Merlin Fic: Lean

Dec 18, 2008 23:06

Title: Lean
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur

Summary: Exactly 200 words of in media res porn. ( Because the world needs more bottom!Arthur. )

merlin, fic

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Comments 13

voldything December 19 2008, 13:02:05 UTC
asdgjfhdf ♥


fadagaski December 19 2008, 15:28:00 UTC
Wow. PWP with, y'know, PLOT. Impressive.


_profiterole_ December 19 2008, 16:50:37 UTC
Magic hotness! ^_^


matan4il December 19 2008, 21:49:35 UTC
avoiding the still tender bruises left behind that day by those who meant to kill him. To steal him away where Merlin could not follow.
That natural flow from a sex scene to background info and where they are emotionally? That's absolutely beautiful. The rest is hot and the ending is perfect. Thank you.


rose_walker22 December 20 2008, 00:05:05 UTC
How can you get sooo much hotness into 200 words 0_o!
It was amazing and hot!
And the last line is awesome.
Gave me shivers a bit sctually!
Hot, yeah i think that sums it up.

p.s. I love Top!Merlin so double points for you too!


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