MKSP: 113 Forget Me Not

Apr 07, 2009 19:16

Michael Knight Sex Project: 113 Forget Me Not ( Read more... )

mksp, picspam, knight rider, screencaps, episode notes

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sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 15:13:17 UTC
I love how the car drives up to the camera and then disappears under it in the first frames, and then drives away at the end.

Eeeee! OMG I love that part! And the fact that anything that's not a shot of *KITT* is on his monitor screen. Everything through his eyes. :D That's a nice thing.

why does Kitt have ramps for his back wheels when he's parked outside ME's beach house? To keep the sand out of his turbines? So that he looks better pointing forward? Are they starters blocks?

OMG I totally didn't notice this! ::runs to go watch and see if I can see this::

Wow! How odd! Good spotting.

::scratches head:: I bet from a filming point of view it was so that KITT would show better and not be hidden behind that other car there. But for the Making Sense of Canon Game, maybe that's so he can get a quick start out if they have to leave in a hurry--starters blocks as you say.

I also totally missed the padded bumpers on the cars KITT pushes out of the way. Heee!!

Of course, the same jump didn't kill KARR, because he reappears in KvK

I haven't seen KvK since it originally aired, but I got the impression that the *computer* survived the jump off the cliff but the car was schmeissed (computers being that much sturdier than specially indestructable cars, of course). Is that not right?

She could have at least picked a bath sheet and not a hand towel - it just about covers the necessary .. uh .. points. I was actually quite shocked, in a family-viewing sort of way, when I first saw this scene!

OMG I know!! ME really does seem to have an aversion to wearing clothes--which given the clothes she does wear makes some sense--she looks much better in the bathing suits. :D I'm wondering if the itty-bitty towel thing wasn't part of her trying to manipulate Michael to ignore Micki's problems and get his mind back on her father. Sort of: "I'm a helpless waif who needs you too, see, and I'm only wearing a towel."

Kitt is more offended about Michael driving other cars than he about the women - which shows that Kitt does think of himself as a car as well as a computer (to return to our previous debate!)

Okay, so returning to the previous discussion...maybe KITT realizes that one of the things he offers to this partnership is the *car*, not the special features of the Knight 2000, but just the vehicular transport element of being a car. So if Michael's in another car (especially an inferior one like a rental), well then it makes one of KITT's major contributions less, erm, necessary. I'm not explaining this well, but if Michael's valuing other cars as *cars* then that takes a bit away from what he's valuing KITT for. Maybe. Or maybe that just doesn't make any sense at all.

I haven't seen "Diamonds Aren't A Girl's Best Friend" but I wonder if there isn't some element there of Michael in an inferior car being more at risk...or maybe I just *hope* for that. KITT being unwilling to trust Michael to just any old vehicle.

But yes, KITT does have a definite affinity for other cars and, though they're not sentient the way he is, he feels for them--in the episode with the blind girl he goes on a bit of a rant about all those poor cars abandoned out in the shopping center parking lot, forgotten. And in "Custom KITT" the way they convince him to let them tart him up is because of all those poor cars being customized against their will.

Overall, I think Michael ditches them both

I like this idea. I think they do a bit of cursory cruising around, just because he has to do *something* with them once he's there, and then drops them back at the beach house and goes off with KITT.

(Did anyone see a plot bunny around here?)

Oh, I'll help you wrangle that bunny if you'll write it! :D Because OMG what fun that would be! And I'd so love to read another story by you....::bats eyelashes::

Sorry to labour on every other point

NO no no no! Please don't apologize. This is precisely why I post these--because I love to talk about this stuff!!

This isn't one of the best episodes, but I do really enjoy it, despite poor dimwitted Micki.


madeleinestjust April 8 2009, 15:47:07 UTC
I haven't seen KvK since it originally aired, but I got the impression that the *computer* survived the jump off the cliff but the car was schmeissed (computers being that much sturdier than specially indestructable cars, of course). Is that not right?

Nope, that's the end of KvK - Michael says 'Never say never, pal' when Kitt asks him to promise they'll never have to go through that ('that' being KARR) again, and then it cuts to a shot of KARR's sparkly black box blinking and chirping away amidst the wreckage (doesn't anybody at the Foundation clear up after themselves?) A third KARR revival was obviously on the cards, but they never got around to it, sadly - I would much rather have had a KARR trilogy than a Stevie lovefest.

Anyway! Supposedly, KARR didn't explode when he shot off the cliff, but merely got washed back up on the beach and buried in sand. For two years. The saltwater bleached his scanner and voice modulator from red to pale yellow, and also grew him a licence plate! There are so many holes and inconsistencies in KvK, but honestly, I don't care - and the writers obviously didn't either (Kitt's line: 'But I saw him explode! *You* saw him explode!' is no doubt aimed at the viewers, warning us to just suspend our disbelief and get on with it!) KARR is fantastic, he really is, from waking up with a 'Wrowr!' sort of sound, to actually using the phrase 'lo and behold'. In fact, I think I prefer KvK KARR to TDR KARR, except for the loss of his innocence - the scene where he starts to cook Mandy to death in his cabin is very well done, and quite scary.

Oh, I'll help you wrangle that bunny if you'll write it! :D Because OMG what fun that would be! And I'd so love to read another story by you....::bats eyelashes::

Stay tuned. I might come a-grovelling for a second opinion very soon! ;)


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 23:28:47 UTC
Hmmmm! I've been nervous about watching KvK but you've made it sound muy intriguing. I'm very curious to see it now. :D


illeryana April 9 2009, 03:16:48 UTC
It's very good - or rather KARR is very good. I almost want him to win.


madeleinestjust April 9 2009, 06:32:14 UTC
'KvK' is a 'safe' episode for me - which mainly means that Michael isn't on the verge of a nervous breakdown again, and the team are still together! KARR is wonderful - he's voiced by a different actor (Paul Frees) and is much more 'eeevil'. I suppose it makes sense - before he was just afraid of being deactivated again, now he's out for blood.

And you have to read alryssa's review of the KARR episode from the new Knight Rider series - I was in stitches: Knight to King's Pawn (thanks to vespurrs for the rec!) I mean, for god's sake - Transformers? I know Peter Cullen was the voice of Optimus Prime, but this is just taking the piss.


sara_merry99 April 9 2009, 16:39:16 UTC
That review was a *hoot*!! OMG I was dying!! "I'm a KARR! I'm a KARR! Suck my carburetor, I'm a KARR!" just had me laughing out loud. :D

I'm now very interested in seeing KvK...but I'll get there eventually. :D


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