5 Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect for Dean - T - Chloe/Dean, Sam - Part Two

Sep 20, 2008 16:33

Title: Five Reasons Sam Knows Chloe Is Perfect For Dean
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Word Count: 921
Summary: Sam Winchester has five reasons that prove Chloe Sullivan is the perfect woman for his brother Dean.

Previous:  Reason I,

II. He Actually Gets Jealous

"Look at him... Stupid Don Juan reject," Dean muttered, lifting his beer to his mouth once more.

Sam cocked an amused brow at his brother before looking back over at Chloe who was currently hustling some guy in pool and putting on the charm so he wouldn't catch on to her ploy. "It's just a game, Dean.

"I know," he replied stiffly, shrugging. "Just don't think it's smart having her pull in the money. All these drunk, groping apes, ready to drown her in their drool."

He smothered his laugh. "Uh... Getting jealous?"

"What? No." He snorted. "Every chick in here's been eyeing me up."

"Yeah..." Sam looked around at the few women remaining, either too drunk to see straight or nowhere near Dean's already low standards. "Quite the pick you got there."

"Shut up," he muttered, staring at Chloe still, watching as the guy fumbled behind her, rubbing his crotch against her backside and acting as though it was a complete accident.

It was clear to everybody but the guy behind her that Chloe was disgusted, but Dean still frowned, glaring at the guy. "You know... She came in here with us, so for all he knows, she's one of ours... Least he could do was check!"

"She's not though." Sam stared at him. "Chloe's single and therefore-"

"Yeah but he doesn't know that," he ranted. "She walked in with us; she could be leaving with us. But does that stop him from feeling up her ass? No! No, he's all over her ass."

"Uh, Dean-"

"And look at her, just soaking it all in." She laughed across the room but even Sam could hear it was forced.

"Maybe you should-"

"Did you see that?" Dean interrupted, crossing his arms over his chest.

Sam's brow furrowed, glancing over at the two. The guy was standing a little close, sipping his beer and peering down at Chloe as she bent forward to take her shot, purposely showing off a little cleavage. "See what?" he asked.

"The casual boob touch..." He nodded, eyes thinned. "Idiot thinks he's gonna get lucky."

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah and if he stays thinking that he'll continue to suck at pool and Chloe can pay for our room tonight," Sam reminded, shaking his head.

"I swear if he touches her one more time..."

"Dean!" He shook his head. "I'm not spending another night in the Impala because you can't admit-"

"I'll be right back." He was up and off his stool before his brother could finish and Sam sighed, watching as Dean crossed the room, boots clomping.

As Chloe looked up, her already stiff smile faded as she lifted a warning brow at Dean. He shrugged his shoulder like he didn't know what she was trying to stop him from doing and then rounded the table. Sam didn't have to be there and hear what was being said to know what was happening. Dean's arm slid around Chloe's waist and because she wasn't willing to get into it with Dean and likely loose any winnings, she leaned into him too, her head naturally falling to his shoulder. Dean said something down to her and then smirked up at the guy she'd been scamming as if to say, "Better luck next time, chump, this one's mine."

Sam caught Chloe's annoyed eyes across the room. She pursed her lips and a moment later when he noticed Dean wince, he knew Chloe had pinched him. To get back at her, he slapped her butt and then motioned for her to wrap up the game. He walked back across the room and grabbed up his beer, now looking quite smug as he sat back down.

"Feel better?" Sam asked, shaking his head.

"Much." He nodded.

"One of these days, you know... She's not going to put up with that."

He grinned, nodding. "Yeah, not tonight though. She'll be done in five and then we can get some sleep." He yawned, leaning back on the bar with his elbows.

"Yeah Dean..." He scoffed. "You interrupted them because you were tired."

Dean glared. "What other reason is there?"

Sam shook his head. "I could think of a few."

"Yeah, whatever." He sipped his beer and waited for Chloe to come on over, hips swaying and money in hand. She slapped it down against Dean's chest with a frown.

"Let's go, Caveman," she told him before leaving the bar for the Impala.

With a sigh, Dean followed after her. "I wanna stop for something to eat first."

"Suck it up," she called back.

"You suck it up," he muttered lamely.

Rolling his eyes, Sam threw down some money for their beers and headed out after them. At least she managed to finish the game this time; at the last Dean couldn't put up with it any longer and interrupted, nearly dragging her away in the process so they were stuck sleeping in the Impala, again. He spent half the night listening to them argue over why he was being a jackass about her doing the scamming every once in awhile. Sam was ready to climb out and sleep on the highway when Dean muttered his version of an apology and they all finally got some sleep. But if it happened again, he wasn't going to hold back. He was going to make sure his brother knew that everybody was well aware he had feelings for their snarky blonde companion and hopefully that would shut Dean up, for once.

[ Next: Reason III.]

In Proper Order: [ Next.]

fic: 5 reasons sam knows chlean, crossover: supernatural/smallville, author: sarcastic_fina, series: five times chlean, ship: chloe/dean

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