MKSP: 113 Forget Me Not

Apr 07, 2009 19:16

Michael Knight Sex Project: 113 Forget Me Not ( Read more... )

mksp, picspam, knight rider, screencaps, episode notes

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Comments 45

vespurrs April 8 2009, 01:56:06 UTC
I haven't even had the chance to read your last MKSP! ARGH!!!!

*runs away*


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 02:09:23 UTC
They're not going anywhere. And this will be the last one for a while. I have another paper due and then a vacation. That's why I've been sort of piling them on for a bit.

Take your time. There's no rush to get through them. :D


mab_browne April 8 2009, 02:22:52 UTC
Wasn't Miss Blonde Actress in Dallas at one point?


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 03:46:48 UTC
That's entirely possible. I never watched Dallas so that's not where I recognize her from, but she does kind of look like she could have been on Dallas.

I wonder if she was one of those ubiquitous character actresses who had guest roles in basically every TV show made in the early 80s.


mab_browne April 8 2009, 03:52:29 UTC
I was thinking that it was Audrey Landers who was in Dallas but it was in fact her sister Judy. (Why does my brain remember trivia like this but not necessarily useful stuff? *g*)


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 04:03:26 UTC
Wow! Go you for finding that! My IMDb-fu is poor so I'm not in the habit of looking there for guest actors in TV episodes.

Looking over her page there I saw her in The Love Boat (in seven different episodes as different characters), Fantasy Island (multiple times), Charlie's Angels, Vega$, Happy Days, The Fall Guy, The wonder I recognized her. :D



illeryana April 8 2009, 02:56:49 UTC
Random comments:

Since you've screencapped Michael in the car so much, I've totally realized that his headrest is nowhere near high enough to do him any kind of good. Also, I don't think he ever wears a seat belt.

In season 3 maybe, Michael wears this sort of sheer black shirt with blue jeans a lot. I like it. Maybe you will too.

I thought it was kind of mean that not only does Michael make KITT jealous over women, but now he's making KITT jealous over cars. I guess it's kind of cute too though. He kind of asked KITT out on a date. But then he kind of asked the girls out on the same date, so yuck.


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 04:22:32 UTC
I would never have noticed the headrest thing because I also don't have mine high enough to do any good--it's uncomfortable. You're definitely right about the seat belts and I have noticed that. Playing the Making Sense of Canon game that's easy to work around--KITT's not going to get into an accident so he doesn't need them. Also, they weren't such a big deal in the early 80s and I don't think most people *did* use them.

In season 3 maybe, Michael wears this sort of sheer black shirt with blue jeans a lot. I like it. Maybe you will too.

Oooo!! Just from the description I like it already. ::drools::

I'm not sure that Michael realizes he's making KITT jealous about women. I was thinking about this after the last episode and exchanging a couple of comments with madelinestjust--it's clear that KITT *disapproves* of the ::koff:: variety in Michael's social life, but it's not necessarily clear to Michael that he's *jealous* per se. So when, in A Plush Ride, he's talking about going to Margo's room giving KITT something to brood over...I really don't ( ... )


illeryana April 8 2009, 18:52:56 UTC
Later in the show KITT gets this passive laser restraint system that I guess holds you in your seat like a seatbelt, so I can see why there are no seatbelts after that, but right now I don't think he has it. I guess seatbelts weren't cool enough looking. I think you can actually see where it's been removed ( ... )


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 19:03:40 UTC
I guess seatbelts weren't cool enough looking. I think you can actually see where it's been removed.

I haven't noticed that you can see where they've been removed but ... they're not cool enough looking and putting it on would slow him down. The Dukes of Hazzard also never wore seatbelts--after sliding across the hood of the General Lee on their hip then jumping in through the window taking a two seconds to put on the seat belt would look pretty silly. :D

I like the passive laser restraint system idea though. That's pretty fun. :D

Weren't you going to write something about Michael realizing he's making KITT jealous or was that just wishful thinking on my part?Sort of, kind of. That's not where it was going--but I think the fact that it wasn't going there is why it stalled. Basically the next story in the Adrenaline series (if it happens) is going to be them dealing with the fact that Michael wants to be an active partner sexually, which he hasn't been so far in that series. The jealousy thing would be one way to get to that point ( ... )


luckybluestar April 8 2009, 03:46:21 UTC
Hi! I've been enjoying your KR posts. ;) I actually watched this episode again a couple weeks ago. lol

Would it be all right if I made icon bases from your screencaps? I promise not to hotlink, and will see that you receive credit.


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 03:58:35 UTC
Hey! I'm so glad you're enjoying the posts. :D ::bounces::

I'm having a ton of fun with them, so there will definitely be more. :D

You are absolutely welcome to make icon bases from these caps. Go for it. I'd love to see what you make, but that's just because I'd love to see what you make, not a requirement or anything. Have fun!


luckybluestar April 8 2009, 04:03:35 UTC
This was the first episode that came to my mind when you started doing them. hehe

I several done already, but I wanted to clear it with you first before I made them available at knight_icons. We only have a basic paint program, so there won't be that much done to them. I make them for roleplays mostly.

Thanks! :D


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 04:37:54 UTC
This was one of the ones that inspired it. Also "Give Me Liberty..." because in that one it's absolutely *certain* in the script that Michael and Liberty had sex--and then Liberty was a total manipulative horr about it the next morning.

I didn't realize there was a comm for Knight Rider graphics! Sweet! Do you suppose they might be interested in wallpapers and icons as I make them?


madeleinestjust April 8 2009, 09:13:49 UTC
--I really do try not to mention the credits every time because you know, they're the *credits* but I love the car porn element to them--random flashes of KITT's tail lights, and side mirror, and bits of the dashboard. It's all very fun and hot. In an automotive way.

It's all about Kitt, really, isn't it? ;) And my goodness, but Kitt deserves - and can handle - the attention. I love how the car drives up to the camera and then disappears under it in the first frames, and then drives away at the end. They don't make credits like they used to!

To paraphrase from an absolutely awesome anime fan parody: It takes a man who's very secure in his heterosexuality to wear black suit with a pale pink shirt, tie, pocket square, and even a pink flower as a boutonniere.

And a car that doesn't technically have a gender to get away with recommending a paisley tie.

--The fact that there's a black TransAm that can drive itself is like the Worst Kept Secret in the *universe*. :D KITT just got himself out of valet parking in front of two valets. Did ( ... )


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 15:13:17 UTC
I love how the car drives up to the camera and then disappears under it in the first frames, and then drives away at the end.

Eeeee! OMG I love that part! And the fact that anything that's not a shot of *KITT* is on his monitor screen. Everything through his eyes. :D That's a nice thing.

why does Kitt have ramps for his back wheels when he's parked outside ME's beach house? To keep the sand out of his turbines? So that he looks better pointing forward? Are they starters blocks?

OMG I totally didn't notice this! ::runs to go watch and see if I can see this::

Wow! How odd! Good spotting.

::scratches head:: I bet from a filming point of view it was so that KITT would show better and not be hidden behind that other car there. But for the Making Sense of Canon Game, maybe that's so he can get a quick start out if they have to leave in a hurry--starters blocks as you say.

I also totally missed the padded bumpers on the cars KITT pushes out of the way. Heee!!

Of course, the same jump didn't kill KARR, because he reappears in KvKI ( ... )


madeleinestjust April 8 2009, 15:47:07 UTC
I haven't seen KvK since it originally aired, but I got the impression that the *computer* survived the jump off the cliff but the car was schmeissed (computers being that much sturdier than specially indestructable cars, of course). Is that not right?Nope, that's the end of KvK - Michael says 'Never say never, pal' when Kitt asks him to promise they'll never have to go through that ('that' being KARR) again, and then it cuts to a shot of KARR's sparkly black box blinking and chirping away amidst the wreckage (doesn't anybody at the Foundation clear up after themselves?) A third KARR revival was obviously on the cards, but they never got around to it, sadly - I would much rather have had a KARR trilogy than a Stevie lovefest ( ... )


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 23:28:47 UTC
Hmmmm! I've been nervous about watching KvK but you've made it sound muy intriguing. I'm very curious to see it now. :D


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