd managed to pull Sam up for a couple fast songs earlier.

"I'm going to head back to the Motel and get some sleep," she said, standing up from her chair.

Dean reached for his jacket but stopped as she put her hand on his. "You guys should stay, enjoy your night."

Sam grinned. She did this a lot; encouraged them to hang out without her. She didn't want to impose on them and she claimed their brotherly charm is what attracted her to "road tripping" with them in the first place.

"You sure? I can drive you back," Dean offered, brow furrowed.

She chuckled. "Dean, it's around the corner. If any big bad's come for me, I'm sure I got it covered."

He sat back in his chair, still not entirely certain. Leaning down, she kissed his cheek. "Have another on me, huh?" she said before lifting his beer and finishing off the last couple swigs. She dropped the empty bottle by his hand and rounded the table to Sam. "Try to keep the drunken singing to a minimum when you guys get back," she teased, kissing his cheek too. She squeezed his shoulder before walking toward the door.

"What was that?" Dean asked, lifting a skeptical brow at him.

Sam rolled his eyes. "I don't have a thing for Chloe, Dean. And trust me, her feelings are completely platonic."

He shrugged. "Whatever. She's a grown woman... If you want her..." He turned his eyes off and motioned for another couple beers.

"You'd have my head on a pike." He lifted his brows for emphasis.

He leaned forward, arms resting on the table. "Only if you broke her heart." He half-smiled but it was stiff with warning.

"You don't have to pretend, you know... I figured it out from the beginning."

"Yeah?" Dean nodded his thanks to the bartender before cracking open another beer and taking a swig. "And what'd you figure out?" He lifted a brow.

"That you love her... That you're willing to do just about anything to have her." He shrugged, playing with the label on his beer absently. "I get it, man... Chloe's..."

"A friend and a hunter," Dean told him sternly. "Meaning she's the last person I need to be hooking up with."

"But that's just it, right?" Sam smiled rather sadly. "You don't wanna just hook up with her."

Dean snorted, shaking his head. "You don't know what I want... I think you should lay off the beer, Sammy."

He leaned forward. "I'm sober enough." He stared at him long and hard. "How drunk do I have to get you before you're honest with me?"

"About Chloe?" He smirked. "Pretty damn drunk."

Sam grinned. "Done."

Three hours later, Sam sat laughing; about what, he couldn't remember.

Shaking his head and recovering from his own laughter, Dean leaned back in his chair with a content sigh. "What were we talking about?"

Sam shrugged. "Can't remember."

Taking a drink of his beer, Dean nodded. "Chloe's been in the bathroom forever."

"Chloe's back at the motel."

Dean turned his head up, brow furrowed. "Oh yeah..."

Sam slapped his shoulder. "I shouldn't've played drink for drink with you... I 's supposed to stay sober to interrogate you."

He snorted. "I know... That's why I suggested it."

Shaking his head, Sam rubbed his forehead. "I just don't... I don't get it..." He sighed with drunken irritation. "You love her and she... She is awesome. So why don't you guys just..." He clapped his hands together and held them up to show him. "You know?"

"You're so drunk," Dean laughed.

"I am." He nodded. "But I'm also right."

"You usually are."

"Uh huh," he agreed, drinking the rest of his beer before lifting his hand for another. "She does this, you know... Leaves us here for Sam/Dean time."

"What the hell's that?" Dean frowned.

"We're s'posed to bond and crap..." He stared at him blearily. "It's how I know she loves you... She doesn't keep you for herself."

"She shares me?" He grinned goofily. "That's sexy."

"Ew." Sam shook his head. "You haven't even looked at another girl for like... a lot of cities."

He nodded. "She just got into my head, you know? And ev'ry time another woman came onto me, I just sort've..." He waved his hand around. "Didn't want them."

"That's weird."

Dean nodded, eyes thinned. "It's like she put a spell on me... You think she's a witch?"

"You're even drunker than I thought," Sam muttered, shaking his head drowsily. "What I meant was she like... She gets us... She's not trying to push me away, you know? She like... She knows we're really close and she doesn't... She doesn't want that to change." He shook his head, frowning. "Other girls would... Other girls would want you all to themselves... If you ever had any girls longer than a night."

"Hey I could have ‘em if I wanted ‘em," Dean declared.

"Then why don't you have Chloe?"

"Cause she's... Chloe!"

"That doesn't explain any-"

"No, I mean... Chloe!" He grinned, waving.

Sam looked up, grinning woozily at the blonde smiling down at them, shaking her head.

"You two are plastered."

They laughed, leaning back and nodding.

"All right, come on boys," she sighed. She shook her head as the bartender came over with another few beers, but Dean nodded.

He reached over and grabbed her hand, dragging her over until she fell into his lap. He put his head on her shoulder. "You know what you are? You are awesome. Tell her Sammy."

Sam nodded, grinning in his drunken haze. "Totally awesome."

"No arguments here," she assured, lips curled with a smile. "Let's see if you're both singing the same tune tomorrow morning though, huh?"

"If we stay up all night drinking, there's no tomorrow morning to worry about," Dean told her in his most logical voice.

She patted his cheek. "Yeah... Let's get you back to the motel and into bed, okay?"

"You gonna join me?" He smirked at her.

She lifted a brow. "You wouldn't know what to do with me." She stood up from his lap and took his hand, helping him up before she moved over to help Sam out of his chair. She shook her head at the bartender as Dean tried to grab another beer and then dug into his jeans for a few bills to pay off their tab. "Come on, you two," she said, hooking her arms with them and beginning the trek back to the motel.

"We should sing," Sam said, sighing as he shuffled side to side.

"No, you really shouldn't," Chloe told him, shaking her head.

"You like it when we sing." Dean leaned against her, resting his chin on her head, burying his nose in her hair and inhaling deeply. "You like my voice."

"I put up with your voice, there's a difference." She rolled her eyes.


She smiled up at him. "You think you'll remember this tomorrow?"

He snorted. "No."

"Good. Then your voice is beautiful."

He grinned widely. "See? What'd I tell ya?"

"I don't know, do you?" she teased.

His expression scrunched up, brows furrowed. "Huh?"


"You're mean to drunk people," Sam told her, shaking his head.

She shrugged unapologetically. "It's your own fault."

"It's really yours... If you and Dean would just..." He clapped his hands together like he had earlier in hopes that she'd get it.

Her eyes thinned as she shook her head slowly. "Play pattie cake...?"

He glowered. "No... You gotta... You know?"

"No. I really don't."

"You do too... You're just pretending you don't ‘cause then you'd have to admit that you love him too and then he'd have to admit that he loves you and then you guys will all be in love and I'll just not..." He pouted. "But I want that... Not the me not loving part but the you two loving part because you two are like... like yeah. Okay? You get him and he gets you and you get each other."

"And apparently when drunk you get completely ineloquent."

He snorted. "Whatever."

Her brows lifted with emphasis. "Point proven."

They stumbled around the corner with Chloe trying to keep their two heavy bodies from colliding with various objects before she finally stopped in front of the motel room door and unlocked it. Kicking his shoes off, Sam yanked his shirt up over his head and then fell onto his bed, curling up in a ball and stuffing his arms under his head for a pillow. "'m so tired..." he whined.

"Then go to sleep," Chloe told him, locking the doors and then checking the windows. She replenished the salt barrier and then found Dean struggling to get his shirt off. With a small laugh, she helped him peel it away and then directed him toward his bed. "Did you guys at least have fun?"

"Yeah..." Sam grinned, his eyes closed. "You do it on purpose, don't you? You leave us so we can have Sam/Dean time."

"Not what I usually call it, but hey, to each their own." She shrugged, sitting down on the end of her bed. "You guys should have some time to yourselves, without me hanging around as a shadow."

"We like you," Sam assured. "One of us more than the other."

She laughed. "Smooth."

He grinned.

"'m coooold," Dean called out, voice muffled as he laid face down.

"Then get under the blanket," Chloe replied exasperated.

"Don' wanna move."

Sam could hear some shuffling and then Dean sighed so he knew Chloe had given him a hand.

"We played pool and poker and had a drinking contest," Sam listed, rolling onto his side. "And we forgot all about hunting and death and all the crap that follows us everywhere. It was... great."

Chloe smiled. "Good. I'm glad."

"Thanks Chlo," he sighed, eyes fluttering closed as he relaxed into the bed once more.

"For what?"

He shrugged, sighing tiredly. "For not being like other women... For understanding us."

He could tell the lights had been shut off and knew she was getting into her bed. "Yeah, well... I don't think just any woman could fit in with you two."

Sam smiled agreeably. He'd have one killer hangover the next morning, but it was yet another night that had taught him a thing or two about the spunky blonde that had joined their exclusive hunting team. While she might one day win the heart of his brother and they could potentially have the happy ending, she knew them well enough that she'd never try and separate them for any reason. She wasn't out to come between them but instead supported their strong brotherhood and went out of her way to make sure it stayed in tact. If Sam had any say in Dean's love life, he'd have to say he just struck gold. Too bad his brother was too stubborn to figure it out.

[ Next: Reason V.]

In Proper Order: [ Next.]

fic: 5 reasons sam knows chlean, crossover: supernatural/smallville, author: sarcastic_fina, series: five times chlean, ship: chloe/dean

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