MKSP: 113 Forget Me Not

Apr 07, 2009 19:16

Michael Knight Sex Project: 113 Forget Me Not ( Read more... )

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illeryana April 8 2009, 18:52:56 UTC
Later in the show KITT gets this passive laser restraint system that I guess holds you in your seat like a seatbelt, so I can see why there are no seatbelts after that, but right now I don't think he has it. I guess seatbelts weren't cool enough looking. I think you can actually see where it's been removed.

I read those comments about the jealousy thing. You're probably right. Weren't you going to write something about Michael realizing he's making KITT jealous or was that just wishful thinking on my part? Anyway, hint hint, I'd love to read it. I liked the last fic you posted. It was sweet:) I liked Michael saying he didn't care what Devon and Bonnie think.

Oh, not really related, but I know you had mentioned slashing Michael with Devon. Definitely not my thing, but I get hints that it was a reasonably popular pairing in the past. I only found a few things on it, but then again I wasn't really looking. I get the impression it may have been written a long time ago and isn't really available on the net anywhere anymore. Just FYI.


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 19:03:40 UTC
I guess seatbelts weren't cool enough looking. I think you can actually see where it's been removed.

I haven't noticed that you can see where they've been removed but ... they're not cool enough looking and putting it on would slow him down. The Dukes of Hazzard also never wore seatbelts--after sliding across the hood of the General Lee on their hip then jumping in through the window taking a two seconds to put on the seat belt would look pretty silly. :D

I like the passive laser restraint system idea though. That's pretty fun. :D

Weren't you going to write something about Michael realizing he's making KITT jealous or was that just wishful thinking on my part?

Sort of, kind of. That's not where it was going--but I think the fact that it wasn't going there is why it stalled. Basically the next story in the Adrenaline series (if it happens) is going to be them dealing with the fact that Michael wants to be an active partner sexually, which he hasn't been so far in that series. The jealousy thing would be one way to get to that point and might be the best way.

I'm so glad you liked the last fic! That one was just a little bit of happy fluff. :D

It's not that I'm interested in slashing Michael with Devon, but there are definitely a few little hints, mostly on Devon's part that he might be interested. Next episode, when I get there, has the scene where Michael's shirtless and Devon's checking him out *blatantly* (seriously, long slow cruising look, speculative smile, "Oh, hello" in a sexy voice, the whole deal). In my universe, though, this just means that Devon's going to get his heart broken, because Michael's for KITT. :D

It's interesting that it used to exist. If it was written about when the show was on I'm not surprised it's not on the 'net--it might never have been. That was the era when slash fanfic was passed around privately by mail and under tables at science fiction conventions. I'll have to look at the used 'zine boxes at the next 'con I'm at and see if I can find any. :D


illeryana April 8 2009, 19:52:43 UTC
I remember the paper stuff. I actually had some - for Startrek though. Yeah, I'm not interested in the Devon stuff either - I just thought you'd be interested to know that you're not the only one to notice it. I hope you do write that next installment - I really enjoy that series!

One thing I did find, and it was mostly an outline of ideas for a story - was a story about Devon and Michael being lovers, and then a plot device happens and KITT ends up in a human male body, and they may or may not do a threesome. Devon can see that Michael is totally getting into KITT and figures the only way to keep Michael is to let him be with KITT too. I'm not sure who wrote that or where I saw it.

Anyway, something you said in a comment somewhere prompts me to ask, do you see KITT as a 'male' personality? Do you even think there are male and female personalities - or is gender just a function of our physical bodies? The body (car) obviously has no gender, but does KITT? Oh that reminds me, I think there are a few occasions where Michael refers to the car body as a she (as ships and cars are generally considered to be feminine), but he always refers to KITT as he. This would indicate that at least on some level, Michael doesn't equate KITT with the car.


madeleinestjust April 8 2009, 22:21:46 UTC
*sneaks in, hopefully uninstrusively*

This would indicate that at least on some level, Michael doesn't equate KITT with the car.

I wondered about this, with Michael calling the car/Kitt both 'baby' and 'pal' at different times, when trying to chivy a little extra traction/power out of the Knight 2000. In 'Goliath Returns', when he's stuck in the quicksand after falling for Garthe's ruse, it's 'baby', suggesting that he's talking to the car (feminine), but in 'Ring of Fire', when they're in the swamp and Michael is using the grappling hook around a tree to drag them out, it's 'pal'. (Or possibly the other way round, it's late and I'm confused!) Perhaps it's how much input Kitt the Computer has in getting the car to go?

*continues to intrude* I see Kitt as delightfully neutral, in a way. He is a 'he', obviously, and his voice is that of William Daniels, a male actor, but I don't regard Kitt as 'masculine'. This is why I have trouble with fan fiction that puts him in an android body - far too conclusive. How could a man that Michael would be comfortable with get away with half the stuff that Kitt says - and *how* he says it?

*butts out again*


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 23:27:41 UTC
I wondered about this, with Michael calling the car/Kitt both 'baby' and 'pal' at different times, when trying to chivy a little extra traction/power out of the Knight 2000.

::wanders off to the happy place where "baby" is a rarely used pet name for KITT and it's really just a sign of their deep and romantic bond with one another::

Baby's not my favorite pet name in any story, less so in slash, but it can work in the right situation...

::wanders back some time later::

Your suggestion that it could be that the difference is how much input KITT has to getting the car-body unstuck is an excellent one. At least says someone who hasn't seen either of those episodes. :D

I see Kitt as delightfully neutral, in a way. He is a 'he', obviously, and his voice is that of William Daniels, a male actor, but I don't regard Kitt as 'masculine'.

::points down to what I said in response to illeryana::

I agree with you entirely. KITT's a "he" and he's definitely not got a *female* persona. But he's also certainly not a "masculine" male persona either. Seriously, if he had a far more butch macho-male persona he couldn't get away with suggesting a paisley tie to go with the pink shirt. :D It's like KITT's got a fairly stereotypical gay male persona.

It's actually kind of interesting, you're right, that Michael gets along with him as well as he does--because there's every reason to expect that Michael's a fairly macho guy (the Special Forces background, among other things, points in that direction). And straight as hell. But KITT's got a queer persona and it doesn't give Michael the slightest bit of problem at all. Go Michael! :D


illeryana April 9 2009, 01:20:10 UTC
Yeah, I actually love the baby as long as it's directed to KITT and not just the car or some random chic. You have a lot to look forward to :) There's actually an episode where Michael quotes part of a Shakespeare sonnet to KITT.

I guess KITT could sound kind of like a gay guy. I don't know where he would get that kind of personality though. Why would he be programmed that way? And if it wasn't programmed, where would he pick it up? Oh, that's right - Devon :) I have to admit, in spite of everything I've said, I do find it much easier to see KITT in a male human body than a female one.

Michael seems like he should be macho based on the facts about him, but honestly he has some queeny characteristics too. He's very interested in his appearance. There's one episode where he's debating whether he should go back and buy this jacket from some man boutique. Also, he has a lot of female friends (as you've said). His attitude definitely doesn't read as macho to me. He really doesn't seem like the stereotypical cop or military guy.


sara_merry99 April 9 2009, 01:38:42 UTC
There's actually an episode where Michael quotes part of a Shakespeare sonnet to KITT.

Eeeeee!! ::makes dolphin noises::


And if it wasn't programmed, where would he pick it up? Oh, that's right - Devon :)

See?! :D *grins*

I have to admit, in spite of everything I've said, I do find it much easier to see KITT in a male human body than a female one.


To test this, I was just doing a thought experiment and trying to picture a scene in an AU version of that series with KITT in the android where Michael suggests that they make the android a woman--because Michael's *straight* and would respond to a woman's body more and really what difference does it make to KITT, right? Even just as a thought experiment, it was pretty telling because there's no way to make that scene work without KITT getting pissed and hurt and Michael being a jackass. At least not in *my* head.

ETA: To be more clear, I guess I'm not really thinking that series, per se, just that setup, with the characters as in the series. If Michael and KITT had an acknowledged emotional and sexual connection and KITT were going into an android body, is there any way for Michael to suggest that body be female without being a dick? I can't come up with anything.

He really doesn't seem like the stereotypical cop or military guy.

Well, neither does my dad and he was a Colonel. And I think being in Special Forces means you don't have anything to prove to anyone about your masculinity ever again. (One of these days I will do some research about Special Forces training and post it. It's quite impressive/terrifying/awe-inspiring.)


illeryana April 9 2009, 02:57:56 UTC
Maybe KITT would suggest a female body just to make things easy? That's why I was wondering if KITT considers himself to be male. If he does, then he would be upset about a female body. If he doesn't, then he would probably think that it goes without saying that the body would be female to suit Michael's tastes. I can't remember if there's ever a scene where KITT balks at being referred to as a she.

Do you think that if they had a romantic/sexual relationship that this would cause the question of a more humanoid form to come up (given that everything is technologically possible in KR)? Do you think KITT would ever get tired of being Michael's secret lover (because I mean who would understand it other than maybe Bonnie)?


sara_merry99 April 9 2009, 16:25:42 UTC
Maybe KITT would suggest a female body just to make things easy?

I can't see him doing that, but maybe that's just me. I actually can't see Michael expecting it either. As I said, I think Michael generally thinks of KITT as "he" (a few slips about the car aside).

I don't know that I can get away from my own "Hell, no" reaction to get down to what the characters think. :D

Do you think that if they had a romantic/sexual relationship that this would cause the question of a more humanoid form to come up (given that everything is technologically possible in KR)?

It's an interesting question. And another one where I have trouble getting away from my own reaction.

It's sort of like Beauty and the Beast--whenever I read that fairy-tale (or watch the Disney movie) I get sad and sort of freak out when the Beast turns into the handsome prince. If I were Beauty, I'd be asking for my Beast back and really having to almost make a whole new relationship with this new person. Which maybe means I'm shallow in a weird prefer-the-monster (or at least have-trouble-dealing-with-the-handsome-guy) sort of way.

If I were Michael I'd want KITT as KITT, not as an android. And I feel so strongly about that that I really can't get out of my head and into Michael's.

Do you think KITT would ever get tired of being Michael's secret lover (because I mean who would understand it other than maybe Bonnie)?

I don't know if KITT would ever get tired of being the secret lover, but I think Michael might find himself eventually unhappy at *having* one. Michael's a pretty WYSIWYG sort of guy, I think. But because I am a big fluffy-bunnies squishy romantic (for all that I'm also an angst-ho), I'm confident they could work that angst out. Or would find that the pleasures the relationship had to offer made it worth dealing with that problem.


illeryana April 9 2009, 01:10:27 UTC
I think you may have it backwards:) But yeah, I remember the 'baby'. I like to think that was aimed at KITT (you can call a man baby), but I really don't know if it was aimed at KITT or the car.

I don't know that I believe very strongly in gender, so in the absence of any strong evidence I do see KITT as kind of androgynous. I know you do go there, but I don't think that means he isn't capable of having any sexual interests - maybe in Michael.


sara_merry99 April 8 2009, 23:15:02 UTC
Should I be embarrassed to admit that I *want* to read the story that comes out of that outline you found. Like "would give body parts" levels of wanting here. That sounds freakin' awesome--particularly if it wound out with Michael and KITT together...not that I *want* Devon's heart broken of course but I have trouble believing in threesomes in a lasting way and Michael and KITT are for each other. Of course it would be even *better* if KITT was still in the car rather than in an android body....

Oh, man. If you spot that again, could you link me? I might have to contact them and see if I can take their bunny and make it my own.

do you see KITT as a 'male' personality?

Without getting into gender theory and gender politics too deeply--I think "gender" (as opposed to "sex") has little to do with bodies and everything to to with psyche/personality/whatever you want to call it. Learned that lesson from the *first* transgendered person I knew and it's been reinforced several times since.

Generally I think of KITT as male...because Devon and Bonnie and Michael refer to him as "him" consistently. He's pretty queeny and his voice is borderline androgynous, but he's still male to me. Like a gay guy isn't a woman, you know? Definitely *not* female.

Oh that reminds me, I think there are a few occasions where Michael refers to the car body as a she (as ships and cars are generally considered to be feminine), but he always refers to KITT as he. This would indicate that at least on some level, Michael doesn't equate KITT with the car.

Oh, I'll be *looking* for Michael to refer to the car body as "she" as opposed to him thinking of KITT as "he". That's fascinating!

I think Michael doesn't equate KITT with the car. At least he equates them far less, I think, than KITT does. In Soul Survivor, Michael's much less upset at having KITT as the portable TV than KITT is--now there are a lot of reasons for this, but I think Michael, because he still has KITT's *voice*, still has his reassuring presence, doesn't feel that KITT's been, erm, disembodied to the extent that KITT feels he has been.


illeryana April 9 2009, 01:05:32 UTC
Fanfic - I'm pretty sure I saved it. If I find it where should I email it? Some scenes are fleshed out, and then some parts were just outlined. KITT actually ended up in a human body - not an android body. I would actually like to read it too, but I don't think it was ever finished. I'd love to see your take on it.

Transgender people are to me the strongest argument for the existence of gender (gender apart from how someone is socialized and apart from the effects of their biological bodies). Aside from that, I never thought of KITT as female - I just wonder if there's anything male there or if 'he' is pretty much completely androgynous. Does KITT just come across as male because he's constantly referred to as a he and is voiced by a male? He was programmed by people who believe in gender, so they may have unconsciously programmed him with some gender. I wonder if KITT thinks of himself as male.

I know there is at least one instance where Michael tells KITT 'give her to me (meaning give control of the car to Michael)'. I'm not sure there's anything else.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of continuity about how Michael sees KITT. In one episode he tells KITT 'you're my car'. Then in another episode he tells KITT that KITT and the car are basically too separate entities. And it's not a steady progression over time - it seems to go back and forth. But there are a lot of times when KITT says something that makes it seem the he really identifies himself as a car.


sara_merry99 April 9 2009, 01:23:52 UTC
Oh, if you find that story please email it to me at saramerry99 at gmail dot com .

I have a strong suspicion that the bunnies that your recap of the outline created in my mind are hopping off in different directions from the original story (without a doubt because I wouldn't in a million years put KITT in a human body).

KITT doesn't strike me as completely androgynous, but it's hard for me to put my fingers on why. Maybe it is because he's referred to as he and has a masculine voice.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of continuity about how Michael sees KITT.

Well that's the damn truth, unfortunate though it is. It's also true that relationships have lots of different facets. In a sort of extreme case my boss is also my ex-mother-in-law and when my ex and I were still married I would sometimes approach her as a mother-type-figure (if I needed medical advice for example) and sometimes approach her as an employee and sometimes as more of a friend (because for the most part I like her). This is how she and I are still able to work together since my ex and I divorced.

So it's possible that Michael identifies KITT more closely with the car when he that's the element of the relationship he's psychologically in at that moment, less closely when he he's thinking of his friend or his partner. People just *aren't* consistent in that sort of thing.

KITT does have a distinct affinity for cars. :D And his total freakout in Soul Survivor about being in the TV points to you being right that KITT thinks of the car as his body in a rather seamless way.


illeryana April 9 2009, 02:06:36 UTC
Sent - let me know when you get it! I hope you get some ideas from it, but I'll tell you right now I don't think I can read a Michael/Devon sex scene. I was a little grossed out just reading the outline. I think it's the older guy thing, cause usually I'm all over the slash.

I know what you mean about real life being complicated. I don't know why we expect fiction to be more straight forward. Isn't one of the episodes when he tells KITT 'you're my car' towards the end of season 1? They try to reprogram KITT?


sara_merry99 April 9 2009, 02:10:31 UTC
Eeeee!!! I did get it, thanks!!

If I do any Michael/Devon slashiness I'll make sure it fades gracefully to black. :D

Isn't one of the episodes when he tells KITT 'you're my car' towards the end of season 1? They try to reprogram KITT?

Yes, "Chariots of Gold" and OMG the ending of it is just made of flaily awesome.

When I get to that episode and watch it again I'll see what I think about calling KITT his car there. But that whole scene is really just...::swoons::


illeryana April 9 2009, 02:59:29 UTC
I don't remember the ending - I'll have to rewatch it - or wait for the recap:)


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