Merlin Fic: Lean

Dec 18, 2008 23:06

Title: Lean
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur

Summary: Exactly 200 words of in media res porn. ( Because the world needs more bottom!Arthur. )

merlin, fic

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Comments 13

rainchild December 19 2008, 05:26:28 UTC
I have no idea how you made this so hot with only 200 words. I am in awe of your l33t skillz! :)


justthismorning December 19 2008, 05:29:42 UTC

This was hot and awesome and did I mention hot and awesome?

Love the trust and the "lean on me" bit. :)


slashybits December 19 2008, 08:52:18 UTC
It's amazing what you can pack in to 200 words. Lovely and hot!


from_the_corner December 19 2008, 11:57:08 UTC

*not coherent enough to leave a proper comment*



pobbit December 19 2008, 11:59:25 UTC
All that in only 200 words! Wow. I am quite impressed with the detail and the hotness.


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