Title: Five Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect For Dean
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Word Count: 553
Summary: Sam Winchester has five reasons that prove Chloe Sullivan is the perfect woman for his brother Dean.
I. She Doesn't Put Up With His Crap
The music was loud; enough to break eardrums at any second. Had been for the last six days while Dean worked out whatever was bugging him this time. Sam was sick and tired of it but every time he brought it up, he was shut down and ignored in favor of work. If he had to listen to much more of this though, he was either jumping out of the Impala while it was still moving or something even more dramatic could be in the near future.
Reaching over, Chloe did the unthinkable. She turned it off. With a scowl, Dean glared at her.
"I'll make this easy," she said, leveling him with a stare. "You either tell us what crawled up your ass, Winchester, or I put Britney on!"
His jaw clenched and he eyed the radio before turning back to the road.
Chloe began digging around in her bag. "Hit Me Baby One More Time or Oops, I Did It Again?" she asked, lifting a brow.
Dean shook his head. "Blasphemy," he muttered.
With a sigh, she leaned forward, resting her chin on his shoulder. "I've put up with way too much Zeppelin and Metallica for your little hissy fit, Dean. So either spill your guts or put up with ear bleeding pop music." She waited, not moving or saying anything more.
Sam could see his jaw twitch and wondered if maybe he should warn Chloe about Dean's short fuse. But then, she'd been around awhile now and she knew Dean, better than probably any woman before her. The fact that he wasn't immediately shouting or pushing her away said something in itself. Sam held his breath, waiting for something, anything to happen.
When Chloe reached forward, Britney Spears tape in hand, Dean turned the car swiftly to the side and brought it to a humming halt. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. She sat back, knowingly, just waiting for him to finally spill what was on his mind. And Sam knew then, even before his brother finally said what had been on his mind the last week, that Chloe Sullivan was going to be one of those people; one of those women in Dean's life that left such a big impression, she was never forgotten. And the fact that Dean listened at all, that he didn't just bite her head off and throw her tape out the window, meant that his brother already knew that too.
When all was said and done and they were back to driving, this time without the earsplitting metal-rock and thankfully not the sugar-sweet pop music either, Dean turned in his seat to eye the blonde in the back. "You ever put Spears in my stereo and you're riding in the trunk."
She simply grinned.
Dean tried to hide his amused smirk before turning back toward the road.
Sam put a hand over his mouth and stared out the window so his brother wouldn't see his knowing smile. Their family road trip just got way more interesting; he was suddenly happy that his brother had picked Chloe up in the bar and invited her along on their unusual journey. He had a feeling things were going to be taking a different route than Dean ever expected and Sam was happy for it.
Next: Reason II.]
In Proper Order: [